Tuesday, March 26, 2019

How to get Over a Horrible Plateau? Help!

Let me preface by saying that, to anyone who takes the time to share any advice, I appreciate it so much.

I’m a 24 year old female, 5’2, currently at 127 and have about 20 pounds left to lose. From age 15-20, I was always around 110, had a fast metabolism, and never had an issue with weight. I got pregnant with my first baby when I was 20, and gained 70 pounds, (yes, it’s horrible I know. Still confused as to why I gained so much when I didn’t eat that poorly). Since then, it’s been a struggle. I lost all of the weight around 11 months post partum, but gained another 30 pounds back due to stress eating and not attempting to eat healthy, and was at 140. Then, I got pregnant with my second child, gained another 40 pounds, and a couple weeks after delivery, I was left at 165. I was determined at that point more than ever to finally lose the weight and keep it off.

TL;DR - I never had a problem with weight and always stayed around 110, and then pregnancies ruined everything.

I started dieting in mid-August, and the results were pretty rapid. I quickly went from 165 to 150 or so, had a bit of a stall, but continued to slowly go down over the months until I reached 135. Since then, it’s been almost impossible to keep losing, the plateau started then, and has continued ever since. With more strict dieting, I lost another two pounds, and then my husband and I started Whole 30, and I’ve only lost about 6 pounds or so, despite almost being done with it. I’m now at 127, and no matter how little I try to eat, how healthy I eat, it doesn’t make any difference. Literally all we eat is chicken, pork, salad, and vegetables, (and sometimes ground beef), but yet it seems like I’m not losing anymore weight, or am losing incredibly slowly. I don’t understand why after losing 30-35 pounds, it’s so damn hard to keep going down. I exercise about two times a week, (should be more, I know), but I still have about 20 pounds to go, and at this rate, it will take forever to get there.

Is there anything I can do to encourage weight loss that I’m not already doing? Why is this plateau so extreme? I feel like this journey has been endless and I’ll never get to my goal. I will literally try anything at this point.

Thank you so much for any help given.

submitted by /u/purplelilly95
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How To Make A Better Bowl of Cereal– Healthy Breakfast Tips!

March is National Nutrition Month – which makes it a great time to check-in and make sure we’re balancing healthy choices and our favorite foods. I prefer to make small, realistic improvements to my diet (instead of dramatic changes that won’t last). And so, the first stop on my check-in is a food I eat almost every day – cereal.

Cereal is one of my favorites – it’s great for breakfast or a snack. For this post, I’m sharing some tips on how to make your bowl of cereal better for you with some healthy swaps.

how to make a healthier bowl of cereal

There are so many ways to enjoy cereal – it can be a nutritious start to your day or a sugary snack attack! And while it doesn’t require any cooking – a smart bowl of cereal does take some thought and planning. If you want to start your day with a balanced breakfast, consider everything you’re pouring into that bowl.

Choosing a good combination of whole grains and protein can help keep you full through lunch. And there are so many combinations of cereal and toppings so the whole family can enjoy creating their own perfect bowl.

Tips to Make a Better Bowl of Cereal:

1. Cereal.

Start with the best base possible – whole grains, a short ingredient list, low in sugar. Check the serving size to make sure it’s reasonable or do the math to figure out the nutrition stats for the amount you usually eat. There are so many options that it’s easy to accommodate different taste and dietary preferences!

2. Milk.

Reach for dairy milk. Dairy milk adds the most protein per serving compared to alternatives with 8 grams per serving, which can help keep you full longer. Remember to look for the Real California Milk seal when grocery shopping to ensure it’s real food from real people. California dairy farm families help ensure all people have access to quality, sustainable and nutrient-rich foods.

3. Fruit.

Adding fruit like berries can sweeten your bowl without adding a lot of sugar. Added bonus, blueberries and raspberries are rich in antioxidants.

Tip: Choose fruits that are in season for the sweetest and often most reasonably priced options.

4. Nuts & Seeds.

Nuts and seeds add healthy fats and fiber. Crunchy toppings like nuts or if you prefer, chewy seeds, add interesting texture too.

Mixing up different flavors and textures can help keep your bowl of cereal from getting boring. Tasty toppings like crunchy nuts and seasonal fruits add nutrition benefits too. You can also swap out milk for your favorite Real California Milk yogurt instead.

how to make a healthy bowl of cereal

Choose your favorite healthy toppings to create a meal or snack that not only taste good, but also makes you feel great!

My bowl is piled high with whole grain flakes, granola, Real California milk, raspberries, walnuts and chia seeds. I switch up the fruit depending on what’s in season to make sure it’s sweet. And I’ll add different nuts or seeds depending on what I have on hand. This is the perfect mix of flavors and textures – it’ll probably be in my breakfast rotation for a while.

healthy cereal breakfast tips

Hope these tips help you create a delicious start to your day! Enjoy!!


Real California Milk logo new Oct 18

Question: What did you have for breakfast?


This post is sponsored by Real California Milk.

The post How To Make A Better Bowl of Cereal– Healthy Breakfast Tips! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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Ready, Set, Sniff! 7 Scents That Could Help with Weight Loss

You don’t have to live next door to a bakery to know that your sense of smell has a powerful influence on your appetite. Even when you’re not hungry, just a whiff of good food cooking can stimulate cravings and entice you to eat.

You might not know, however, that certain pleasant scents can have the opposite effect on your appetite. Recent research indicates that aromas such as peppermint, citrus and vanilla may help control your appetite and alleviate cravings, making them good scents for weight loss. And although further research is certainly warranted in this area, there’s certainly no harm in adding these scents to your life. What’s the worst thing that could happen? You have awesome scents wafting through your home?

Here are our seven favorite scents for weight loss:


The science: Study participants were asked to sniff peppermint oil every two hours for five days, according to a report published in the medical journal Appetite. For the next five days, they sniffed a placebo. The subjects consumed 1,800 fewer calories during the time when they were exposed to the scent of peppermint than when they were exposed to the placebo.

How to use it: You can put peppermint oil—available in many grocery and drug stores—in an aromatherapy diffuser or burn a candle made with real essential oils. Even easier, brew yourself a cup of mint tea when you feel hungry between meals. You can just hold it in your hands and inhale, but don’t hesitate to sip it—the tea has zero calories and it even helps soothe your digestive system.

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The science: At the German Research Center for Food Chemistry, study participants ate yogurt that had added olive oil, butter, lard or canola oil as a supplement to their normal diet. The subjects who had the olive oil-infused yogurt reported the strongest feelings of fullness. Although scientists weren’t surprised, considering that olive oil has fatty acids that create the sense of satisfied appetite, they were surprised that those eating the canola oil (which has the same fatty acids) reported feeling less full. Even more shocking, though? In a follow-up study, the scientists compared the appetites of subjects eating yogurt enhanced with just the smell of olive oil to those eating plain yogurt. Even without the oil’s fats, those eating the aroma-enhanced yogurt consumed fewer calories throughout the day than the control group, and had more serotonin—a chemical associated with satiety—in their blood.

How to use it: Olive oil (actually, all cooking oils) is categorized as an Extra on the Nutrisystem program, because while oils are full of healthy fats, they are also high in calories, so you should be careful to have no more than the recommended serving of one to three teaspoons in your daily diet. Give your salad a spritz or two of olive oil from a spray bottle—that’s enough to give you a healthy whiff and bring out the flavor in the vegetables.

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The science: When 27 subjects were exposed to the scent of strawberries before drinking sweetened milk, they reported feeling more satisfied after the drink than when they weren’t presented with the fruit’s aroma, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition. The strawberry scent also diminished the study participants desire for sweets.

How to use it: When you feel a strong craving for sweets, slice up a few strawberries and eat them. If the fruit isn’t in season, add thawed frozen berries to a smoothie or hot cereal. Strawberry isn’t just one of the great scents for weight loss, it’s also one of our favorite fruit options!

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The science: The scent of limonene, a component of grapefruit oil, activated fat-burning in laboratory animals, says a study published in the journal Neuroscience Letters. The aroma works, the researchers theorize, by stimulating the sympathetic nerve system, which tells your body to burn fat. They determined that 15 minutes of exposure to the oil three times a week reduced the subjects’ food intake and body weight.

How to use it: You can eat whole grapefruit, a SmartCarb that is high in fiber and other nutrients. Most of the limonene, however, is in the rind. Squeeze a piece of skin gently to infuse the air or a glass of water with the colorless oil. You can also buy limonene or simple citrus oil to use in an aromatherapy diffuser.

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The science: In a study at St. George’s Hospital in London, England, 200 overweight people wore skin patches with one of a few different aromas on the back of their hands for two weeks. Those wearing patches with vanilla consumed fewer sugary foods and beverages than the people with patches containing other scents. The subjects in the vanilla-patch group also lost an average of 4.5 pounds during the study period.

How to use it: Many perfumes and other fragrance products contain vanilla, so you can dab a bit on and sniff it throughout the day. Vanilla extract is a low-calorie, fat-free flavoring that you can add to hot cereal, smoothies and other foods. It’s versatility makes vanilla one of our absolute favorite scents for weight loss.

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The science: A group of 67 women in a study reported in the journal Appetite were shown colorful photographs of chocolate desserts. They were then asked to breathe in one of three odors—green apple, jasmine or water. The group sniffing jasmine reported significantly lower chocolate cravings than the people in the other two groups.

How to use it: Jasmine is a beautiful plant with fragrant white flowers. You can grow it inside your home or workplace and take a whiff whenever you’re craving chocolate. Or, buy a jasmine soap or candle. You can also buy jasmine essential oil at drugstores or health food shops and use it in an aromatherapy diffuser. There are also countless jasmine tea varieties out there. Brew a bit pot and you won’t just enjoy your whole home becoming filled with one our favorite scents for weight loss… you’ll get a tasty zero-calorie drink out of it, too!

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The science: Lavender has long been used as a natural remedy for stress, which is a common cause of eating when you’re not hungry. In a study published in the journal Archives of Oral Biology, researchers documented that the scent of the herb reduced stress among students solving complex arithmetic problems. Those that were exposed to airborne organic essential oil of lavender had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva than the control group.

How to use it: Add a few drops of lavender oil to your bath to soothe your nerves and ward off cravings. You can also find lavender-scented soaps and skin creams that envelop you in its lightly floral fragrance all day. This is one of our favorite scents for weight loss since it’s versatile and comes in many forms!

The post Ready, Set, Sniff! 7 Scents That Could Help with Weight Loss appeared first on The Leaf.

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11 Awesome Vegetable Recipes That Aren’t Salads

Did you know that only one in 10 U.S. adults meets the federal vegetable and fruit intake recommendations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention?

Are you one of the naughty nine?

You shouldn’t be. Veggies supply many of the vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy. They’re great foods to aid in weight loss. Not only that, they’re chock full of phytochemicals—plant chemicals that have been linked to protection from most of the deadly or chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

You should be feasting on at least four servings of non-starchy vegetables every day on the Nutrisystem program. And we make it easy. Our Recipe Center is brimming with delicious vegetable recipes that take your veggies from dull to full-on flavorful!

Become part of the veggie-lovers’ club with these 11 mouthwatering vegetable recipes:

1. Oven Roasted Tomatoes >

Roasted Tomatoes

Baked in the oven for 20-25 minutes, these sliced cherry tomatoes dressed in olive oil, minced garlic, sea salt, pepper and a touch of sugar will fill the house with an aroma so tantalizing you may not care what the main course is. Only 42 calories, a half cup of these caramelized tomatoes supplies 15 percent of your recommended daily requirement for vitamin A and 20 percent of your vitamin C needs. They’re served with flavorful ribbons of fresh basil.

This is one of our favorite vegetable recipes. It makes six servings, with each serving counting as one Vegetable and one Extra on the Nutrisystem weight loss program. This means that you can enjoy as many as three servings and still stay on plan! (While non-starchy veggies are unlimited on the Nutrisystem plan, you are allowed up to three servings of Extras each day.)

Helpful hint: Want to save some prep time? Watch this short video on how to cut a handful of cherry tomatoes in half in just seconds.

2. Honey Balsamic Glazed Carrots >

roasted carrots

It really does exist: The veggie that tastes as good as dessert. It’s these baby carrots, tossed in a sweet-savory marinade of honey, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and roasted for 40 minutes to enhance their natural sweetness. Best of all, they’re more than a side dish. You can also use them as a healthy snack!

The recipe makes six side dish servings which count as just one Vegetable, so feel free to indulge away!

3. Roasted Rosemary Beets and Carrots >

roasted beets

As tasty as it is colorful, this Mediterranean-flavored dish (thanks to two sprigs of rosemary) marries two favorite root vegetables plus red onion roasted to (literally) sweet perfection, at only 130 calories a serving. It will be hard to believe that this side dish won’t send your blood sugar soaring, but beets are low on the glycemic index, a measure of how much a food raises blood sugar, which will keep you on an even keel. If you’re only familiar with canned beets, this fresh version will be a pleasant surprise. Just ask our customers: They’ve told us that this is one of their absolute favorite vegetable recipes.

This healthy recipe, which makes four servings, counts as one and a half Vegetables and two Extras.

4. Cheese Sauce Smothered Broccoli >
broccoli and cheese

You’re going to be amazed how good this ooey-gooey cheese sauce is. In fact, you’re going to want to have it with everything. But it’s totally made for this broccoli dish which clocks in at 110 calories per serving. Made with nonfat milk, garlic and onion powder, paprika, salt and pepper, reduced fat cheddar, Dijon mustard and corn starch for thickening, it’s every bit as flavorful as a full-fat version. The broccoli underneath is delicious, too, and it supplies this dish with plenty of vitamin C, fiber, vitamin A and potassium. Broccoli also contains suforophane, a plant chemical linked to reduced risk of cancer.

Counts these cheesy classic as one Vegetable and one PowerFuel on the Nutrisystem program.

5. Chinese Cabbage with Spicy Garlic Ginger Sauce >


A crispy Asian style slaw featuring Napa cabbage, bell peppers and green onions, this has become a Nutrisystem customer favorite. Some tell us they make a big batch and take it to potluck suppers. The secret to its popularity may be in the sauce. It’s made from soy sauce, minced ginger, rice vinegar, chili garlic sauce, sesame oil, minced garlic and crushed red pepper flakes. It’s low in calories—only 55 per serving—but huge in flavor. This healthy recipe makes six servings. One serving counts as one Vegetable and one Extra.

6. Roasted Green Beans & Mushrooms with Honey Balsamic Drizzle >

green beans

If you’re craving something savory-sweet, stop right here. Prep is simple: Spread green beans and Baby Bella mushrooms on a foil-covered baking sheet, drizzle with a mixture of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and honey, then sprinkle salt, pepper and thyme over top, and bake. That results in a delicious, comforting side dish for a Nutrisystem entrĂ©e or Flex meal. The recipe makes six servings at 58 calories each, and counts as one Vegetable and one Extra. Good thing it’s so healthy, because this is definitely one of those vegetable recipes you’re going to want on your plate often.

7. Skinny Mashed Sweet Potatoes >

mashed sweet potato

It used to be that sweet potatoes only made their appearance at the dinner table on special occasions. Thankfully, we’ve seen the error of our ways and invite them to a meal regularly. You’ll want this version all the time. The recipe melds vitamin A-rich sweet potatoes with cauliflower, an excellent source of vitamin C,  into a creamy, dreamy, sweet version of mashed potatoes. It’s surprisingly quick to make. You just steam the veggies for about 12 minutes until they’re tender, then mash and mix them with a little milk, Greek yogurt, garlic powder, salt and pepper. This easy and popular veggie recipe makes six servings and each counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra.

8. Cauliflower Mac and Cheese >

mac and cheese

It looks just like Mac and Cheese, but the “Mac” is swapped out for cauliflower florets, covered in a thick, melty cheddar cheese and cream cheese sauce. There’s a lot of “stealth health” in this delicious side dish. Cauliflower contains a unique compound called glucosinolate, a micronutrient linked to reduce risk of gastrointestinal cancers. The recipe makes eight servings, each just 114 calories and counting as one PowerFuel, one Vegetable and one Extra.

9. Cinnamon Raisin Carrot Muffins >

carrot muffins

Even non-bakers will find this recipe easy as pie. . .or, rather, muffins. There’s a full one cup of grated carrots in these muffins, which make a delicious, naturally sweetened breakfast, dessert or snack. Only 146 calories per serving, they contain cinnamon and allspice, sliced almonds, raisins, eggs, unsweetened applesauce, maple syrup and nonfat plain Greek yogurt mixed with whole wheat flour, making them extra filling and healthy. The recipe makes six servings, each of which counts as one SmartCab and two Extras. This just might be the king of all vegetable recipes!

10. Cauliflower Sweet Potato Soup >

Cauliflower Sweet Potato Soup

One bowl of this thick, creamy, sweet soup is a nutritional powerhouse. It supplies copious amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber, which makes it extra filling. Just 127 calories per one-cup serving, this vegetable broth-based soup is a whole lot of delicious, with two cups of sweet potatoes, two cups of cauliflower, three whole cloves of garlic and warming spices like paprika, coriander, cumin and ginger. It gets most of its creamy texture from the veggies, but it also contains a cup of nonfat milk, which makes it rich in calcium, too.

One serving counts as one SmartCarb, one Vegetable, and one Extra.

11. Spicy Peanut Slaw >

spicy peanut - slaw recipes

You’ll go nuts for this Asian take on slaw which turns an ordinary bag of coleslaw mix into something exotic. The dressing is made from rice vinegar, low-sodium soy sauce and peanut butter. After you dress the slaw mix, add a quarter cup of crushed peanuts and some sliced green onion and parsley, toss well and serve. The recipe makes four servings, each of which counts as one PowerFuel and two Vegetables.

The post 11 Awesome Vegetable Recipes That Aren’t Salads appeared first on The Leaf.

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Does anyone know any good fat burning protiens?

I'm going down the path of weight loss again only unfortunately without a gym this time so trying to get some extra help getting the ball rolling.

I'm 6'5" and about 300lbs and have a somewhat physical job but no real chance to go to a gym due to where I live and work so it will be just the lifting at work and as much cardio as I can do without burning out.

I've also got a far better diet plan than I've been eating too which I'm hoping to get more motivation to stick to it once I either see or notice a difference. I've looked up different fat burners through googling and there seems to be such a huge range so figure if someone with the same goal as me has personally had experience with some that would be super useful.

submitted by /u/Half_a_beer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2U9eT7n

Need help supporting gf

Hi all, my gf is doing a very low cal (800cal) dr monitored 6week weight loss program. We’re 1wk in and we’re flirting with her years long plateau weight. She has to weigh herself everyday (which is already a little dicey) and today she was up a pound. She’s understandably upset and swears “this is just how my body is” and stuff.

Any advice for guys navigating being supportive in this situation. I don’t have the same weight loss needs as her but I follow the diet foods but just eat like 1,800cal a day. I told her we’ve got 5 more weeks and she may not lose 40lbs but she will def lose the 20 to smash the plateau. Weighing everyday is just going to have ups and downs. Stick to the plan.

There’s elements of fatalism (<this could be a pun), self hatred, despair. All the normal things I think. Also, I don’t know much about this, but I think there might be some “time if the month” stuff affecting her lack of weight loss etc

submitted by /u/DrHotballs
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is it possible to lose 70 pounds in 8 months? F 5’5 SW: 241 CW: 239 GW: 150

first off i’d like to say i started my weight loss journey last week and did my weekly weigh in and i lost 2 pounds! i’ve been doing CICO, 1200 calories, working out like a mad man. small win and i’m pretty happy about it!

anyway, i can’t stop thinking about this goal for myself. i want to be 200 by july, 170 by my birthday in october 21st, and then 150 by my wedding next year in may (only cause i know the last part of your goal weight is the hardest) i’m just wondering is this possible? i know setting little goals is really good and i’m the most disciplined person i know in my life. when i want something, i get it. and what i want is to be in a body i’m comfortable in by my birthday. i figured i weigh a bit heavy so it might be possible. if anything, i want to speak it into existence and be held accountable.

submitted by /u/idk06169
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2FDJSR3