Monday, February 25, 2019

NSV: I fit into my prom dress again and what I've learned so far...

I started my weight loss journey in October 2017 at (roughly) 208lbs. I never imagined that I would stick to CICO for so long or that I would lose and keep of a substantial amount of weight. I had tried using Myfitnesspal before, but until I found this community, I never knew about and that was a game changer for me. I also never knew that you shouldn't try and just cut as many calories as possible because that's not necessarily helpful. So after reading lots of posts here on r/loseit, I decided that I would try a 500 calorie deficit per day, which put me at 1640 calories per day. It was difficult at first. For those of you just starting out, please know that you do not have to drop to a 500 calorie deficit right away... you can ease into it! But, I managed to maintain my deficit on most days, and for the days I didn't, I learned (again, through the help of this sub) that as long as the surplus days are not cancelling out all your hard work to create a deficit, you will still lose weight.

I have learned that you do not need to be perfect to lose weight.

And when you "mess up", i.e. go over your goal calories for the day, go over maintenance, go 500 over maintenance, etc... it is okay. Just pick it up again tomorrow.

I have learned to be patient with myself.

As a teacher I have a seemingly unlimited amount of patience with my students, but I am not always so kind to myself. I wouldn't expect anyone else to change their whole life's habits overnight. Why should I expect that of myself?

I have learned to "know thyself."

If keto plus weight training works for you. Great! As a vegetarian, keto does not sound like a feasible idea to me, nor does the idea of cutting out foods or making them off limits. If you're better off eliminating certain foods for a while... then you do you! There's no one right way to lose weight for everyone. For me, personally, I've found that a less-restrictive approach works. As long as I meet my calorie goal, honestly, I don't get too worried about what I'm eating especially since I tend to eat healthier foods and cook at home almost all the time.

Aim to sustain

This goes hand in hand with the point above.. know thyself and know what you can live with. Potato chips and other salty, fatty snacks can be my downfall, but if were to I cut them out completely, I'd be miserable and would rebel. I wouldn't stick to my diet... and I'm going for a lifestyle change here! So, every once in a while, I will indulge. Or I will portion-control it. I get out the scale for the chips and weigh out the amount I am logging.

But at the same time, don't make logging too complicated! There are some times when I go out to eat or make a recipe and I really don't want to find all the ingredients and weigh my portion etc... but just add a generic "minestrone soup" and call it good. I learned this from u/funchord's rule of big numbers (is that what it's called??)

Essentially, don't drive yourself crazy losing weight or logging your food, or you're not going to want to keep it up.

Play the long game

I have lost 62-ish pounds? so far. However, the last 10 have taken several months to come off.... we're talking like a pound per month here, folks. I also would like to lose 10lbs more. Initially, I lost the first 40lbs pretty quickly, but have had to be patient with the last few. And you know what, at 146lbs, I can't be losing 4lbs a month any more... it's not healthy, and if I push myself too hard, no good will come of that. Sure, maybe I could lose 2lbs a month healthily enough, but honestly, as long as the overall trend is down, I'll take it!

So what about that prom dress, VeggieViolinist?

I had a professional photo shoot scheduled yesterday. I had planned to wear a bridesmaid dress that I wore for a wedding on January 5th of this year. The dress was a snug strapless dress. Yesterday morning, I tried in on and it was decently looser than when I wore it in January. It made me think, since I last tried my prom dress on around the time of that wedding, it was still a little too small for me then... so I tried it on before I left... and it fit perfectly! In fact, I think it looks better than when I wore it to prom almost 10 years ago. So, I took both dresses with me. My old prom dress was a great outfit for my shoot with my violin. It's not one of those crazy, poofy, over-the-top dresses, but looks more like a recital dress. I cannot wait to get those photos back! Very very excited! I honestly did not think this was a possibility back in October 2017, but small changes of habits over the last 18 months have really added up to some major results.

TLDR.. be patient with yourself, be yourself, and stick with it y'all!

submitted by /u/veggieviolinist2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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