Friday, March 1, 2019

Some advice on target weight, BMI, and health?

My main question is kind of just this: What are the merits of measuring by BMI vs. just aiming for the lowest sustainable weight that I can be confident I can to maintain, to be "healthy"? I've seen articles arguing for the pros and cons of each, stating constant weight fluctuations are injurious to health in their own way.

Some background, I'm female, 26, 5'2", vegetarian since I was a kid. I'd always been on the border of normal to overweight BMI, but my weight since high school has wildly fluctuated due to various diets or exercise regimes and then gaining it back because it wasn't sustainable with my schedule or interests. I hit my highest last summer, at 198lbs in July. Now I'm down to 170lbs. I lost those 28lbs through my own take on intermittent fasting, which works very well with my work schedule, habits, and lifestyle, and I'm tentatively confident I can stick with it because I don't feel like I'm "trying hard" to follow a weight loss program, which is usually what ultimately made me give up on previous attempts. I am bad at sticking to exercise so while I go for walks and to the gym occasionally because I feel like it, I don't think it's a good strategy for me to sustain a weight.

Like I said before, I've had massive weight fluctuations throughout life, and the lowest I've been was 130lbs at 21, which would be the "healthy weight" by BMI for my height. But I remember having serious trouble sustaining it, putting on ten to fifteen pounds really easily and requiring constant vigilance and extra management through exercise despite eating around or less than 1500 calories every day. Looking back through my various weight loss periods, the weight I've managed to sustain easily for the longest time as an adult is 140 to 145lbs, which is on the "overweight" BMI for my height. So my question is, if it is sustainable, would it still be a better target weight for me to work towards getting to now, and strive to maintain for the rest of my life, than to feel constantly discouraged that I'm not losing those last ten to fifteen pounds to get to "healthy" weight?

I've seen some recent studies which say aiming to have a waist to hip ratio less than 0.75-0.8 and a waist measuring 30 inches or less would be a better goal to work to for health as well. I'm presently at 0.81 on the ratio, at 34 inches on the waist. Some thoughts on that?

submitted by /u/beyourownmotivation
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My best is not your best, and that's okay.

I'm 39, 5'9 at 259.5 lbs. I started my rescue mission 1.5 months ago at 272lbs. I'm a volume eater, and have been since I was roughly 8 years old.

I subscribed to this sub about a year ago. I wanted to lose weight, and while too painful to seek out regularly, the posts from this sub would pop up in my feed. My hope was that some wisdom/determination/fairy weightloss godmother would have an impact on me. Between chronic depression, dysphoria, and years of self destructive habits, I didn't know what else to do. I was lost and miserable, which was status quo for me. What was different now was that I could feel my body beginning to break down. I have arthritis in my lower spine, a herniated disc that causes high levels of pain each day, and am on cholesterol medication. My knees creak audibly when I walk.

When I interviewed for a new job in January, a fog lifted. The prospect of leaving my abusive job of 13 years made me lean towards a fresh start, in any ways I could manage. I downloaded the LoseIt app that folks mentioned here, and committed to logging everything I ate.

I got the job. I started it on 2/4, making more money, in a healthier environment, that pushes me in good ways. I've lost 12.5 lbs. I struggle with my old food habits every day; it's extremely difficult. I felt constantly "hungry" for weeks, but focused on the calorie budget. Eating at restaurants is the hardest, when there is no calorie count displayed. I'm not working out, eating a specific diet and tracking my macros...that sounds like THE best, but I think I am doing MY best.

I don't know if I'll succeed in recovering from my food addiction. I don't know if weight loss will make my back hurt less. I could die of a heart attack tomorrow, because I waited so long to take care of my body. The one comfort I would have would be that I'd die knowing that at least I was trying.

submitted by /u/iDeeplyRegreddit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

7 Weekend Weight Loss Blunders to Avoid

Do you and all your best intentions to lose weight say “TGIF!” the day before the weekend starts?

Weekend weight gain is a real thing—and you know it. You get a grim reminder every Monday. If you still don’t believe it: Researchers at Cornell found that the majority of people weigh more on Sunday and Monday than they did on Friday.

What’s going on every weekend?

1. You’re eating more.

A 2003 study published in Obesity Research found that adults eat 118 more calories a day on weekend days than they do on during the week. While that doesn’t sound like much, if you’re not working it off or “paying” for it by following your smart, healthy diet during the week, it can quickly become excess poundage.

Solution:  If you can’t curb your indulgences, get right back on the wagon once Monday rolls around. In the Cornell study, those who ate more during the weekend but who got back to the business of losing weight come Monday didn’t gain weight.

Lose Weight By Monday with These 6 Weekend Habits

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2. You’re eating more fatty foods.

That’s one reason people in the 2003 Obesity Research study racked up more weekend calories. Fatty foods contain more calories per gram than other foods. It has more than twice as many calories as carbohydrates and protein, so it takes many fewer servings of fatty foods to become body fat. In other words, it’s not the pizza crust, it’s the cheese.

Solution: You don’t have to give up pizza, mac and cheese, or juicy steaks. After all, eating low-fat foods isn’t the miracle cure for weight gain. It’s all about the extra calories. So have your favorite foods, but in moderation. For example, one slice of regular thin-crust cheese pizza from a popular pizza chain is 215 calories. Not so bad. But if you eat three, you’ve consumed 645 calories which may well be more than half the calories you’re eating every day during the week to continue dropping pounds. Many pizza chains—in fact, most restaurants—also offer salad. Order one and eat it before the pizza arrives. Studies from Penn State University have found that you’re less likely to overeat if you consume a salad before your meal.

3. You’re eating out more.

It’s great to get some time off from kitchen duty. But restaurants, fast and otherwise, are a minefield for dieters. That includes takeout. In fact, studies that look at how restaurant eating affects weight look at all “food prepared away from home.” And it doesn’t look good. People who eat out the most are heavier than those who eat out the least. They’re also less likely to eat healthy fruits and vegetables, says a 2016 study by researchers at Cornell University and University of Washington.

 Solution: Absolutely give yourself a day off from cooking. And enjoy a nice night out with your partner or family. But choose your restaurant and menu choices wisely. Check out your Nutrisystem Eating Out Guide, which contains tips for making that meal out not a diet killer and a list of popular restaurants that offer healthy choices. For example, choose your meal while you’re at home, using the online menus that contain nutritional information (including fat and calories). Watch portions: Ask for a to-go box with your meal and don’t finish it if it’s too large. Be realistic: Don’t order the nachos or fries if you know you can’t resist eating them all. And wave off the bread basket.

Going Out to Dinner? 6 Restaurant Calorie Bombs You Need to Skip

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4. You’re drinking.

Research has been largely inconclusive about the role alcohol in weight gain. In general, light to moderate drinking doesn’t seem to raise the risk for most, but not all people. But alcohol can pose a problem because research has found that it can stimulate the appetite—something most people on weight loss diets really don’t need. Drinking even one glass of wine, a mixed drink, or beer may suppress the activity of the hormone leptin, which tells your body that you’re full, according to a 2015 study published in the journal, Current Obesity Reports. It may also influence a number of other body processes that affect hunger.

Solutions: Know thyself. Have you experienced increased hunger after drinking alcohol? Then maybe you should avoid it for the duration. If you don’t have a problem, stick to one alcoholic drink a day over the weekend. Remember, your body doesn’t seem to register liquid calories. One 12-ounce beer is 153 calories; a light beer, 103 calories; glass of red wine, 125 calories; glass of white wine, 121 calories; a regular martini, 124 calories; a Cosmopolitan, 146 calories; a margarita, 168 calories.

4. You’re giving yourself a “free pass” for the weekend.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with indulging yourself every once in a while. But it can become a bigger issue if you can’t turn off your “free pass” on Monday. Your weekend binge can become a gateway drug to continued overindulgence and derail all your hard work in losing weight.

Solutions: Plan ahead for your food festival. Decide what foods you really, really want to eat and have sensible portions. Pay attention to what you’re eating too.  One 2013 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found evidence that eating while distracted can make you eat more, while being attentive to your food—eating slowly and savoring it—can help you remember what you ate which can curb your appetite later.

The Truth About Cheat Days

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5. Your exercise routine is off.

You may be a faithful walker, runner, jogger, or gym goer during the work week, but become a couch potato once Friday night starts. Or, you may try to cram all your exercise hours into two days, which can make you more prone to injury which can sideline you. While it’s important to vary your exercise routines to beat boredom and avoid plateaus, according to the American Council on Exercise, it’s just as vital to maintain consistency. Adults need at least 150 minutes of exercise a week with total body strength training on two or more days a week, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Solutions: Create an activity plan and stick to it. If it suits your schedule better, break up your exercise into short spurts—even 10 minutes a few times a day—over the course of the day. The weekend is a great time to develop a lifetime sport that you enjoy, like tennis, golf, swimming, even kayaking. If you love it, it’s not work. If you’re a parent, help inspire your kids by going on family hikes or playing backyard games like badminton, bocce, tag, or softball.

6. You sleep too much—or too little.

Scientists have been exploring the link between sleep and weight gain for years. One of the most persuasive studies was the Nurse’s Healthy Study which followed 68,000 middle-aged women for more than 15 years. The women who slept five hours or less were 15 percent more likely to become obese compared to those who slept 7 hours or more. One reason: sleep deprivation can lead to an increase in the amount of appetite-boosting chemicals your body produces, according to a study done at the University of Chicago and published in 2004 in the Annals of Internal Medicine. There’s also some evidence that getting too much sleep may also boost weight. A study by the National Sleep Foundation have found that most people sleep about 40 minutes more on the weekends (and about 7 and a half hours on weeknights), though there’s no evidence linking 40 extra minutes of Zzzs leads to weight gain.

Solutions: Get up and go to bed as close to the same time as possible. It helps set your internal clock which will help you fall asleep and wake up more easily, according to the Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep. If you have a late night, don’t overdo it. Keep it to 20-30 minutes to feel rested and alert, but not so alert that you can’t go to sleep at night, says the National Sleep Foundation.

10 Ways Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Health

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7. You overbook yourself.

Weekends are for relaxing, not for keep your stress level at workday intensity. Even if you’re doing fun things, scheduling too much on the weekends can make even fun seem like work. You don’t need any more stress. Studies have found that persistent stress can make us overeat, largely foods high in fat and sugar. That’s because the stress hormone cortisol increases appetite and even the motivation to eat, say experts at Harvard.
Solutions:  Be judicious about what you sign up for over the weekend. Make sure to schedule some total relaxation time for you, whether that’s getting a massage, meditating, doing yoga, playing a musical instrument, painting, going to the movies, or even taking long walks with your favorite person (or dog). Pick something that makes you feel relaxed and at peace. Learn to say no to other people and yes to yourself.

The post 7 Weekend Weight Loss Blunders to Avoid appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

How to Beat Belly Bloat

When you’re feeling puffy or swollen around your middle and can’t zip up a pair of jeans that you swear fit fine the other day, bloating is likely to blame. It’s often caused by gas or irregularity, it’s sometimes embarrassing and uncomfortable, but the silver lining is that you can beat belly bloat with some simple strategies, like these:

Eat Slowly
You’ve heard this advice for a bunch of different reasons—such as to help you feel fuller faster or be more mindful of your meal. But as it turns out, taking your time at the table can help with bloating as well. When you scarf down a meal or drink something quickly, you’re likely to swallow too much air. You might get the hiccups, or the gas may build up in your stomach and intestines and lead to bloating. Take your time and chew well while eating. You may also swallow excess air when you chew gum, suck on hard candy, and drink too many carbonated beverages.

6 Veggies to Keep You Feeling Full While You Lose Weight

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Ease in More Fiber
Fiber helps keep things moving through the intestines, which aids digestion and helps prevent constipation. But, many high-fiber foods—like beans, Brussels sprouts and broccoli—are also pretty potent gas-producers. Upping your fiber intake too quickly can cause bloating, so start slowly and work your way to your daily fiber goal over the course of a few weeks.

Get Moving
Ideally you want to work in some exercise on most days, but even taking a short walk after eating can help prevent belly swelling. Physical activity nudges the bowels into action, so to speak, to help relieve constipation and prevent excessive gas.

How to Fit Fitness in Your Day

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Cut Back on Sodium
Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that the general adult population limit sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams a day, reports indicate that the average American eats about 3,300 mg of sodium a day—which means chances are good that you are consuming more sodium than you should. And, given that excess salt intake can be to blame for water retention, your salt habit could be causing midsection puffiness. Try cutting back on your salt intake with these simple tips. Or consider a program like Nutrisystem, which falls within the USDA’s sodium recommendation and can be customized to contain even less salt. Already on Nutrisystem? Just make sure that your Grocery Additions aren’t responsible for sneaking in extra sodium.

12 Sneaky Sources of Sodium

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Pump Up the Probiotics
Put simply, probiotics are good bacteria in your body, which help you fully digest your food. Research suggests that there are many benefits to probiotics. They can stimulate immunity, helping you fight colds and allergies. They may help prevent weight problems—some studies have shown a link between low levels of good gut bacteria and obesity. They can also support healthy digestion by reducing the quantity of bad bacteria in the gut, which can contribute to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea. What’s more, probiotics can help reduce the belly bloat you feel when you don’t have enough of the right kind of bacteria in our gut. Pile on the probiotics by chowing down on fermented dairy foods like yogurt, kefir products and aged cheeses, or opt for non-dairy foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, tempeh and soy beverages. Intimidated by some of these strange food terms? Check out Nutrisystem’s FreshStart Shakes, which are packed with protein and probiotics to help support digestive health and bust belly bloat!

The post How to Beat Belly Bloat appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

I'm starting today!

Long-time lurker, first-time poster: I'm starting my weight loss journey today!!

I've been meaning to lose weight for a while, but so far have never been able to. For the past few months I've been living in a very unsafe and unhealthy environment, which damaged my mental and physical health, and losing weight was simply not possible at the time. Now I have escaped this situation and fixed the underlying issues, and I'm finally ready to start working on myself!

I'm 18 years old, 165cm (5'5" I think?), and 76.0 kgs (like 160-170lbs?) as of today, which makes me officially overweight. My goal weight is 55kgs (120lbs?), and I'm planning to eat 1200 calories a day and exercise 3-4 times a week (I haven't been able to exercise properly in years due to an injury, severe mental illness, and the aforementioned living situation, so I have to start with light exercise and work my way back up). My wonderful girlfriend, who is very athletic and has never struggled with weight loss in her whole life but who is very supportive of me, my struggles and my goals, has promised to help me in whatever way she can and check up on me from time to time.

I'm looking forward to a journey of self-improvement and learning. I know it will be hard at times, but I'm determined to get better. Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/iamprobablywriting
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First Month down a lifetime of Healthier decisions to go [update]

Intro: As an exercise on reflection and accountability I am going to post an update using the very nice format from /u/GotThisNow from a post at the beginning of the month. Since My Journey started on Jan 22 I will lump that first week in with February.

Plan: Primarily count the calories, CICO is king. Aim for a 700 Calorie deficit. For the two weeks I was eating lots of broccoli with turkey usually with ketchup. Now I have expanded my food, lots of fish and a wider variability in vegetables. I am slowly putting together better and better recipes to bring to work for lunch and have for dinner. Secondary hit the gym and go running, these secondary things aren't there for weight loss they are there to be healthy. I don't expect to make crazy gains while on a high deficit but it's good to work on form and mobility still! I do expect/want to improve my running endurance and speed! I also have worked on improving my sleeping habits!


Jan 22: 96.8kg (BMI – 33.5)

Feb 28: 88.0 (BMI - 30.4)

Delta: 37 days, 8.8 kg (19.4 lbs) lost! I assume a good portion of this was water weight at the beginning and I expect this rate to drop.

Calorie Consumption

Daily Goal: 1,600

Average: 1,500

Some examples of food I might eat

Meal example
Breakfast 2 Scrambled with feta (270cal) or French toast (340cal), and fresh fruit (15
Lunch Roast broccoli with turkey (300 cal) or smoked fish with carrots (400cal) or ground turkey, tomato sauce with zucchini (450cal), lentil stew (500 cal)
Dinner Roast fish + roasted fresh veg (350) or Tuna Tzatziki sandwich (500cal) or Steak and roasted Veg (350cal)
snacks yogurt (120cal), pickles (10 cal), pickled ginger (5 cal), kimchi (50cal)

yogurt is eaten after lunch, pickles are usually enjoyed after running, a slice of the pickled ginger when I wake up and after dinner.

Non Scale Victories: Yesterday my friend kept saying how good I looked/I was glowing/look like I have been going to gym a lot after I had not seen her for about 2 weeks so that was a great boost :D


Gym: Started at the gym in the morning before work, 3 days of weightlifting, and 2 days of mobility/flexibility/calisthenics work.

Active: Working through Couch to 10k, I have 3 weeks left until the 5k mark. I have managed to finish a few 5ks in my sessions with my best time being 33:20. When I don't run I try to go for at least a 2km walk, but on most days its a 4km walk and after my weekend runs I usually add 5-10km of walking post run.

What went well : Eating well. Luckily I am decent at making food so I have been able to make some good food. I have cut a lot of ketchup consumption which I think is good! Most days I have more energy than I remember having in 2018. In general I feel better.

What didn’t go well: Nothing went too bad. I had a few days were I went a bit high on calories, but I accepted that and didn't beat myself up over it. There was one day in the second week were I had a headache before dinner but I have had nothing like that since.

Concerns: No real concerns so far, I guess I am a little worried about seeing easter chocolate already, it looks so good and I know last year I must of ate over 1000 calories a day of easter chocolate that was on sale. So I have to make sure not to do that again!

Tools used: My Fitness Pal, Happy Scale, 10krunner app, Strong app, reddit subreddits

TLDR: Lost almost 20 lbs so far and am in much better shape than I have been for a while!

submitted by /u/rochila
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm finally a normal bmi! (F/31 200 lbs >123 lbs)

First, pics for anyone curious :) Slightly NSFW - underwear pics!

I never thought I would be making a post here. I've struggled since I started gaining weight at 16 with weight loss.

That weight gain was aided by mental illness and physical and emotional abuse, although I always knew it was me in control of how much I was actually moving and ingesting so I never let myself make excuses and in turn, would often end up hating myself more.

I tried lots of diets and couldn't stick with any. I always gained anything I lost back and when I found myself at 30 weighing in at 200 lbs (my highest), I felt I had given up my 20s to my abusers and lack of self control and was determined to take back my 30s.

In January of 2018 I started walking - rain, sleet or snow -I made sure I walked at least 30 minutes a day. Couch25k became incorporated and even though I couldn't actually run along with it the full time every time, I was happy to have that guidance.

In March of 2018 I started watching YouTube videos of yoga and started using Pinterest to find interesting work outs that I could switch up when I got bored. I didn't make a major routine change, I just added in an hour of exercise every day, and made sure I did a little for each part of my body - Legs, arms, abs, and back/shoulders.

I never felt overwhelmed with the workouts and bc I could choose to do something new on a whim I didn't feel bored.

I wasn't losing a lot but noticed some more definition which helped my confidence to continue, but I knew I needed to fix my diet if I wanted to lose.

I went to 1300 calories a day and lowered the activity a bit, and the weight started melting off.

1300 sounded intimidating at first (especially when you realize your favorite meal from Zaxbys is 1300 calories alone!) but it was the most simple weight loss technique I had ever tried. It took a little while to find foods I loved that were low calorie and even longer to find restaurant meals that wouldn't demolish my work, but I did it.

I made a few diet changes- swapping candy for blueberry almonds, no longer eating a whole thing of fries - I eat 6 now out of the fry bag and my bf loves the extras! - but for the most part I still eat everything I love (just less of it) and never feel hungry. If I go overboard and eat a cupcake one day I take the calories out of a meal later and go on with my life.

I'm 3 lbs from my goal weight now but honestly don't care if I hit it. I'm happy, healthy (finally had a full lab of panels that came back completely normal!!), and most important, I finally feel like I'M in control.

Thank you r/progresspics, r/1200isenough, and r/loseit for the motivation and strength to keep going! I'm never looking back and my 30s are calling!!!

submitted by /u/Candyjawz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat