Wednesday, February 6, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 07 February 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just got diagnosed with hypothyroid but I’m not giving up!

I was diagnosed with a thyroid disorder that everyone in my family has that I was deeply hoping to avoid. At our recent get together, my sibling (who has achieved skinny-dom through CrossFit and won’t stop talking about it) told me my face “looked puffy” and that I should get my thyroid checked.

I was stubborn and didn’t want to, and I was even more upset when my test results came back and my thyroid was completely out of wack. I felt like they were right for thinking that about me and I was pretty embarrassed to have gained enough weight to look noticeably different to my family. I went on a weekend binge and felt terrible, even after losing some weight through CICO and exercise.

Monday was a new day and I’m back on the wagon. I’ve got my medicine, my doctor also suggested I try over the counter L-Theanine for anxiety and it’s awesome. I’m logging my food, back on the bike working out and for the first time I want to go to the gym. And I’ve been going enough now that my workouts are becoming easy! Unbelievable. And get this, those muffins that tempted me in the binge? Threw ‘em in the trash. It was empowering. I’m not giving up! Not even close!

Anyway, I love this group and the support here and want to know others who discovered thyroid issues through weight loss.

submitted by /u/agirlcalledher
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First update

Hi, I was planning on updating once a month just to keep myself accountable. I am not comfortable posting pictures of myself yet, I just want to get down some more weight. I feel really good though, more energy and I am all around more friendly and connecting with my surroundings. I for once am attending all my classes and my thesis is coming along nicely. Am doing a 4 -5 day split,
Day 1- Chest/Back
Day 2- Legs/Lowerback
Day 3- Shoulders and arms
Day-4 rest/ or active recovery ie swiming
Day-5 restart or take an extra day if need be.

My diet is all 4oz of turkey a day and shit tons of veggies. Breakfast is usually a fruit of some sort followed by two reasonable meals that are eaten by 8pm. My goal is to consume about 1800 cal a day and expand it to more when I start to pack on muscle. The weight is coming off at what I think is a good rate, I would like to hear some opinions on maybe what I should add to the diet or what does anyone think of the weight loss so far. I do not want to overdo it but I really like how I have been feeling. I am going to attach a pic of my scale chart. Thanks for your time and for reading.

submitted by /u/Mr-AlergictotheCold
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Telling yourself the whole truth

I haven't posted for a while, but I've been maintaining a significant weight loss for around 8 months now. There have been some challenges, primarily due to an injury I sustained that meant I had to give up my favorite exercises (running and walking) for 3 months. But I'm getting back into running now and am feeling good. While on a run today, I was talking to someone about my weight loss and I was articulating an idea to them that I just wanted to share in case it helps anyone. A big rule I have now is to tell myself the WHOLE truth about things.

Example: "Food soothes/calms/comforts me when I'm feeling upset"

This is absolutely true. I've known this for a long time and using food as a coping mechanism was a primary reason I was so overweight. And I think if you say this to yourself, it's easy to see why eating would be appealing when you are upset. But while true, it's not the whole truth.

The whole truth: "When I'm eating, food makes me feel better IN THAT MOMENT. Once I stop eating, those bad feelings and the situation are still there. But now I've added some other bad feelings on top (shame, guilt, fear about the future, physical discomfort if I really overeat). And I've added weight to my body, which makes me less healthy, embarrassed about my appearance, etc. I trade temporary relief of negative feelings for more negative feelings and worse health"

Telling myself the whole truth about my behavior and choices has really helped me. Sometimes I might still decide to soothe with food; it's rare that I do that if I tell myself the whole truth, but it's happened a couple of times. But at least then I acknowledge what I'm doing and am making an informed choice. Food = comfort is simplistic and makes it seem like a pretty easy and benign choice. Why would you say no to comfort? The whole truth makes the choice different. I can choose to soothe that way, but then I have to acknowledge what I'm really choosing. I apply this to a lot of situations and it's been transformative in my thinking!

submitted by /u/scw212
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I didn’t plan to lose weight, but now I am.

I set out this year to develop a better work-life balance by spending more time looking after myself and fueling my body with what it actually needs. I work from home, running a small business, so I don’t get any incidental exercise.

Last year, I would work 10-12 hour days everyday, eating whatever I could just grab and eat at my desk and my version of exercise was throwing a ball for my dog at the park.

When my boyfriend brought home some bathroom scales, I was so distressed when I saw it hit 99kg. In fear of hitting 100kg, I started walking my dog 2kg every morning. After 6 weeks, I mentally felt better, but I also developed plantar fasciitis. My physio told me that I shouldn’t go for walks but rather try swimming until the pain went away. So I took up swimming and it made the pain disappear. And I realised how much more productive and stable my days were becoming with this new morning routine. I get up, I walk my dog for 2km (now that my feet aren’t in as much pain), go home for a light breakfast, change into my swim hear and hit the pool for 10x100m laps.

I think the best part of my new routine is the balance. Ive decided that mornings are for me. I use my mornings to work out, plan my meals for the day etc and then the rest of my day is spent working. This new balance means that I dropped 3kg in January, even though I spent 4 days with family interstate and multiple celebrations such as Australia Day just eating junk food. So far this month I have lost another .5kg.

This morning I weighed in at 94.8kg. I haven’t been this light since before I started my business. I have spent my whole life trying to lose weight for the sake of losing weight. Now that I am trying to simply find balance, weight loss is just a side effect.

submitted by /u/TinCrocodile
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I ate a cookie... now what?

Does anyone else feel a sense of guilt or shame when they indulge in a moderate portion of something that doesn't perfectly fit into their meal plans? I'm about 89 calories over my target for the day so it could have been worse.

I have a feeling that eating sweets in moderation and not letting it throw everything off track is where sustainable, long-term weight loss lives. But I still can't help but feel like I failed myself.

The silver lining is I'm no longer purging to compensate when I eat something "unhealthy". I'm trying to focus on how positive it is that I'm slowing healing my relationship with food. But it's still hard not to beat myself up over it. Anyone else struggle with this?

submitted by /u/halfbakedcatmama
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV - My best friend of 8 years didn't recognise me today.

19 / Male

SW: 301 CW: 230 GW: 195

I haven't seen my best friend for 3 weeks due to both being busy and ususually we would usually see each other daily at the gym we both go to.

In that time I have lost another 6lbs, but much more importantly I have brought a new outfit for the first time since starting my weight loss 7 months ago. I was wearing a large jumper and 34" skinny jeans, instead of the usual 3XL jumper and 42" jeans, and it did a lot better job of showing how much my body had changed to the point where my friend didn't recognise me at first when he saw me walk into the gym today!

I have kept putting off buying new clothes for a while as I didn't want to waste money by them not fitting in a few months but just getting a single outfit that fits me well has given me a huge confidence boost. I have struggled to see the change in my body before as I have been wearing the same oversized clothes for months now but now, I have never felt better about my self.

Just for referance:

I have gone from a 46" waist jeans to 34" jeans which are skinny and the first pair of skinny jeans I have ever owned

I have also gone from a 4XL to a L-XL, depends on brand and fit (slim, regular, ect)

I have gone from a 21" neck dress shirt to a 16.5" neck

I have also lost nearly 3" off my wrist too

I have even dropped half a shoe size!

submitted by /u/jacoblb_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat