Monday, February 25, 2019

I feel like I'm doing everything wrong.[Vent]

I'm about 7lb down from the beginning of January and while I'm pleased with that so far, I'm frustrated with all the conflicting advice.

I posted here recently about starting with SlimFast (which had worked for me in the past). A lot of people came up with some pretty convincing reasons why that wasn't a good strategy, so I decided to keep the shakes for breakfast and try and do CICO, 1200-1400 calories a day with MFP. That's been *mostly* working fine (birthday parties and wedding wine tasting events notwithstanding, but I'm only human).

However I've maintained this week despite being really good. It MIGHT be a hormonal thing, but I posted my disappointment on another forum and have been told:

-MFP is no good at calorie counting, always comes up too low.

-1400 calories isn't strict enough for maintained weight loss

-A couple of people trying to steer me into something called Team RH which you have to pay for and is one of those things where they say you can eat all your favourite things and still lose weight

-I'm eating too many carbs and not enough protein.

That last one doesn't sound like too difficult a change but I just feel like I'm making all the wrong decisions I've already cut my daily calorie intake by more than a third, and then cut it down again. I'm walking about 6,000 steps every day. I feel like I read here so many times that CICO is the only reliable way, and yet there's so much conflicting advice!

Is there really such a problem with MFP? I am weighing and measuring my food when I cook from scratch, I'm using the barcode feature whenever appropriate.

Edit: oops, forgot some vital info. 32/F/5'5/190lb

submitted by /u/imperialviolet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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