Sunday, February 24, 2019

I finally broke my plateau!

I've been slowly losing weight over the past year. Not as aggressively as a lot of you on here, for sure - I'm down about 40lbs over the year, and aiming for the same this year. If the rate stays consistent (I know it may not) then I'll be back at my high school weight by the end of the third year, and meet my lowest around half a year after that. I'm setting interim goals - for this year, I want to get back under 200lbs. The loss over the past year included some setbacks and mistakes, so I think it's very reasonable for me.

Speaking of setbacks...until this week I had been stuck between 240-245lb for 3 months. I think it was a number of things, including some body recomposition, because I did lose a couple of inches during that time. But it was also the holidays, eating out too much, etc etc. The usual culprits. But. I finally realized it wasn't going to magically change unless I upped my activity or reduced my calories. So I dialed my calories in from the recommended 1lb/week loss and here I am! Weighed in at 234.6lb this morning and I am so, so proud of myself. I've had extended weight loss plateaus before, and in the past that had been the point where I would give up and yo-yo back up to where I started or worse. But this time I wasn't going to let that happen.

Obviously I probably could have figured this out a little sooner, but I'm so glad that I did, even if it took me a couple months to get there. I've started eating foods with more protein instead of carbs for breakfast and wow, what a difference it makes in my hunger level. I'm eating literally half the calories and feeling full for hours instead of getting hungry an hour later.

As for activity, I still need to figure something out. I've been doing belly dance once a week for 4 months and I love it, but I still have a hard time regularly exercising at other times during the week. I talked to my instructor about private lessons so that's one avenue to more exercise that I love. But the other things I've I get tired of yoga after a few months and stop. I have a stationary bike that I don't get tired of, but without fail I end up hurting either my knees or feet on it and don't get back on for a while.

I did spend last weekend digging up grass in my yard to turn into a flower bed, and that was great exercise, but obviously not something I can do every weekend. But I am finding myself naturally making changes in my life to be more active and eat better, and that is encouraging to me.

Not really looking for advice here - I know that I probably need to be a little more religious about the accuracy of my logging, and that ultimately I'm going to need to either be more active or eat less or both to continue the losing trend over time. But I'm finding that making small changes is working really well for me, so I'm going to take it one step at a time. Today I'm just happy that I took those steps instead of giving up.

submitted by /u/sorabird
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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