Friday, April 5, 2019

Rebuilding your wardrobe after losing weight

So I’m really close to my goal weight and am starting to get ready for maintenance. One thing I was very much looking forward to was kind of “rebuilding” my wardrobe to fit my new size. Although my weight loss isn’t as dramatic as some transformations I regularly see on this sub, it’s still significant enough - I like to believe - to get some new clothes!

I’m kinda intrigued by all of the “basic wardrobe essentials” guides that can be found all over the internet but it also feels quite overwhelming.

For the maintainers still out there on this sub, what did you do? Did you start from scratch, add some new items along the way, followed wardrobe guides or something else?

For the losers, have you thought about this yet? Do you have any plans or ideas and if so, what are they?

submitted by /u/connieke
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss and fluctuations??

Sometimes I see things online where people will make a chart or something, and cross off when they lose each pound. My question that feels fairly obvious is... how??

Like this past week, I’ve weighed myself four times, and every time it’s been different. I started at 141, after a 15 mile hike it went up to 144, after 2 days of rest it went to 146, and now I’m back to 143. My diet has been not strict, but healthy and consistent. I’m eating within my TDEE-not on a serious calorie deficit, but not going way over and above either. (Except for hiking day, on which I burned 2000 calories by activity alone and let’s face it, I’m not going to eat 3600 calories in one day unless I hardcore break out the Easter candy)

That can’t be solely attributed to muscle gain and water weight, right? This is a common thing for me no matter the time of the month. How are you guys tracking your weight pound by pound? Is this something I need to bring up with my doctor? So confused.

submitted by /u/rubywolf27
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to Stop Eating So Much on the Weekend

If you’re trying to lose weight, the weekend can be a minefield. That’s because for many, being away from work also pulls them away from their plan. Research suggests that a large percentage of both men and women overindulge on the weekends, some even consuming 10,000 extra calories over the course of two days. But the end of a work week comes with many temptations and leaves us wondering how to stop eating so much on weekends.

Don’t let two days undo five days of smart choices and hard work. All it takes is what gives you that success during the work week: A plan. Make that even better by doing a bit of plan-ning.

How to Stop Stress Eating

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Check out these six strategies to learn how to stop eating so much on weekends:

1. Plan your wake-up call: Set your weekend alarm for the normal time.

plan your wake-up call

This one is a no-brainer when learning how to stop eating so much on weekends. It sounds like torture, but avoid the temptation to sleep in. Shifting your wake-up time by even a few hours can lead to a “jet lag”-like experience, even if you don’t fly. In one study conducted by Örebro University, 2,700 high school students who shifted their sleep on weekends experienced a dip in performance and a disrupted sleep schedule the rest of the week. And that disrupted midweek schedule could sabotage your weight loss results: Losing as little as 30 minutes of sleep each weekday can result in weight gain and increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes.

So set Saturday and Sunday’s alarms for the normal time. Brew up an extra cup of coffee to get through it, and you’ll sleep better—and have better weight loss results—the rest of the week. Plus, if you need it, you can take a mid-afternoon nap.

2. Plan a protein-rich breakfast.

protein rich breakfast

When you start the day with protein, you may eat fewer high-fat foods and snacks the rest of the day—without even trying. That was the finding of a 2013 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, where females ate either 35 grams of protein for breakfast, 13 grams, or skipped the meal all together. Those eating the most protein had the longest feelings of fullness throughout the day. And that’s not surprising: Protein takes longer to digest, so you feel fuller, longer than you would with a fast-digesting breakfast of carbs.

6 Signs You’re Not Eating Enough (Yes, It’s Possible!)

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3. Hanging with friends? Plan an activity that isn’t focused on food.


Many friendly get-togethers fall prey to the “what are we going to do?” syndrome: No one’s decisive, and you wind up at the same old haunts—probably eating. Take charge: Use some midweek time to come up with some non-food-focused options for you and your friends. It can even be active: Do some research for the best places to hikes, parks to visit and free museums in your hometown. Find one you haven’t been to in a while—or haven’t tried before—and catch up with everyone somewhere that isn’t just slinging grease.

4: Plan out your munchies in advance.

plan out snacks

Whether you think you might spend part of the weekend curled up on the couch to binge-watch, or if you’re going to be running the kids from one event to another, chances are you’ll snack. According to Mintel, research has shown that 94 percent of Americans now snack every day. Those snack calories can be a danger: If you’re on the couch, you could wind up mindlessly munching something you weren’t planning to eat at all. And if you’re on the road, you may have to grab whatever’s fast and convenient—often something high in calories and sugar.

So plan ahead: Spend some weekday time chopping up vegetables and fruits into pre-portioned, bite-sized pieces and putting them in containers to stock the fridge. Having them available means that you’ll be able to make healthy choices more easily, and the act of cutting the vegetables could help you lose weight on its own. And don’t forget to stock up on your favorite Nutrisystem snacks. They’re perfect to grab on-the-go, and they’ll keep you on track with your healthy diet.

If you don’t have tons of time to prep, or if you want something that’s easier to pack, Nutrisystem makes it easy. The plan includes delicious pre-portioned snacks, many of which are your favorite munchies, anyway—cheese popcorn, chocolate-covered granola bars, cookies and crackers.

7 Morning To-Dos to Help You Lose Weight All Day

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5: Make a going-out game plan: Look at Saturday’s menu now.

out to dinner

If you’ve got dinner plans, arm yourself with information from our Dining Out Guide before the waiter hands you the menu. Look at the restaurant’s offerings online on Friday so you can pick out a meal that’s fits into your healthy diet. It’s also easy to specially request a balanced meal containing PowerFuels, SmartCarbs and veggies! Most restaurants will be happy to accommodate you.

If the meal is planned as a meal with Extras, find the thing you’re really craving ahead of time, so you’ll be extra-satisfied with your order. Either way, you’ll know going in what you’re ordering—so you can be confident and won’t be left wondering how to stop eating so much when out to eat.

6. Plan to order a water with every drink.

how to stop eating so much

Nutrisystem plans ask that you abstain from alcohol during week 1 and keep your alcohol intake to two servings per week for the remainder of your time on Nutrisystem. We also suggest sticking to light beer or dry wine. If you do decide to indulge in a serving of alcohol, be sure to order a water with your drink. Sipping water between each alcoholic beverage really does help you metabolize the alcohol, so you don’t get as buzzed. And while that might sound like a, well, buzzkill, it also can help you stave off cravings for foods or portions that aren’t on plan. Being tipsy really does make those cheat foods more appealing: A 2015 study of 35 women published in Obesity Society found that those who had alcohol in their systems had more sensitive brain responses to food aromas and wound up eating more food than the study participants who were sober. Long story short—reduce your alcohol intake for a simple trick to learn how to stop eating so much on the weekends!

Stay on track even on weekends with the help of a Nutrisystem meal plan. Get started today! >

The post How to Stop Eating So Much on the Weekend appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Training for the Boston Marathon Video Series Host Hello!

Hello! I’m hosting a video series called ‘10,000 Miles to Boston’ with Hyland’s Powered! We’re following a team of healers = doctors, nurses, therapists, etc as they train to run the Boston Marathon. All together the team will run 10,000 Miles as they train! Whoa!

Marathon training is hard for a lot of reasons. It’s time consuming, physically challenging, mentally taxing and more. So in addition to following along as they rack up the miles we’re checking in with how they’re balancing work and home life too. Plus – all the team members are doing very important work helping to heal others in different ways.

bts Boston Marathon video series

Follow @HylandsPowered on Instagram for all the videos. They’re short, fun videos so you can check out a few at a time.

Boston Marathon training series Meet the Host

Here are some fun facts about me and my running background that brought me here…

1. I started 10 years ago to share my 1st marathon training & weight loss journey. (Both were very hard for me.) I NEVER thought I’d fall in love with running or that anyone would read and follow RER! Thank you for reading! xoxo.

2. I ran the Boston marathon in 2017 as part of the @hylandspowered All Female team – in honor of the 50th anniversary of the 1st woman to run the race! Kathrine Switzer ran the race in 1967 and was almost pushed off the course by a race official!!

3. This year the Hyland’s team runners are healers = doctors, nurses, therapists, etc… And I’m the host of ‘10,000 Miles to Boston’ – a video series on their training. The video below is a fun lil segment on ‘meeting the host’. We are covering all aspects of the team’s training – how they found out they made the team, training updates, mantras, what they’re eating, how they’re balancing running with work and home life, mindset and more!

Since I’m hosting the series – some of the videos share a lil bit of my story. The video below is Meet the Host… with some insight on my Boston Marathon experience PLUS a few thoughts on running and eating…

Follow Run Eat Repeat on Instagram as I cover all the behind the scenes of this project. And I’ll be in Boston for the race interviewing the team and covering race weekend events like the expo and adventures around the city! Let me know if you have any questions on the race or things you’d like to see during race weekend!!

The post Training for the Boston Marathon Video Series Host Hello! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

[Challenge] Wizarding World of Weight Loss - SIGN UPS OPEN

Hello and Welcome to the LoseIt Spring 2019 Challenge!

Your hosts this round will be u/Jameson1780, u/cosmam, u/420spirit9, and u/ThatCanadianGuy88

This challenge is a team-based competition that will last for 8 weeks for which you set a weight-loss goal and then weigh in weekly, working to be at or beyond that goal by the end of the challenge. There will be a new post every friday with Links/Instructions for each week's activities. Your teams subreddits/discords will also have all the information you need.

Beginning next week, there will be team competitions in weigh in participation, steps logged, activity minutes logged and more. This week is focussed on getting you signed up and on to your teams.

Step 1 - Sign up

Sign Up Link Here!

NOTE: You will be randomly assigned to a team following the submission of your sign up form. Do not ask to be assigned to a particular team. ALSO NOTE if you accidentally sign up more than once please follow your first entry. The duplicates will be removed.

Step 2 - Visit the Challenge Tracker to find your team!

Challenge Tracker Here!

NOTE: The team assigner runs every 5 minutes. If your team is blank, just wait a moment. It will refresh in real time on desktop, but you may have to refresh the spreadsheet on mobile to see the changes.

Step 3 - Join your team's subreddit

NOTE: Joining your team subreddit isn’t mandatory but it should be. Being active with your team keeps participation up and might be that extra little push you need to keep you going. It could be the difference between an 8 week grind or 8 weeks of fun and support to lose the weight you want.

Team Potions - Captains: u/ravenclawedo1 & u/Cadamar & u/fatchancefatpants & u/bugs_bunny01

Team Muggle Studies - Captains: u/sweetpsd & u/coffeekeepsmerolling & u/waffleapartment

Team Defense Against the Dark Arts - Captains: u/VicariousGluten & u/lxgo, & u/jayemt

Team Occlumency - Captains: u/Batmanbyday & u/Fit4themtn & u/Halestorm101312

Team Arithmancy - Captains: u/capitulum & u/nukaprincess

Team Transfiguration - Captains: u/ZeAltHealthAcct & u/Unconcernedlion & u/Suzi_Pants

Team Care of Magical Creatures - Captains: u/Artemis2634 & u/Thymek

Team Herbology - Captains: u/revdrviking & u/420spirit9 & u/martin3eh


NOTE: Each week begins on a Friday, so you will have until the following Friday at 8am EST (when the next week is posted) to complete your weigh-in. You can weigh in multiple times during the week but only your most recent entry will be recorded on the tracker.

  • April 5th - Signups Open
  • April 12th - Week 0, Establish challenge goals, signups open through end of week
  • April 19th - Week 1, Head to Head battles begin, Signups are closed
  • April 26th - Week 2
  • May 3rd - Week 3
  • May 10th - Week 4
  • May 17th - Week 5
  • May 24 - Week 6
  • May 31st - Week 7, Last Head to Head Battle
  • June 7th - Results and next challenge announcementk

If you have any questions, problems, concerns, ideas, or just want to drop us all a line, please use the message the challenge admin feature, which you can find in the r/loseit sidebar or by clicking here. Responding to this thread is great, but ultimately if you want to make sure all of us read it, the message the challenge admin feature is the way to go.

Please also note that we are not the r/loseit moderators. We’re volunteers and everyday users who run a specific aspect of one of the many interactive community elements of r/loseit. If you have questions about r/loseit that aren’t specific to the challenge, please take a look at the sidebar.

submitted by /u/Jameson1780
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

family sabotaging my weight loss

how to deal with family sabotaging my weight loss?

I was pretty successful losing weight but I still had bellyfat.

But then, my overweight mother started calling me "malnourished" and would always yell and would deliberately stop me from going to the "gym". would stop me from exercising at home.

And whenever I was around my overweight brother he would say "stop dieting". Then if I try to defend myself he'd ask why I was not eating donuts, pizzas etc. He would say things like "stop dieting your body type is ugly." and even include the word "skeleton".

I felt disrespected and when I confronted them I didn't get even a little sign of apology. They just got angry at me. They would talk to me like they did nothing wrong. My mother still stops me from going to the gym and etc. I think that they are very toxic.

submitted by /u/ojlf123ph
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Really need the help of you guys to lose weight urgently

Hi, so I'm new here. Being a competitive judoka aged 16, weight control is very important for my competition. I have a competition on the 17th of April, less than two weeks to go, and in fighting in the under 60kg category. However, I'm currently ~62kg before training, and my weight fluctuates between 59.5-60.8 after a three hour judo training session depending on the intensity of the training. I'm currently eating 1500 calories a day, which I calculated would help me lose weight effectively with my height of 1.75m but it hasn't been working since I started going on diet 2 weeks ago.

My schedule is as follows: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 3 hour judo training session Tuesday: 1hr weight lifting, 30 minutes cardio Thursday: 30 minutes cardio Saturday: 1.6km run

I am looking for some advice on the weight loss process. I hope to maintain most of my strength while losing the weight to prevent me from being disadvantaged during competition, hence the gym session on Tuesday.

Some questions that I hope can get answered too

  1. Would you recommend me lose water weight one day before my competition, or restrict my diet now?

  2. Would you recommend a specific diet that I should start following now?

  3. Do I need to up my exercise? Sunday is usually my rest day but for the competition I'm willing to put in effort to make the weight.

  4. What should I be eating after my weigh-in to regain my strength? It starts at 8am, and my first bout starts at 10am. I read that I should be taking a combination of low and high gi foods, any recommendations?

Thank you guys so much in advance!

submitted by /u/deviljtan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat