Friday, March 1, 2019

First Month down a lifetime of Healthier decisions to go [update]

Intro: As an exercise on reflection and accountability I am going to post an update using the very nice format from /u/GotThisNow from a post at the beginning of the month. Since My Journey started on Jan 22 I will lump that first week in with February.

Plan: Primarily count the calories, CICO is king. Aim for a 700 Calorie deficit. For the two weeks I was eating lots of broccoli with turkey usually with ketchup. Now I have expanded my food, lots of fish and a wider variability in vegetables. I am slowly putting together better and better recipes to bring to work for lunch and have for dinner. Secondary hit the gym and go running, these secondary things aren't there for weight loss they are there to be healthy. I don't expect to make crazy gains while on a high deficit but it's good to work on form and mobility still! I do expect/want to improve my running endurance and speed! I also have worked on improving my sleeping habits!


Jan 22: 96.8kg (BMI – 33.5)

Feb 28: 88.0 (BMI - 30.4)

Delta: 37 days, 8.8 kg (19.4 lbs) lost! I assume a good portion of this was water weight at the beginning and I expect this rate to drop.

Calorie Consumption

Daily Goal: 1,600

Average: 1,500

Some examples of food I might eat

Meal example
Breakfast 2 Scrambled with feta (270cal) or French toast (340cal), and fresh fruit (15
Lunch Roast broccoli with turkey (300 cal) or smoked fish with carrots (400cal) or ground turkey, tomato sauce with zucchini (450cal), lentil stew (500 cal)
Dinner Roast fish + roasted fresh veg (350) or Tuna Tzatziki sandwich (500cal) or Steak and roasted Veg (350cal)
snacks yogurt (120cal), pickles (10 cal), pickled ginger (5 cal), kimchi (50cal)

yogurt is eaten after lunch, pickles are usually enjoyed after running, a slice of the pickled ginger when I wake up and after dinner.

Non Scale Victories: Yesterday my friend kept saying how good I looked/I was glowing/look like I have been going to gym a lot after I had not seen her for about 2 weeks so that was a great boost :D


Gym: Started at the gym in the morning before work, 3 days of weightlifting, and 2 days of mobility/flexibility/calisthenics work.

Active: Working through Couch to 10k, I have 3 weeks left until the 5k mark. I have managed to finish a few 5ks in my sessions with my best time being 33:20. When I don't run I try to go for at least a 2km walk, but on most days its a 4km walk and after my weekend runs I usually add 5-10km of walking post run.

What went well : Eating well. Luckily I am decent at making food so I have been able to make some good food. I have cut a lot of ketchup consumption which I think is good! Most days I have more energy than I remember having in 2018. In general I feel better.

What didn’t go well: Nothing went too bad. I had a few days were I went a bit high on calories, but I accepted that and didn't beat myself up over it. There was one day in the second week were I had a headache before dinner but I have had nothing like that since.

Concerns: No real concerns so far, I guess I am a little worried about seeing easter chocolate already, it looks so good and I know last year I must of ate over 1000 calories a day of easter chocolate that was on sale. So I have to make sure not to do that again!

Tools used: My Fitness Pal, Happy Scale, 10krunner app, Strong app, reddit subreddits

TLDR: Lost almost 20 lbs so far and am in much better shape than I have been for a while!

submitted by /u/rochila
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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