Sunday, October 27, 2019

NSVs - Quitting some damaging habits and hope for future self!

F25/SW200/CW167/GW135 - 33lbs down this morning since around June 2019 and some NSVs that I have noticed in the past month and some this week! Sorry it's a bit of a long post, my first post here.

I've been lurking this sub for a while now and all I can say is wow, I feel so inspired every time I come on here. You people are amazing.

I wanted to share some of the good stuff that has come with my weight loss and makes me so excited to get to my goal weight. In high school I was always fairly active, I've been riding and competing on horseback since I was around 5, so riding horses has always been a large part of my life. In high school it was not unusual for me to wake up early, ride a horse, and come home to ride 2 more that evening. This burned a lot of calories so I was always around the 140lbs mark and muscular. I had a great appetite for a young woman and never worried about what I was eating.

Then came college, an abusive relationship, depression, lack of exercise, a drinking problem, and then a demanding job. I quickly jolted up to the 175-180 mark and stayed for a few years. I left the relationship I hated and moved away with my horses. This spring I finally hit 200 and was so upset with myself. One thing I will say is my fiance I have now (who I met shortly after I left the toxic relationship) has been so incredibly supportive. He has always told me he wants me to be happy with myself first and foremost and that my size has never changed his feelings.

When I was in the 200s early this spring/summer I competed a one of my local shows with my horse, we have always done well, I had not ridden much that winter due to the cold and snow we got and not having access to indoor arenas. We did OK but not our best times (the competitions are speed/time based). I put my horse away for the day and noticed something that hit me where it needed to. I made my horse's back sore. You can be a heavier rider and have good balance and be fine, but obviously I was obese at this point and my physical condition had suffered, my balance was off and my equine partner took the brunt of it. I was a mess. I cried. I vowed I would not let this interfere with the animal and sport I loved.

Things I changed:

1) Alcohol Consumption: I was the type to drink every weekend, I was a expensive drinker as I could put away a lot of beverages and still not feel buzzed. I believe the drinking started when I started working in my current job. My job is stressful emotionally and physically and drinking made me feel "relaxed". I am sure now, that I was probably drinking my daily caloric needs if not more 2-3 nights a week. I made a hard stop. Since May I have had only a few vodka sodas, no sugar, at social events but nothing else.

2) No more snacks in the house!: Me and my fiance made a vow to no longer bring chips/candy/snacks into the house. We live rurally about 30 mins from any sort of store. If there are no snacks in the house you can bet that we are not snacking on things on "days in" on the farm. We both were not big soda drinkers but obviously we banned any sort of soda. I will admit I may cheat and have one can every couple of weeks.

3) Weight training: We don't have access to a gym but my fiance has purchased some used weights and a bench for us to use. I essentially use it daily now. If I want to sit on the couch and scroll on my phone for a bit I tell myself i'll do it after I do some squats or bench presses.

4) Drinking 3L of water per day, no excuses!

5) CICO : I started this about 5 weeks ago, 1200kcal/day, sometimes a bit more if I had a competition or was riding a lot. 10lbs down in just over a month, awesome! Thanks Loseit! app.

Now the awesome part, NSVs!

1) My doctor is thrilled, I have successfully been taken off of betablockers for my tachycardia/hypertension/SVT. A lot is diet related, but stopping the drinking and managing my work stress better has also played a huge role. I have less migraines (more weather related now) as well. I still get the occasional feeling of SVTs but nothing like before.

2) I beat my own personal record at the beginning of Oct for my horse competitions and had the fastest time of the weekend. I shaved a whole second off of our barrel times at one of our circuits we run. If my math is correct I believe we may have won senior year end champ. Will find out in November! My balance is better and my horse is way happier. Also looking at videos I see myself as a more balanced rider, better posture and more confidence. Also my jeans fit way better lol.

3) I had a regular client at work come in for an appointment, the first thing she said to me was "My god girl, you look great!", I had a great week at work after that.

4) I have self control with the snacks brought in at work now. We often get a lot of candies, baked goods, or chocolates brought in by well meaning clients as a thank you. I feel my self control is so much more improved.

5) I can do pull-ups now! Holy crap it's been at least 7 years since I have done one. Now I can almost do 2 in a row.

Something I am really looking forward to is March. My Fiance has been on a deployment to the middle east since Sept. By March I should be at my goal weight again. I can't wait to surprise him when he gets home! He knows I've been working really hard and has been so so supportive.

I don't really have many friends to share these successes with so thank you all for reading if you did, I really appreciate the supportive and positive environment this sub has to offer.

submitted by /u/RuralTech1152
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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