Monday, October 7, 2019

Has anyone seen a dietitian or nutritionist? Did it help?

Hey all

I'm feeling a bit down because I feel like I've been busting my gut over the last few months to make healthier choices, only to wind up fatigued and angry because I'm bigger than when I started. In fact I'm the biggest I've ever been.

I went vegetarian for non-weight reasons, but I really tried to make sure I was eating 'good' vegetarian foods like vegetables and eggs rather than anything highly processed. I felt great at first but four months in and I'm just tired, find it hard to stay full, eat constantly and I've piled on a few extra kilo despite all the exercise I've been doing. I've always been a hungry person, even when I ate meat, which has been a problem for losing weight because I constantly feel like I'm starving.

I guess I was wondering, has anyone talked to a professional as part of their weight loss journey? I was thinking of seeing a dietitian. I feel like I just tried so hard and failed so bad, and I don't want it to happen again. And I'm sad about the idea of going back to my old level of meat consumption (though I have decided I am happy to eat some meat occasionally). But I also don't want to waste my money. So I wondered if others had seen professionals, and if it was helpful. Thanks!

submitted by /u/aurelia_86
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How long does it take for weight gain/loss to show?

I've been on my weight loss journey for about 4 months now but there is still one thing in particular I'm unclear about. I know weight fluctuations can often be attributed to water weight (either loss or retention) but I'm wondering how long it takes for actual fat gain/loss to show.

From Friday to Saturday I lost about 2lbs - I drank on Friday so I attributed this mostly to dehydration. On Saturday I ate/drank more than I would have liked (about 1900 calories for the day) so I was expecting to gain some of that weight back but I actually woke up another .2lbs lighter. Sunday I ate around my calorie goal (ideally I strive for 1200 but I allow myself up to 1500 on any given day and finished Sunday at 1400 calories) but had more salt than usual so I was expecting to retain water. However, this morning I woke up having gained back the .2lbs from the day before but nothing more.

Essentially what I'm wondering is, will I wake up tomorrow or later this week having gained weight from eating as much as I did on Saturday or am I in the clear at this point (I took about 18,000 steps on Friday and Saturday so it's possible I burned more calories than I thought)? How long does it take for weight gain/loss to actually show?

submitted by /u/_nousernamesleft_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Monday, 07 October 2019? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Rookie question.

After starting and dropping and starting again and dropping again going to the gym I finally got the motivation to really go, with no excuses, trying to take control of what I eat and weighting myself every morning. Been 2 weeks straight, lost almost 3 kilos each week, I was so satisfied. I weighted myself last Friday morning, all good. I cheated a bit with some cake and fried chips. I weight myself on Saturday, a bit of weight loss, but not too much of a trouble. I indulge myself a bit in my meal, having another piece of cake as desert. Then I weight myself this Sunday morning and I had gained three goddamn kilos. I know cheating isn't good, and it surely it isn't gonna help me, but I thought that after five out of seven days of a low carb high protein diet with a 90 min gym routine the yoyo effect wouldn't be that bad. Is it normal? Maybe it's because of water? I've been drinking water lately way more than usually. Muscle gain? But so fast over the course of less than 48 hours? I know I shouldn't get too cocky over weight control since its something that fluctuates, but it's kinda demoralizing to see all your week's effort in the ground because of this.

submitted by /u/Narsiel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

From 275lbs down to 205lbs within 18 months.

First of all I just wanted to say thank you to everyone and this subreddit for helping improve my life.

Hi im Zackary, back in high school i use to play lacrosse and was fairly active. Got pretty sick and had to stay home a lot leading to me gaining a lot of weight. Outta high school i went to college only taking a class or two. I didnt take anything serious for the first 3-4 semesters and focused more on gaming rather than my education. Around March of 2018 i realized that my life was kinda going downhill. Walking up a flight of stairs was hard and took my breathe away. Everything was becoming harder for me and it felt like i was being a burden. I would eat fast food two or three times a week, go game for 30-40+ hours, only work about 15-20 hours, and take only a class or 2 at my college. I didnt really speak to anyone just a couple of friends over the internet and just wanted to be alone. i knew i wanted to change but didnt really know how. I would watch weight loss vids and read about the benefits of weight loss but nothing made me want to change. I then joined this subreddit and started watching Dr.Mike's health videos and realized that i needed to lose weight.

In march of 2018 (at 280lbs) I got a gym membership and started out by doing 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week on a treadmill (walking or a slow jog) Every time I hopped onto the treadmill i would also run a mile as fast as i could and then record everything onto my phone. The first mile i ran was 17:30. Within the first month i was down to a 12:10 mile and was starting to see improvement on my overall happiness, attitude, and personality. I then started to do more long distance cardio and more weight lifting for the next 6 months. January of 2019 finally comes around, im about 250lbs at this point and i try for a mile time and hit a 9:45 mile. I was excited that i was able to run mile below 10 minutes and knew that i could continue and become a better me.

May of 2019 comes around, im about 235lbs and im getting mile times around 8:30. I started really focusing on weight loss while still making sure that im healthy. I start eating a little less and making more lean meals while being more active in the community by going on runs outside and around my city. In late May I tried for a mile time and ended up hurting my ankle and wasnt able to do any major cardio (even biking hurt). I then started focusing on weight training and my flexibility. September then comes around, im about 205-208lbs, my ankle basically healed and i started up my cardio again. Noticed some set backs with mile times but was determined to keep improving. October hits and i tried for the best mile i could get and ended under 8 minutes (7:55)!!!

I have now completely changed my life around, i use to sit at home, play games and didnt talk to anyone. Im now more confident and willing to put myself out there in the real world. I'm now working full time, going to school full time, going on dates, taking boxing classes, and have interviews for a job at a local hospital.

One of the major things that helped me make the change was that i told myself that 1 year goes by fast. I then started to go to the gym and now im here. 70lbs lighter and in a happier and healthier mood. Thanks again to everyone who posts and reads on this subreddit and thanks for helping me become the best me possible!!!

submitted by /u/therelaxedrebel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Is it time for me to visit the doctor? (no weight loss 3+ months)

I am 6 ft 1 in tall. I lost nearly 70 pounds since March, my diet started at 2000 and gradually moved to 1500 calories a day. I been drinking a gallon of water every single day, I been walking my dog twice a day for about hour and a half total time. I did not do any workouts until 3ish months ago (home body-weight workouts + dumbbells), I started 16/8 IF and now do 20/4 22/2 and sometimes OMAD when opportunity rises.

I noticed my weight staying same about 3 months ago, I would be 216 then 218 the next week then back to 216, some weeks 215 then back to 218. I told myself it must have been my workouts building muscle so I didn't pay any attention to it. After a month I figured I would be down to 210, but I was still hovering at 216-218.

Second month happened. I started to panic and looked online for reasons on why I stopped losing weight. The main thing I figured was metabolic adaptation (I was on a diet for 6ish months) and decided to try and "fix" my metabolism by increasing my calorie intake to maintenance. I started adding 50 calories a day then 100 and after 2 weeks I was eating at my maintenance. I was off my diet for about 4-5 weeks, ended at 222 pounds which I believed to be water weight from the extra carbs / sodium I was taking. After a week of going back to diet I went back to 218 then 216. I been doing exactly the same things since I lost the initial weight, however, I decided to increase my walking / pacing as I figured maybe my body adapted to the usual walks I had with my dog... Now I do 15000-20000 steps daily walking for about 120-140+ minutes a day... and I am not losing weight.

are my hormones messed up? I just cannot figure this out and if someone has had something similar happened to them please let me know. Thank you

edit: Usually I eat 75-120 protein a day depending if I am working out or not, carbs usually 120-140 mostly coming from my break fast (oats, chia, fruits, etc), 60-80g fats (avocado + nuts + meats / salmon etc) and around 40-50g sugars (honey, fruits, veggies, etc).

submitted by /u/maximilious
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The best 4 ways to burn fat quickly Tested

Whether you’re looking to improve your overall health or simply slim down for summer, burning off excess fat can be quite challenging.In addition to diet and exercise, numerous other factors can influence weight and fat loss.Luckily, there are plenty of simple steps you can take to increase fat burning, quickly and easily.

Here are 4 of the best ways to burn fat quickly and promote weight loss.

1. Start Strength Training

Strength training is a type of exercise that requires you to contract your muscles against resistance. It builds muscle mass and increases strength.

Most commonly, strength training involves lifting weights to gain muscle over time.

Research has found strength training to have multiple health benefits, especially when it comes to burning fat.

In one study, strength training reduced visceral fat in 78 people with metabolic syndrome. Visceral fat is a type of dangerous fat that surrounds the organs in the belly

Another study showed that 12 weeks of strength training paired with aerobic exercise was more effective at reducing body fat and belly fat than aerobic exercise alone

Resistance training may also help preserve fat-free mass, which can increase the number of calories your body burns at rest (3Trusted Source).

According to one review, 10 weeks of resistance training could help increase calories burned at rest by 7% and may reduce fat weight by 4 pounds (1.8 kg)

Doing body-weight exercises, lifting weights or using gym equipment are a few easy ways to get started with strength training.

Summary Strength training has been shown to increase resting energy expenditure and reduce belly fat, especially when combined with aerobic exercise.

2. Follow a High-Protein Diet

Including more protein-rich foods in your diet is an effective way to reduce your appetite and burn more fat.

In fact, multiple studies have found that eating more high-quality protein is associated with a lower risk of belly fat

One study also showed that a high-protein diet can help preserve muscle mass and metabolism during weight loss (7Trusted Source).

Upping your protein intake may also increase feelings of fullness, decrease appetite and reduce calorie intake to aid in weight loss (8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source).

Try incorporating a few servings of high-protein foods into your diet each day to help amp up fat burning.

Some examples of protein-rich foods include meat, seafood, eggs, legumes and dairy products.

Summary Eating more protein may be associated with a lower risk of belly fat. Increasing your protein intake can decrease appetite, lower calorie intake and preserve muscle mass.

3. Squeeze in More Sleep

Going to bed a bit earlier or setting your alarm clock a little later can help boost fat burning and prevent weight gain.

Several studies have found an association between getting enough sleep and weight loss.

One study of 68,183 women showed that those who slept five or fewer hours per night over a period of 16 years were more likely to gain weight than those who slept for longer than seven hours per night

Another study showed that better sleep quality and getting at least seven hours of sleep per night increased the likelihood of successful weight loss by 33% in 245 women enrolled in a six-month weight loss program

Other research shows that a lack of sleep may contribute to alterations in hunger hormones, increased appetite and a higher risk of obesity

Although everyone needs a different amount of sleep, most studies have found that getting at least seven hours of sleep per night is associated with the most benefits when it comes to body weight.

Stick to a regular sleep schedule, limit your intake of caffeine and minimize your use of electronic devices before bed to help support a healthy sleep cycle.

Summary Getting enough sleep may be associated with decreased appetite and hunger, as well as a lower risk of weight gain.

4. Ultra Fast Keto Boost

This one can burn your fat so first. You can try To burn your fat so quickly using Ultra Fast Keto Boost.

But exercise is the best way that could help to fit your body .

submitted by /u/Jolly_Stranger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat