Sunday, February 24, 2019

When you begin to doubt your progress..

Take pictures!

Wear old clothes!

The mind is sometimes your biggest enemy throughout all this and can not only make you feel like you are not going forward, but even backwards.

By taking pictures you can see the differences, especially when comparing pictures with the same articles of clothings. Sometimes you will notice not only have you lost weight, you have gone down 2 or 3 sizes, you now have muscle lines on your legs and back and abs, and your face looks slimmer and your hair looks healthier!

Document everything!

I have stacks upon stacks of notebooks where I record all my caloric intakes for the days, including cheat days, and exercises. It is easy to feel like you are not doing enough but as long as everything is recorded, the mind games lose out in the end.

And finally, be kind to yourself!

No one is perfect. Celebrate your victories against tempatations and take your falls as an oppurtunity to do better than next time. Turn cheat days into refeed days and an oppurtunity to kill it the next day at the gym. Take the imperfection of this process as a healthy reminder that weight loss is a lifestyle change and not a straight forward road and embrace the ups and downs of this life changing journey.

Good luck :)

submitted by /u/scapegoat101_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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