Wednesday, February 6, 2019

First update

Hi, I was planning on updating once a month just to keep myself accountable. I am not comfortable posting pictures of myself yet, I just want to get down some more weight. I feel really good though, more energy and I am all around more friendly and connecting with my surroundings. I for once am attending all my classes and my thesis is coming along nicely. Am doing a 4 -5 day split,
Day 1- Chest/Back
Day 2- Legs/Lowerback
Day 3- Shoulders and arms
Day-4 rest/ or active recovery ie swiming
Day-5 restart or take an extra day if need be.

My diet is all 4oz of turkey a day and shit tons of veggies. Breakfast is usually a fruit of some sort followed by two reasonable meals that are eaten by 8pm. My goal is to consume about 1800 cal a day and expand it to more when I start to pack on muscle. The weight is coming off at what I think is a good rate, I would like to hear some opinions on maybe what I should add to the diet or what does anyone think of the weight loss so far. I do not want to overdo it but I really like how I have been feeling. I am going to attach a pic of my scale chart. Thanks for your time and for reading.

submitted by /u/Mr-AlergictotheCold
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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