Friday, March 1, 2019

I'm finally a normal bmi! (F/31 200 lbs >123 lbs)

First, pics for anyone curious :) Slightly NSFW - underwear pics!

I never thought I would be making a post here. I've struggled since I started gaining weight at 16 with weight loss.

That weight gain was aided by mental illness and physical and emotional abuse, although I always knew it was me in control of how much I was actually moving and ingesting so I never let myself make excuses and in turn, would often end up hating myself more.

I tried lots of diets and couldn't stick with any. I always gained anything I lost back and when I found myself at 30 weighing in at 200 lbs (my highest), I felt I had given up my 20s to my abusers and lack of self control and was determined to take back my 30s.

In January of 2018 I started walking - rain, sleet or snow -I made sure I walked at least 30 minutes a day. Couch25k became incorporated and even though I couldn't actually run along with it the full time every time, I was happy to have that guidance.

In March of 2018 I started watching YouTube videos of yoga and started using Pinterest to find interesting work outs that I could switch up when I got bored. I didn't make a major routine change, I just added in an hour of exercise every day, and made sure I did a little for each part of my body - Legs, arms, abs, and back/shoulders.

I never felt overwhelmed with the workouts and bc I could choose to do something new on a whim I didn't feel bored.

I wasn't losing a lot but noticed some more definition which helped my confidence to continue, but I knew I needed to fix my diet if I wanted to lose.

I went to 1300 calories a day and lowered the activity a bit, and the weight started melting off.

1300 sounded intimidating at first (especially when you realize your favorite meal from Zaxbys is 1300 calories alone!) but it was the most simple weight loss technique I had ever tried. It took a little while to find foods I loved that were low calorie and even longer to find restaurant meals that wouldn't demolish my work, but I did it.

I made a few diet changes- swapping candy for blueberry almonds, no longer eating a whole thing of fries - I eat 6 now out of the fry bag and my bf loves the extras! - but for the most part I still eat everything I love (just less of it) and never feel hungry. If I go overboard and eat a cupcake one day I take the calories out of a meal later and go on with my life.

I'm 3 lbs from my goal weight now but honestly don't care if I hit it. I'm happy, healthy (finally had a full lab of panels that came back completely normal!!), and most important, I finally feel like I'M in control.

Thank you r/progresspics, r/1200isenough, and r/loseit for the motivation and strength to keep going! I'm never looking back and my 30s are calling!!!

submitted by /u/Candyjawz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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