Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Very confused

I know Im probably going to get allll kinds of 'youre doing it wrong' type of responses for this, because cico and thermodynamics and everything. But I am super confused, my doctor is super confused, and we cant seem to figure out what the problem is. I currently weigh 305 lbs.

I have been struggling to lose weight as long as I can remember, but the biggest issue so far happened recently:

Over the summer I signed up for a cardio kickboxing class/training program. 6 weeks, 3 classes a week, and a fairly restrictive diet. I was logging Everything. I was weighing Everything. I was drinking water until i felt sick. I was eating 1450 calories a day when I forced myself to eat my prescribed evening snack - because all that water made me feel nauseated at the thought of food. 45% protein, 30% fat, 25% carbs on my macros. Lots of vegetables, lean meats, the occasional fruit, avocado. very clean eating. my nutritional data came from the USDA database and i measured in grams for better accuracy.

3x a week, an hour of cardio kickboxing, where I was sweating buckets in the first 10 minutes and kept.pushing.through. On the days I wasnt doing the kickboxing class, I would do about a mile walk in the evenings.

The first week I lost 10 lbs! AMAZING! probably mostly water weight but there's got to be some real progress too right?

Second week I lost 1 lb.

Third week I gained 5. I dropped to 1350 calories. 4th week I gained 5. I dropped to 1200. 5th week I gained 3. So after 5 weeks I had GAINED 2 lbs, felt like shit, was hangry - but nauseated from so much water, and tired all the time, and just wanted to cry. My clothes fit the same and my waist/hip measurements were identical to the start of the program.

The last week I fasted for 3 days while still doing the kickboxing, dropped 10 lbs, blood pressure tanked (47/105) and i thought i was literally going to die. those 10 lbs came back as soon as i started eating again.

After the 6 weeks program, i was no longer doing the cardio kickboxing, but was still walking in the evenings. I also started eating more (around 1800) bc i couldnt stay super restrictive without seeing any kind of results. I lost 8 lbs -eating more, and moving less- but then plateaued. Doctor put me on a weight loss aid to try and give me a bump, which got me down another 3 lbs, and here I am. 305. My doctor has tested me for every kind of anything she can think of. I went completely gluten, dairy, &soy free after week 3 to see if it was an inflammation thing (it wasnt). So far we can't find any explanation.

And before i get the slew of 'not weighing things properly' or 'not logging everything', I tried my damnedest. If I had a banana, i weighed it whole, and then weighed the peel when i was done, to log exactly how many grams of banana i actually ate. I weighed my veggies raw before cooking, so that there would be no confusion on water differences or cooked weight or any of that. If i added any oil or butter to the pan, it got weighed first. The one treat I allowed myself was creamer in my coffee, which I ALSO weighed. And I logged everything religiously.

Ive been on and off this sub for years, along with a few others, for motivation and to help remind myself when I'm falling into FatLogic. Watching everyone elses successes was the push that got me into that class, and being so anal about logging, because it HAS to work. But ... ???

I havent given up completely, I'm still eating clean and logging everything, but I really need some sort of insight as to wtf is wrong with me. I know that someone of my weight eating 1200 calories a day is supposed to lose weight not gain it. Even at 1800 I should be losing, even if its slowly. I am so lost and confused and really just want some sort of answer, and for something to work.

submitted by /u/foxensfancy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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