Saturday, February 23, 2019

Yesterday I walked 65km (40 miles) for charity, after losing 19kg (41lbs) in the last four months.

As I type this, my feet and legs are screaming at me, wondering why the hell I made the foolish choice to do a 65km charity walk yesterday. Walking (and getting up off a chair) is currently extremely difficult, and when I do walk, I look like I must have some kind of permanent disability.

In November last year I weighed in at 107.4kg, or 236 pounds. I knew I'd been putting on weight, and I knew exactly why - I'd been eating like an absolute bastard. A stressful job with an amazing burger place nearby combined with my lack of self control (correction: a lack of desire to exercise self control) meant that I was the largest I've ever been. Clothes weren't fitting anymore, I was hugely unfit, and I was just so uncomfortable.

I decided to download LoseIt, and set myself a calorie limit - and stuck to it. My self control at this point was pretty solid, with a few little breakout/cheat moments here and there, and the weight started falling off. After a month and a half I started going for long walks (10-15km) since it was a lot easier to get around, and about two months ago I signed up for the charity walk.

So here I am, at home - in not insignificant amounts of "good" pain, after completing the longest walk I've ever embarked upon. I'm incredibly grateful to this sub and it's residents, and the easy-to-follow advice around CICO and weight loss in general. I've got another 4ish kg to go before I'm at my goal weight, and I'm confident now that I can get there and maintain in the future, so thank you everyone!!

submitted by /u/Uzorglemon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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