Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Halfway to my weight loss goal

My SO and I began our weight loss journey on 20th of January. We’d both known for awhile that we were carry extra weight and it all culminated one night when we realised how unhealthy we were living after having some friends over, and realising how disgusting the food we’d eaten made us feel. A few tears were shed over where we had ended up.

I ended up being M/27/185cm (6’1”)/107kg(236lbs).

Anyway, the next morning we cleared our fridge and cupboards of any crap food. Since then we’ve been on a programme of 450cal meals for lunch and dinner, with no junk food or fizzy drinks, as well as being more active (couch to 5k, walking, playing squash). I’ve found that I now actually enjoy running (something I used to HATE), and last night set my PB for 5km of 28:48.

The change in lifestyle hasn’t actually been too difficult, and while a certain level of self restraint when around junk food has been necessary, we both decided that we wouldn’t let our new diet get in the way of life e.g. I had a slice of a friends birthday cake, will have a beer with friends to celebrate something. Previously we had tried exclusive diets which cut certain things out etc and just instantly failed because it seemed impossible, somehow doing things the way we have this time has struck a good balance! There have of course been more difficult days than others when we crave crap food, but having friends around to encourage and support us has been huge.

Today marks 10kg (22.5lbs) down for me, and I kind of can’t believe it. Being able to fit into clothes I haven’t worn for over 2 years, mixed with the compliments from people at work has really kept me encouraged that I’m on the right track!

I can’t wait until we both hit goal weight and then can post some progress pictures! Definitely looking forward to not being the chubby guy at work and feeling uncomfortable in my own skin!

submitted by /u/FortyOneDegreesSouth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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