Saturday, October 26, 2019

SV/NSV Under 200 lbs for the first time in 13 years, my students didn’t recognize me!

I’ve lost about 60 pounds since the beginning of this year and 81 pounds since my heaviest of ~277 a few years ago. A few weeks ago I crossed the 200 mark for the first time since 8th grade! I am now at about 196.

I teach an English as a second language class for adults at night after my normal job. The classes run from October to May so my students haven’t seen me since about 50 pounds ago.

When one of my students from last year came in he greeted me with “Maestro, qué te pasó?! No te reconocí!” (“Teacher, what happened to you?! I didn’t recognize you!”). He went on to explain that he saw me waiting outside of the school to let students in but didn’t come in because he didn’t think it was me.

After class my students from last year were talking to each other about how different I look. One of the new students didn’t believe that I “used to be fat”. That phrase was amazing to hear because I still don’t consider myself to be skinny. We got to talking about weight loss and she told me that I weigh the same as her, which surprised me because I would have thought she weighed much less than me.

I definitely notice a difference but I think I still see myself as much larger than I am, so it helps to hear it from someone else sometimes.

I’ve mostly been doing it by calorie in/calorie out. I use the LoseIt app and as long as I stay under my calories I usually lose. I have changed my diet a bit but I still enjoy things like pizza and fried chicken, just not as much as before. It has been 90% diet/staying under my allotted calories. About 2 months ago I started running about 3 times a week and just completed my second 5k. It has definitely helped by giving me a bigger calorie budget, but like I said it has been 90% diet.

submitted by /u/Wawagoose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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