Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Changes to Habits

I polished off an entire large fast food pizza between yesterday's dinner and this morning's breakfast. 2560 calories, ack! Worse, I only decided I was going to order pizza that afternoon, so I hadn't planned around it! My stomach hurts this morning as a result, and I spent quite a while feeling guilty about it. However, the more I think about my overindulgence, the more I realize that this isn't going to derail me at all, because I have developed some "skinny bitch who eats whatever she wants but never gains any weight" habits.

  1. Because I knew there was going to be pizza for dinner, I ate a much smaller afternoon snack than usual.
  2. I earmarked two of the eight slices for breakfast before I even started eating.
  3. I left food on my plate. I didn't want the crust on my last two slices, so I didn't eat them. That seems obvious, but think a lot of us have finished food just to join the clean plate club.
  4. I added a quick walk after dinner to help settle my stomach.
  5. I didn't snack in the evening after finishing dinner, though I usually budget around 400 calories for PM snacking.
  6. My packed lunch is about 250 calories smaller than my usual today. This isn't penance, but I know I'm not going to be very hungry at noon after eating a much larger breakfast than usual.

I didn't consciously think about these actions helping to "undo" my pizza. They're all choices I wouldn't have made this time last year, and individually they're pretty small. Taken together, though, these little habits ensure the occasional extra-indulgent food choice are only tiny blips in weight loss or maintenance.

submitted by /u/PolkaDotPurgatory
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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