Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Stop being jealous of people who were never obese.

*A message to myself*

Stop being jealous of people who post photos of themselves shirtless, with their abs showing and their pecks bulging. You were sweating it out in the gym this morning, to, remember? They have been thin their entire life. When it came to body sculpting, they probably had to eat more to achieve their goals. You have come so much farther than they have. Look at your progress pics. Look at the stats on fitbit and MFP. YOU HAVE SCALED MOUNTAINS, and have faced challenges and overcome barriers those thin/toned people probably never have (and I hope never will, for their sakes).

Going from morbidly obese to fit and healthy is so much different than people with a normal BMI who decided to start getting in shape. I catch myself being jealous of these people, but what I have to remember is that they haven't had the same challenges as I have with all of this. I was over 300lbs in high school. I've come so far this year - I finally have a jawline, definition in my arms, and veins in my hands (gross but cool).

I'm not going to wake up tomorrow with rippling muscles and a 32-inch waste. It might happen - it will if I keep going, because if there's one thing I've learned the last 14 months of weight loss, it's that if I will it to be, it will be.

When you're scaling mountains to get where you want to go, don't feel bad when you see someone who only had to overcome a little hill to get to where they want to be. You'll get there, and your journey is going to be so much more transformative because of where you began.

You will get there. Trust the process, and persist. Above all, persist.

submitted by /u/INTJam_on_toast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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