Sunday, February 24, 2019

20 pounds feels like a bigger milestone than I ever imagined!

26/F/5’8 SW: 199 CW: 179 GW: 145

For so many reasons 20 pounds has been an even bigger milestone than I imagined. I started my journey on January 4th. I lost 13 pounds fairly quickly and have now slowed to a healthy 1-2 pounds a week. At my last Sunday weigh in I had lost 17 pounds total.

This last week was really hard on me. I failed exercise wise. I only went to the gym on Wednesday and I’ll be going again tonight. I usually average 3-4 days a week at the gym so 2 felt like a big fail and I wasn’t expecting a good weigh today. I anticipated it was likely be the same as last week.

I made some huge mental strides this week. I did some organizing around the house of messes I had left behind from a period of laziness/depression and it definitely took away from the gym time. I felt that was ok because this journey is about a whole lot more than weight loss to me. It’s about finding a happier and healthier version on me. So getting organized is certainly a step in the right direction.

I stepped on the scale anticipating no change and hopefully no gain. I was shocking and THRILLED to see I’m 3 more pounds down!! This makes my total loss at an even 20 pounds.

If you’re on a journey, and you have a hard week know that one bad week won’t derail you entirely. I’m ready to get back in the gym and level out to my 3-4 days a week again. I had a bad week for fitness, but I had a great week in regard to mental health and that’s still a win. Seeing a 3 pound loss was the cherry on top of the cake!!

submitted by /u/luckylua
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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