Sunday, January 27, 2019

Something needs to change/unsupportive family

I've been steadily gaining weight over the past year or so for no apparent reason. I stopped going to the gym, but then again I never really went more than 1-week spurts a couple times a year. I have had the same diet, more or less, for years. In April 2018 I was 145 lbs at 5'5" female. I weighed in today at 164. That's 4 lbs since Christmas. I've been logging my meals diligently since November and have maintained a 500-1000 calorie deficit every day based on fitbit estimations. Obviously something doesn't add up here. I'm going to add daily exercise to the mix and see how that helps, but CICO should be making the weight decrease by now, not increase. I'll knock off an extra 200 calories from my budget as well. Hopefully that does something.

One of the biggest barriers to my weight loss journey has been my mother. She grew up with her parents body shaming her, so she's got her issues of her own. But sometimes I feel like she's trying so hard not to pass those issues to me that she goes too far in the other direction. If I refuse a second helping of food she accuses me of trying to lose weight as if it's a bad thing. Today I opted out of bread at dinner and she proclaimed to all the guests at the table that I had started "this new keto fad" (I'm not, and I have never even mentioned the keto diet to her. She must have read an article online). I have never tried dieting in any way other than basic CICO because I'm afraid of what she might say. Well, I'm officially overweight according to the standard BMI categories, so it's not like there's something wrong with changing my diet or making steps toward losing weight. I feel like she's monitoring me as if I had an eating disorder: the scale is hidden in her bedroom, she notices how much/little I eat, she confronts me if I eat less than usual. What I would really love is for her to leave me alone to make these choices without having to justify myself. Has anyone dealt with unsupportive family members?

submitted by /u/Sibby_44
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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