Monday, October 28, 2019

Yo-Yo dieter would love your advice

I’ve struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. A bit about me - I’m a 22 year old female, 5ft 3 and currently 228lbs.

I’ve always thought I was ‘fat’ from when I was a little girl. When I was 13, I developed anorexia and recovered around 16, since then my weight has been up and down. I’ve followed diets such as slimming world and been really successful, before leaving and putting all the weight back on again and more.

I should also add, that I was in a long term relationship between the ages of 13 and 19, which became emotionally abusive in the latter years. I won’t get into all the finer details, but basically, as I was recovering from my eating disorder he kept telling me I was getting bigger and bigger and needed to do something about it. He also went so far as to say he had been ‘deceived’ as I was skinny when we met and I had put on weight since then, so he was led to fall in love with someone who I no longer was. ANYWAY, thankfully I no longer have that toxicity in my life and I am in an extremely happy relationship with someone who loves me for who I am.

I am not at a healthy weight - there is no debating that and I know I need to lose weight. The difference this time is that, I’m doing it for health reasons and not because someone is pressuring me due to aesthetic reasons. There is a history of diabetes and heart disease in my family and I would like to do all I can to mitigate the risks of me suffering from these things. Since my current partner and I have been together, we have both put on a lot of weight due to comfort, becoming complacent and eating a lot of chocolate and takeaways! We have now both decided to make a change and will be supporting each other in our venture to lose weight.

My goal would be to lose 100lbs - my starting weight was 240lbs and I’ve lost 12lbs over the past 2 weeks.

The reason for my post is that I would love some motivation and advice for how to keep this up and stick at this and any helpful tips or ideas (basically anything you think may help). I would also like any advice on keeping my weight loss trigger free and to stop me falling back into old habits.

submitted by /u/MW-972019
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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