Monday, January 6, 2020

Regained the weight and doubting everything

I really thought I had the whole weight loss as a lifestyle change thing figured out, so I’m dismayed and completely confused at what to do now.

After a lifetime of fad diets, I discovered sustainable calorie tracking and moderation. I lost 70 pounds (190 to 120, maybe more since I didn’t weigh myself at the very beginning) in 8 months, and maintained it for 2 and 1/2 years. And for the first time, it felt real, even easy. I really felt confident I would keep the weight off the rest of my life, that I’d really changed and was never going back to my old habits.

And then, I did gain it back. Last year I steadily have gained back up to 170, still weighting myself regularly and watching the numbers go up, and I can’t seem to curb it back down. I try doing the same things I did before, basically just food logging in MFP, but I don’t stick to it anymore. I don’t want to say I can’t, because obviously I technically can, but... I just don’t. I know yea I can say, I am 170 instead of 190 now. But that isn’t much comfort when it is still obese for my height, and I experience all the same discomforts and health issues.

What is wrong with me? I feel heart-broken and hopeless that even something that felt so right and real went wrong. It’s not just a wrong turn in the road, I’ve gone right back where I started and my car’s broken now. Has anyone else been in my shoes? What do you tell yourself when it seems like there’s nothing else to turn to and you just can’t stick to even something so simple as counting calories? I’m at a loss, it took me a long time even to work up to posting this. Thanks for the chance to get this off my chest.

submitted by /u/bluemoonbluess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need accountability partners

Hello people. I'm 23M. 5'11" ish.

In 2018, I lost a lot of weight and was around 195 lbs. It's not much. But that's the least I've ever weighed in around the previous 4 years. Had a lot of issues to deal with in 2019 and stress-ate which resulted in me gaining 45 pounds. My ideal weight is 150 pounds.

I started walking for 3-3.5 miles a day on an average. And lost about 2 pounds already. I feel that I can do much better if I can have an accountability partner who will compete and be vigilant of my weight loss. I would return the same favour. If I get more than one response, we can form a group and would be much better. Hope to get started as soon as possible.

Have a good day, peeps.

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Half
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What physical changes you see in your body besides the obvious things?

Down 5 months in my weight loss journey, I've noticed new things happening in my body, physically.

So, apparently I have bones. I now have a permanent bruise in the middle of my back caused by my spine lol (and a LOT other bruises distributed around my body that I have no idea how I got).

I have muscles too! Never thought my legs and arms could be so toned :D.

Oh, and I don't have the knees of an elderly while 19 anymore, which makes me SO happy, 'cause I love to dance and it always were a hindrance for me to pursue that passion.

There are some low points too. The loose skin and all the stretch marks are a constant reminder of what I did to my body over all these years. Despite feeling gross about it, it also motivates me to continue in my lifestyle changes, so I'll never be back for where I started.

What about you guys? I'm excited to know about your own experiences about physical changes other than just losing inches around your body!

submitted by /u/catwaterbottle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


I'm in an absolute state of depression over my weight and thought I'd put this out to you guys to see if someone has maybe been through something similiar.

I'm 25 (26 on the 11th) years old, 6ft 3 and 140kg. Obviously, not good at all. When I was 22, I went on Duromine from August - September of 2017. I was using rapid loss shakes twice a day and having 2 protein shakes a day and the only meal I would have was dinner and it would be a bit of meat and that's it. I know it wasn't the smartest but it helped me lose 30kg in 5 weeks. I felt fucking awesome and still, to this day, hate myself for basically going "Well I've busted my ass and have gone from 148kg (my max weight at this time) down to 118kg, I'm going to take a weekend off and chill." That was the start of the downfall, along with some big family problems and my bad habits kicked back up and here I am.

I've been on Duromine again for about 4 weeks, back at gym properly for 3 and I've been going 6 days a week and feeling pretty good. Back when I was 19, I used to be 92kg at the gym constantly so I'm still used to going often. I've been on the shakes again and I've lost NO weight at all. None. I've been doing my normal weights training, 4 sets with 12-15 reps and lighter weights to help with weight loss and slowly building the heaviness of the weights up plus 25min of cardio after 4 of the 6 sessions a week. I'm at a loss as to why I've lost literally no weight. I'm going to the doctors next week to chat about it, I'm hoping it's nothing with my thyroid and will go from there.

Any tips/advice/similiar experiences that anyone has/has been through would be fantastic!

PS; I take multivitamins and haven't touched any sort of junk food/soft drinks/alcohol or anything like that in the last month.

submitted by /u/Joshay12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss is maintaining 80% average

This is kind of a weird post and will prob get deleted but I saw a post on Instagram recently saying that basically to lose weight, you need your week to be at an average of 80%. Meaning three 100% days (100% diet friendly), two 80% days, one 60% day and one 40% day average out to an 80% week - which is where you need to be for weight loss.

I found it super interesting because I’d always been the person throwing away her week after having one bad day. Anyway, has anyone seen that graphic? I can’t find it anywhere and don’t remember what account I saw it on, and would love to see it again. Let me know if you know what I’m talking about or if you saw it.

submitted by /u/thecarodiaries
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone gotten surgery to remove loose skin following weight loss?

I'm curious to know your experiences. I've lost 20 kilos since mid-September now. That was already 30 below my heaviest, and I have 18 more to go to reach my target (63; just below half my heaviest).

I'm 32F/166cm and have excess skin on my belly especially that makes me very self-conscious... I have PCOS so belly fat was a huge issue for me, and I now feel like whatever the opposite of a butterface is and want to get my excess skin removed, preferably in Eastern Europe/Baltics or Turkey and I'm wondering if anyone's had experience with tummy tucks or other skin removal procedures this in these countries, or in general.

Is it worth it? Does it help? What are scars like?


submitted by /u/LifeIsNotPassingBi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat