Thursday, October 31, 2019

Does it REALLY get easier??

Hi r/loseit!

First post! As many of us, I’ve struggled with weight loss for a few years. I was never a fat kid, I got depression at university and put on 20kg. Lost it, got gallbladder taken out (genetics), and eventually put it all back on.

Worked in fitness and lost about 10kg, put it all back on again.

I’m now once again counting calories and being more mindful on what I eat, etc. I’m struggling to get back into fitness (I LOVE exercise, just have so little motivation/no discipline) so getting those extra calories isn’t happening right now.

I know it’s a long road, ups and downs, have to take it one day at a time, etc. but does it ever really get easier??

I’m hungry all the time, constantly thinking about food and hate having to restrict myself so much.

I’m making sure I’m eating enough protein, around 1400-1500 calories, have been eating fairly clean, And I’m sitting here thinking about how much it’ll slow down my progress if I have another hundred calories (had 1600 today).

How do others deal with this? (Other than complain on the internet) Any advice will be appreciated!

submitted by /u/OfCors
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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