Monday, December 23, 2019

Untamed hunger and cravings

I need to lose weight loseit, but I’m gaining. I need divine intervention. The hunger and cravings I experience is hard to conquer. I liken the resistance to that of an untamed mustang refusing domestication. I constantly think about food, always need a proper meal—can’t starve or diet. Like when I try to go for the healthy option, I’ll not only eat that, I will turn around and also consume the unhealthy option I tried to not get. I wish the part of my brain that controls the urge to eat or care about food could be killed, the only time I lose weight is if it is a side effect of a prescription and it’s short lived because eventually hunger and cravings infiltrate through eventually killing the efficacy of the weight loss side effect. I’m destined to be overweight and eventually fat—I don’t know how to stop this trainwrek in the process..

HJALP (help) !

submitted by /u/BlaHaHa22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else have worse self confidence now than when they started?

I was really into the body positivity scene and self love. I was blissfully ignorant of how weight loss/gain worked and had the mind set of I was just destined to be a plus size woman and I was going to be sexy and out going and my genetics weren't going to hold me back. Now I've lost 80lbs and I'm so self conscious about how I look. I hate that I still have so much work to do and I'm having trouble staying motivated with the holidays. And its getting so hard to eat at a deficit. Im a really short woman so getting a deficit thats more than 500 calories is really hard. I was doing better when I could exercise 5 times a week but with so much travel and things going on this month I haven't been able to do even half that. I don't want to get rid of any of my bigger clothes cause I don't feel ready. People keep telling me I need to stop wearing such baggy clothes but nothing looks good on me anymore. Anyone else struggling with this?

submitted by /u/PaxonGoat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! Here are 246 (updated!) pages of notes that I've taken after reading 6 prominent books, watching 150+ videos, and researching the work coming from some of the biggest names in the fitness/ weightlifting industry.

Omnibus Document: Weightlifting/ Bodybuilding Notes

Link to the Newest Version of the Downloadable PDF

Quick Introduction:

Hi, again, everyone!

Here is yet another update post regarding my Omnibus document since I’ve added quite a bit to my original notes. I hope that some of it comes of use to someone here, particularly those joining us into the coming months/ weeks as New Years Resolutioners. Think of it as a Christmas/ Hanukkah/ Kwanzaa gift from me to this community.

Again, my notes mostly have come from those individuals or groups that I believe best suit my research due to their renown, notoriety within the community, unique perspectives, personalities (to some extent or another), and their overall results that they have achieved throughout their body of work (literally and metaphorically).

They are, in order of the summaries that I have written:

  • Dr Mike Israetel/ Juggernaut Training Systems
  • Jeff Nippard
  • Mark Rippetoe/ Starting Strength
  • Tyler English
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Dr. Brad Schoenfeld
  • Dr. Ben Pollack
  • Athlean-X/ Jeff Cavaliere
  • Alan Aragon
  • Dr. Austin Baraki
  • Dr. Eric Helms
  • Greg Nuckols
  • James Krieger
  • Jim Stoppani
  • Dr. Jordan Feigenbaum
  • Dr. Layne Norton
  • Barbell Medicine Podcast

Newly Added Sections!

  • Revive Stronger Podcast
  • Renaissance Periodization
  • Seth Feroce
  • Handy Resources from Other Redditors
  • Upcoming Additions

From that group, I have watched and summarized over 150+ YouTube videos, read six books totaling over 2200 pages, and read 60+ scientific journal articles/ personal blog posts all regarding the topics of bodybuilding (natty and juicy), powerlifting, weight loss/ gain, powerbuilding, strength, and hypertrophy. In the document, I've provided links or reference to the material being summarized/ reflected on.

The Tools:

The new and improved TDEE tracking document - 2020 Life Tracker - now completely revamped, can be used for both bulking and cutting, data on your day-to-day, and body measurements/ goals!

The new and improved 19-week macrocycle hypertrophy only modified PHAT program, including deloads and PR setting weeks if desired

The new and improved 12-week macrocycle hypertrophy only modified PHAT program

Modified PHAT program using block periodization for a single macrocycle - 19 Weeks - across hypertrophy -> strength -> power, including deloads

Unfuck Your Program tool spreadsheet created by Dr. Ben Pollack

INOL Heat Map: For Reps x Intensity Measurements

My YouTube playlist of videos used for research during the making of this document

What's New?: The Newest Updates and Edits

  1. Again, the document has undergone some basic editing involved in the formatting of the document at hopefully made it a bit more readable, added nearly 70 more pages worth of content summaries, read another book, and added some new resources that have been provided to me by some very kind and generous redditors (shout out /u/1shmeckle and /u/Nivlaek!).
  2. I’ve updated the 19 week modified PHAT program to be split into two different macrocycles for people with different goals. One of the programs goes through a full macrocycle of hypertrophy -> strength -> power -> PR, and the other is strictly a hypertrophy program. These are still being workshopped, so if you have any comments or suggestions, let me know!
  3. I’ve done a massive overhaul of the previous TDEE Calculator/ Tracker that I provided before. Transparently, I was not happy nor satisfied with the one I posted before but I included it because it’s what I was using. For 2020 I have given it a massive facelift, significantly improved it’s useability, implement a variety of tracking methods that I was previously doing by hand, and in general made it worthwhile.
  4. The YouTube channel/ playlist is still wildly behind the document itself. I’ll be going through and updating it to match the Omnibus in the coming weeks. Sorry if you have been using this and have noticed missing links/ videos!
  5. Minor edits to old sections’ grammar or formatting. Prettying things up a bit overall.
  6. Quite a few additions of entire workouts for muscle groups (check out Seth Feroce, Ben Pollack, Jeff Nippard, and Jeff Cavaliere)

This is an ongoing project, as it's something that I like to do in my free time to help organize my thoughts. Hopefully it comes in use for you - most of it is likely stuff a lot of you already know, but maybe for someone it will help guide their process into the sport.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or need clarification on anything, or have some sort of productive criticism. A lot of this was written the way I tend to process information - stream of thought - so some of it may have been lost in translation. I also gladly accept suggestions on new content to look into, though I am leaning away from podcasts as they don’t tend to keep my attention for very long.

Thanks, y'all!

submitted by /u/ShouldBeWorking3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Exercise as a motivator for CICO

I have been working on my weight long enough to know when I'm losing, maintaining, and gaining. The trouble is shifting out of one phase to the other, specifically gaining to losing.

My big long 4 year graph of weight loss shows the best indicator of weight loss is exercise, not because I'm working off calories but because my appetite is surpressed. My time is being taken up by something that doesn't provide food, I never want to eat before so my stomach won't get upset, I feel less motivation-crushing guilt from eating over my cal goal, and many other psychological effects that I'm not totally aware of.

Schedule and consistency are a big player for me. It improves my tracking, my sleep, my mood, and of course my eating (which always benefits my wallet).

Does anybody else have some very strong factors in their loss like this they wanna share?

submitted by /u/ladyalot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A reminder to protect your teeth on your weight loss journey!

Hey guys. Just wanted to share a few basic tips to help you protect your teeth while you lose weight. As a dentist, I’ve seen a lot of people do a lot of damage to their teeth with habits that seem healthy at first glance, but that actually are dangerous. Hopefully this post will help you avoid the same pitfalls. The two main dangers I see are frequent snacking/sipping and acid erosion.

Disclaimer: I’m simplifying a lot to keep the length of this post down.

Snacking/sipping frequency:

So you’re trying to be healthier, and you’ve cut down to one Coke a day. Great! Do you sip on that Coke slowly and make it last all day long? Not so great. The bacteria that cause cavities care less about how much sugar they get, and more about how often they get access to sugar. Every time you sip the Coke, the bacteria convert that sugar into acid for about 30 minutes, and that acid causes cavities by dissolving the minerals in your tooth. Your teeth get soft and bacteria can invade the soft spots. If you drink that Coke in 6 gulps spread throughout the day, it’s kind of like dipping your teeth into an acid bath for 30 minutes, 6 times a day. That’s 3 hours.

A healthier alternative: finish the whole Coke over the course of a meal. That way, you only have one 30 minute acid bath, AND your saliva is helping to wash the Coke away faster so that it isn’t just hanging around on your teeth. It’s the same amount of sugar, but your teeth are only exposed to cavity-causing acid for 30 minutes (low cavity risk) instead of 3 hours (high cavity risk).

This same concept applies with snacks and small meals. Any time there are sugars or simple carbohydrates from snacks (chips, crackers, fruit, pretzels, sugary mints, sugary gum, coffee with milk and sweetener, etc), the bacteria are eating it with you and making that acid. A lot of people are doing intermittent fasting right now, which completely solves this problem. But if several small snacks throughout the day is what helps you lose weight, or if you have had bariatric surgery and require several small meals, a little planning can go a long way. Try making some of those snacks/meals into something that can’t feed those sugar bugs. Think almonds, eggs, hard cheeses, pepperoni, jerky, celery, carrots, unsweet tea, and sugar-free gum.

Acid erosion:

So now you’re trying to be even healthier. You’ve completely given up soda and are just drinking water. Fantastic! But water is getting boring, so you add a few lemon wedges. Mmm, calorie-free flavor.

Be careful! I’m not saying don’t ever drink fruit-infused water. But make it an occasional treat. I have seen a few cases this year of people who throw some lemon slices in a jug of water and sip on that every day, all day long, and Y'ALL. Their teeth were just MELTING away from that constant onslaught of acid. It was especially heartbreaking because they were only trying to be healthy. (Google acid erosion to get an idea.)

Don’t forget, sparkling water and diet sodas are acidic, as well (but not as bad as lemon water). Use good judgment, and don’t be drinking 3-4 cans all day, every day.

I hope these ideas help. With CICO, you can eat anything (with moderation and planning) and still lose weight. Likewise, you can eat/drink anything (with mindful timing and moderation) and avoid cavities and tooth erosion.

TLDR: Limit the amount of time your teeth are exposed to sugar, simple carbs, and acid.

submitted by /u/buccal_up
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Challenge] Challenge Announcement - Loseit Enters the Roaring 20's and CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS

Announcing the Next Loseit Challenge - Loseit Enters the Roaring 20's

Flappers. Speakeasies. The Charleston. That one book you were forced to read in 8th grade. Come join us for our new year's challenge as we eneter the 2020's Starting January 3rd.

So what is a Loseit Challenge?

The loseit challenges are a friendly team based weight loss and activity challenge. Users sign up, establish their starting weight and goal for the 8 week challenge, and then weigh in weekly to track their progress. Every week there will be a head to head challenge where teams will compete in activity challenges logging things like steps taken, activity minutes, or strength training minutes to help their team.

Signups will open on January 3rd. Look for a new post both in r/loseit and our subreddit r/LoseitChallenges.

We are looking for volunteers!

Come join the Loseit Challenges team. We're looking for addional folks interested in being:

  • Team Captains
  • Co-Captains
  • r/loseitchallenges theme hosts and mods - help with daily posts, themeing and other creative stuff to help keep the subreddit running during the challenges.

If you're interested in volunteering, please fill out this form. We'll reach out to selected folks over the next 2 weeks.

submitted by /u/Jameson1780
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I went to a therapist for help with weight loss.

Per the title, I went to a therapist for help. I've never been to one before and was rather embarrassed to admit that at first. I don't think less of other people who go to therapy, but something in me was really embarrassed about going for what I described as a potential binge eating disorder. I'm sharing a snippet of my story in hope that it helps someone on here either make the right decision or just feel better knowing that there's other people struggling through the same stuff.
I've actually had great success with CICO thanks to this sub and have lost ~60 pounds to date. Similar to social media I put on a positive front, publicly, but have still been struggling behind the successful weight loss mask. My challenge is that I REALLY struggle with what I considered problematic binge eating. I can go all day feeling great, eating well, and then something changes at night time and I just clean out my fridge/pantry/anything with food in it. It's like the part of me that cares just goes away and the only thing that will make me feel better is shoving food in my mouth. After a couple months of regular therapy, it seems we've discovered that what I describe as binge eating is actually a coping mechanism for stress and anxiety. Looking back, it all makes sense, but I needed help understanding it and learning to spot the stress and anxiety when they start so I can cope in healthier ways.

If any of this sounds like you, my suggestion is that you should consider speaking to someone about it. I would have never figured this out on my own. I chalked it up to having some sort of eating disorder or just being really hungry and "losing mental fights to myself." Am I magically cured from a couple months of sessions? No. I still have a long ways to go. However, I have tools now and an understanding of what's been going on.

submitted by /u/i_ShotFirst
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from loseit - Lose the Fat