Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Should You Exercise When Sick and other Q&A from Instagram stories

Here’s the latest Q&A from the @RunEatRepeat Instagram stories. We’re talking about running while sick, blogging or podcasting as a full time job, running the Boston marathon, rest days and tapering for a half marathon. I answered all the questions in video but here’s some extra information.

Running when sick_ How many days do you run in a row_

If you have a question for me… ask!


Ask via Instagram stories: @RunEatRepeat Instagram stories

Call the RER voicemail line: 562 888 1644

Can you exercise when you have a cold chest congestion (640x640)

What kind of exercises if any do you do when you’ve got a head cold, chest congestion, headaches…

Remember the phrase, “If it’s in your chest… you must rest.”

So I avoid running with chest congestion. But I wasn’t clear if you were asking about those symptoms individually or all at the same time?

If I have a cold or headache I’d consider a nice walk, short run, strength training or yoga at home. All that depends on how bad any symptoms I have are making me feel. Above all else – listen to your body. Respect it’s need for rest, fuel, movement, love…

I always suggest that you go to your doctor if you are sick, have an injury or are unsure about any health issue no matter how big or small.

You can also check out these resources…

Is it okay to exercise if I have a cold? from the Mayo Clinic

Should I rest or run with a cold? from Runner’s World

Exercising with Respiratory Infections from Harvard Health


Is RER your full time job?

Yes, this lil website and the RER social media accounts have grown into a full time job for me. I started Run Eat Repeat to document training for my 1st and only marathon and diet struggles. I was having a really hard time losing weight, with my body image, training for a full marathon… and I really connected with people on other fitness and food websites.

I wanted to start my own site so I’d like a professional name / handle to use when I commented on other people’s feeds and blogs.

So I thought up the name Run Eat Repeat… looked it up to see if it was available and opened up a WordPress account to use to build up a blog for free…. RER was created! (Okay the whole process of starting a website or blog is a little bit more involved… but I promise it’s easy. It just takes some steps to get it going.)

I did that about 10 years ago and it was meant to be a little hobby and way to make friends online. I never expected it to turn into a real website with a big following or big social media accounts! But I was having fun and documenting my running and eating and eventually it grew and grew until I realized I could get some compensation for all this work.


Have you ever run Boston or the Houston marathon?

Yes I’ve run the Boston Marathon! I haven’t run the Houston Marathon… yet. I’ve heard it’s a great race and fast!!

I ran the Boston Marathon with the Hyland’s Powered All Women’s Team in 2017. The company is a big sponsor of the Boston Marathon and each year they put a team together to celebrate runners and a legendary race.

The year they asked me they were celebrating women because it was the 50th anniversary of the first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon. It was a huge honor!!

And speaking of a big honor… this year I’m hosting the show documenting the team’s training journey!! Follow Hyland’s Powered so you can watch the runners rack up 10,000 all together!!

(Note: Most runners need to qualify for the race based on a time qualification. I haven’t run fast enough for that… yet!)

Boston Marathon tips recap travel information

Boston Marathon Training, Race weekend and other posts:

Training for the Boston Marathon with Team Hyland’s (training recap)

Getting to Boston and the Boston Marathon Expo

I ran the Boston Marathon and all you got was this lousy blog

Boston Marathon Post Race Party

Boston Marathon Race Recap

Boston Marathon Pre-Race Tips and Packing List

Last Minute Reminders for the Boston Marathon


How many days do you run in a row before you take a rest day from running?

I usually run about 3 or 4 days in a row before taking a rest day.


Tapering advice for a beginning half marathon runner? Is it necessary?

I think it’s necessary. If it’s your first half marathon I think sticking with whatever taper the training plan you’re using suggests is the best idea. Tapering for a half marathon or other long distance is often directly correlated with the length and intensity of the training plan. So going off plan for taper is like going off plan for another important aspect of training (which runners are less likely to do).

You want to show up for the race feeling energized and excited! Tapering can help you rest up and be ready to really rock 13.1 miles. But tapering looks different for different runners / plans. Do what’s best for you, your body and your goals.

If you have a question for me… ask!


Ask via Instagram stories: @RunEatRepeat Instagram stories

Call the RER voicemail line: 562 888 1644

The post Should You Exercise When Sick and other Q&A from Instagram stories appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

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