Thursday, October 31, 2019


I’ve been big my whole life, I was chubby as a kid just got larger as I got older, got pretty big in high school and popped over 400 in my brief stint in college, at my biggest I was 425. I always thought “This is just how my life is, I’ll always be fat, I could NEVER change anyway” and though most of the time I just thought it pointless, I did try on occasion. I went to the biggest loser adult fat camp, went on countless extreme diets, exercise regiments but I always ended up falling back into “I’ll NEVER make it all the way” I wish I could tell you that my weight loss began with some life changing epiphany or a some sort of dramatic wake up call but in all honesty, I got depressed, the food that I was eating to keep the bad feelings away wasn’t working anymore, no amount of delicious cheese burgers could cover up what I was feeling anymore and I fell into it pretty hard. I just started eating less and less till I was hardly eating at all, eating only to keep the hunger pains away. I went from feeling bloated, overstuffed and disgusting most days to feeling weak, empty and as if I was barely still being held together. I can’t tell you when the change came, it just kind of happened, I just got tired of feeling hungry and weak all the time so I made the decision to at least properly feed myself, with good old chicken, rice and green beans mostly. I didn’t really care for the taste in food anymore and just started seeing it as a way to fuel my body, that’s about it, I started meal prepping because I hate cooking and would rather get it all done in one go. I hike regularly but besides that no other exercise. I always thought to lose weight I would need to bust my ass in the gym every day but hell to this day I still haven’t set foot in a gym. I didn’t keep track of the days because this wasn’t another weight loss plan or diet that I was putting myself on, losing weight had honestly never entered my mind, then one day I went to the doctor for a check up, I hadn’t been to him in like more than half a year at this point and needed to get my blood taken and looked at, as per the usual once I got into the little room I stepped on the scale for the lady that takes my blood pressure, I stopped looking at the numbers a long time ago but when I heard the numbers that came out of her mouth I almost told her to shut the fuck up. “350”. I couldn’t believe my ears, was she fucking with me? Was the scale broken? When my doctor came in he had a beaming smile on his face, I’ve been seeing this guy since I stopped going to the pediatrician, I asked him so many times for different weight loss advice and recommendations and each time he saw me fall off and get bigger. “Lost quite a bit of weight haven’t we?” It was real, I didn’t just lose 10-20 pounds, the number I usually got to before giving up, I’d lost more than I had ever lost before. Here I am now at 280, officially on a path of weight loss and at a point I always said I would NEVER get to, my goal for the time being 200. Pretty much doing the same thing I’ve been doing, hiking and eating steamed vegetables, rice and some meat protein, I ain’t gonna tell you that losing weight is gonna make you feel amazing in every aspect of life, as I’m still dealing with depression, it definitely ain’t gonna solve all your problems, it’ll definitely solve a couple though. all I’m saying is.


submitted by /u/FR0PPEy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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