Monday, October 28, 2019

My doctor has told me I need to lose more than 1/3 of my total body weight to just scrape into a healthy weight range. How do I even begin?

Like many posts here I've been big my entire adult life.

I was a sporty athletic kid, well into my teens and even into my 20s. And then I got a chaotic job, long hours, the usual thing.

I'm now about to turn 27 years old and in the worst shape of my life. At 189cm tall and fluctuating between 130 and 140kg for the last 3 years.

I don't drink soft drink at all (I do drink sparkling water but it's just plain carbonated water) and I usually average about 2 litres a day. I consistently walk between 8 and 12,000 steps a day. But aside from that I have no excersize in my routine. The few times I've done meal tracking I've averaged between 10,000 and 12,000 KJ a day, which according to my research should have me losing weight not gaining.. perhaps I'm just garbage at tracking my food?? How do I develop this skill?

I'm not sure how to begin changing my life but I know I need too. I've scoured the internet but every result for "lose weight" or "get fit" or "healthy eating" seems to result in companies trying to get my money and not actual advice that is helpful.

I know somehow that there is a way to excersize and eat well.. but what is it?

TLDR: to get to a BMI in the healthy range I need to be 88.9kg, a weight loss goal of 48.6kg a weight I don't even believe I CAN lose (is there really 50 extra of fat on me!?) Please, any advice will help me, I'm at a total loss of where to begin.

submitted by /u/moxthunder
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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