Saturday, October 26, 2019

If you are starving all the time, calculate your TDEE using your own data.

23F 5’9” 138lb- original gw 135 but I might maintain here at 140 instead. SW was 157 back in July- I had been in the high 140s through college without dieting and then due to drinking my senior year gained 10lbs. Have some joint issues and was told losing weight might help, plus did not feel good in my body in the high 150s. So here I am.

I’ve been logging all my calories now for 73 days (thanks MFP!). With a couple of months of data under my belt now, I decided to try and calculate my TDEE. Today I’m at a concrete point in my menstrual cycle- last day of the period. I broke my data up into two chunks- end of last period to end of this period, and the one before that. (Discarded the first couple weeks of data because it did not line up to the same point in my period, and I figured it would have a lot of water weight loss from glycogen stuff.) I pretty much only lose weight on my period, so chunking my data this way will be more accurate I hope.

According to my calculations, assuming 1 lb lost is 3500 calories, I’ve been eating a 500-700 calorie deficit when I was aiming for a 250 daily calorie deficit. I’ve been eating 1800 calories a day, losing up to 6lb a month.

I’m not an athlete though I am very anxious and move constantly- I also bike/walk everywhere and exercise 2-3 days a week. Apparently my TDEE is pretty damn high.

I’m going to eat 2000 calories today and try to keep to 2000-2100 and see what happens. The high 2500 number I got is not credible, but I would buy 2100 for maintenance for me. I’m at 1250 right now for the day and I feel full for the first time in months basically. I’ve decided that I’m going to try to eat until I’m full (of reasonable food) for a couple days and log it and see how much that is, too, as an experiment to see what I eat on my own. If that goes well, I think I will stop logging for a month and watch the scale. If it goes up after an initial water weight bump, I will reassess- otherwise I think I will try to not focus so much on diet, and check the scale, and if needed go back to dieting.

Literally not being hungry is so amazing. People here are really inclined to tell you to err on the side of eating less, and I understand that for many people that’s good. But I feel better today than I have in a long time, and I think it’s because I’ve been undereating. Seeing the numbers like this is super helpful.

Some people say they’re not hungry on 1200 and hey good for them. But if you’re miserable on 1800 and you have a lot of data, try doing the math.

submitted by /u/Joy_Clements
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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