Sunday, October 6, 2019

Is it time for me to visit the doctor? (no weight loss 3+ months)

I am 6 ft 1 in tall. I lost nearly 70 pounds since March, my diet started at 2000 and gradually moved to 1500 calories a day. I been drinking a gallon of water every single day, I been walking my dog twice a day for about hour and a half total time. I did not do any workouts until 3ish months ago (home body-weight workouts + dumbbells), I started 16/8 IF and now do 20/4 22/2 and sometimes OMAD when opportunity rises.

I noticed my weight staying same about 3 months ago, I would be 216 then 218 the next week then back to 216, some weeks 215 then back to 218. I told myself it must have been my workouts building muscle so I didn't pay any attention to it. After a month I figured I would be down to 210, but I was still hovering at 216-218.

Second month happened. I started to panic and looked online for reasons on why I stopped losing weight. The main thing I figured was metabolic adaptation (I was on a diet for 6ish months) and decided to try and "fix" my metabolism by increasing my calorie intake to maintenance. I started adding 50 calories a day then 100 and after 2 weeks I was eating at my maintenance. I was off my diet for about 4-5 weeks, ended at 222 pounds which I believed to be water weight from the extra carbs / sodium I was taking. After a week of going back to diet I went back to 218 then 216. I been doing exactly the same things since I lost the initial weight, however, I decided to increase my walking / pacing as I figured maybe my body adapted to the usual walks I had with my dog... Now I do 15000-20000 steps daily walking for about 120-140+ minutes a day... and I am not losing weight.

are my hormones messed up? I just cannot figure this out and if someone has had something similar happened to them please let me know. Thank you

edit: Usually I eat 75-120 protein a day depending if I am working out or not, carbs usually 120-140 mostly coming from my break fast (oats, chia, fruits, etc), 60-80g fats (avocado + nuts + meats / salmon etc) and around 40-50g sugars (honey, fruits, veggies, etc).

submitted by /u/maximilious
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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