Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Hello everyone! I’ve just started my weight loss journey

Hi everyone! I’m new to Reddit and I’ve just started my weight loss journey. I joined the gym at the YMCA a few weeks ago but I only found the courage to go yesterday. I’m a 23 year old female and I’m 5’3, 308 lbs. I’m currently in college studying for my bachelors. I’m hoping this will be the last time I start a weight loss journey. I’ve probably “started” 6 in the last 5 years and failed them all. I usually lose like 20 lbs at the most but I always gain it back.

One of my biggest issues is emotional eating. When I graduated high school I went through a very difficult time and would cope by eating junk food. I guess it made me feel happy. Fast forward to today and I’ve gained 130 lbs since then. I don’t know how it got this bad, but I’m trying to get back to a healthier self. My doctor recommended intermittent fasting but I tend to binge (on junk food) when I do that...

Another thing that I seem to have trouble with is being consistent at the gym. I feel like I get really self conscious and that deters me from the gym. Every time I’ve gone I’m always the biggest, most out of shape person there.

My goals for this weight loss journey are to be at a healthy weight of about 150 lbs and to be able to run a marathon.

Does anyone have any advice for emotional eating / incorporating healthy foods into their diet or being self conscious at the gym? Or any advice in general? Thank you for taking the time to read this!

submitted by /u/catsplusdogs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3bc02Pi

Run Faster in this Month – Tip 1 and 2

Hello! Are you ready to run faster this month? Did you get this month’s calendar with 10 tips to run faster? If not – get it here: *Click here for – February 2020 Calendar with 10 Run Faster Tips * Running Tip 1: Write out your MAIN Goal for this month. Yes, write it down. ... Read More about Run Faster in this Month – Tip 1 and 2

The post Run Faster in this Month – Tip 1 and 2 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat https://ift.tt/3b7EzHf

I (F25) have re-started my weight loss journey for the x-illionth time

I've always been the big girl, I've never been thin. I've always struggled to lose weight. No matter how many gym classes or running around on the playground I did, it never came off. The only thing I would get is red in the face and, if I was really unlucky, an asthma attack. I have a lot of mental issues and some trauma. That doesn't help. I've also had anorexia and subsequent anorexic tendencies since my last year of high school, 2012-2013.

Two weeks ago, I went in for a checkup with my doctor. I was at my heaviest (246lbs.) and I was miserable. Without changing my diet or exercise level, I had swelled from 180lbs. to 246lbs. and I couldn't get anyone to understand it must have been my medication. So she switched one medication and sent me off with the warning to start counting my calories. So far, I've lost around 8 pounds by doing almost nothing.

Making my own food and exercising will be a lot easier when I move out and can control my time a bit better.

I have a long way to go. I'm 5'4" and 25 so my goal weight is 120lbs. but in reality, I doubt my body will allow me to go below 140lbs. My mini goal is just to get back down below 200lbs. Just wanted to share my story. Encouragement and ideas are much appreciated. Thank you all so much.

Edit: I just got one of those horrible yet cringy messages from that troll. Have taken the precautions listed by the mods in a previous post. Just thought I would say that he seems to be doing this to anyone and everyone. What a bore.

submitted by /u/WellThatsFantasmic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2OuAUJH

Just saw pre weight gain pictures from 4 years ago and I’m so upset, defeated and shocked.

[Rant] F24. I’ve been living a lie the past couple of years. I have completely avoided mirrors and disregarded my physical appearance. I started binge eating a few years ago due to depression and anxiety. I am in pain all the time due to the weight on my joints and I get winded from the smallest things.

Going back to when I was 20, I was fit. I was 105lbs at 5’3. Looking pretty was something I was worried about a lot. As soon as the depression hit this just completely went out the window. Food and cigarettes were the only thing that made me feel okay for a few minutes.

My mental health is a lot better and I started my journey around new year and I’ve lost 20 pounds. I started at 220. The weight is coming off. The reason I’m so upset is today was the first day I took a video of myself and just looked at my body. I have no full length mirrors at home. All I could feel is disgust and I felt no connection to what I was seeing. I almost don’t believe it’s me. I also looked at videos of myself in a bikini pre weight gain.

I feel defeated because I have this feeling that although I’ve started the journey and will get to a healthy weight, I’m afraid I’ve caused irreparable physical damage to my body. My skin is disgusting and stretched and full of weird lumps and stretch marks. I’m afraid that I’ll never be able to feel confident in a bikini again and that I’ve wasted the years my body is supposed to be in its ‘prime’.

I know this is a stupid way to look at it. I’m going to continue my weight loss journey the same as I’ve been doing. I just really needed to get this off my chest. I just hope my body finds a way to bounce back and that there will be better dermatological/surgical options for lose skin etc in the future.

submitted by /u/brit-md
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2RYSAzg

How Long Should You Train for a Half Marathon or Full Marathon – Q&A

New running questions from the Instagram @RunEatRepeat story box! Today we’re talking about a new runner training for their first half marathon, how I lost weight, how long you train for a half or full marathon and more! Question from this round: I’m a beginner runner training for my first half marathon in November. What ... Read More about How Long Should You Train for a Half Marathon or Full Marathon – Q&A

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from Run Eat Repeat https://ift.tt/31qiSgO

Wild Journey

I'm f 22 5'2" currently 128-130 depending on the day, hah.

So, about a year and a half ago I started dropping weight. (Starting weight was 170 and dropped all the way down to 115 within 2018 to 2019).

As a child, my grandparents pretty much raised me whilst my mom worked, they never cooked, always went out to restaurants and let me order whatever I wanted. So, steak, pasta, all the carbs and soda I wanted. You bet I was all over the bread too. To make it worse, when buying groceries I was pretty much able to get whatever. I loved mac n cheese like.. a little too much. Learned how to make it myself, would eat the whole box to myself easy. Before this I was a pretty tiny kid, very active, ate pretty normally before my grandparents started watching over me. Grandfather would pick me up after school, ask how I was, tell him I was hungry, and of course got the dad jokes "hi hungry, I'm pop pop", then I'd ask to get McDonalds, and he wouldn't protest, even when he would I would beg, so we went, and hours later would get dinner at some restaurant where of course I would choose the worst food. Got pretty chubby. Still stayed active, but not nearly enough to combat all the calories I'd been taking in in a day.

Get into my teen years and puberty sets in, doesn't get any better. I'm just taller, more awkward and still chubby. I get older, bullying, depression, yadda yadda you've heard the rest. I take food as a coping mechanism even more. I'm making my own alfredo, eating tons of shitty food because I thought I hated vegetables and pasta and steak were really all I wanted, and never formed any healthy habits. Stopped doing things, started drinking, smoking, being as absolutely lazy as possible.
I turn 18, first job is McDonalds, hah who woulda thunk. It was just a shitty starter job, but I ate for free. I did bike about 4 miles a day to and from work in Florida heat, didn't really lose much weight. Worked there for less than a year, worked two other jobs within a year or two after. Then I started working at a different place, been nearly 4 years with them, but I was nearly 20, working a lot, running around all day, lifting things. Constantly active.

I started dropping weight not intentionally, but I was. I was taking in tons of caffeine to combat my exhaustion, and not eating very much at all. I'd get home late, feed my dog then go skateboard with him. Months pass and I start to notice my stomach is tighter, flatter, and my clothes are fitting different. I'm buying new pants constantly and it can't be a coincidence. So, I start taking photos to prove to myself I'm not losing my shit. I didn't have a scale, and was terrified of the scale. So, I didn't have solid numbers as proof.




I see that I am in fact capable of losing weight after thinking I couldn't for so long and giving up. I saw this and became obsessed. I started doing HIT (high intensity workouts) plus running every night with my dog instead of skating. I started to really restrict my calorie intake, and since I was at work for 6-7 hours a day I wouldn't notice, I'd stay busy, take 200mg of caffeine, chug water and found takis in small amounts helped curbed whatever other hunger I'd felt. It made my stomach feel warm because of the spices (lmao) so I latched onto that. Then I really started noticing the weight loss. I'd never felt or looked better in my entire life and I loved it. The caffeine helped with my depleted energy, and it didn't seem like I'd been deprived of anything.

My diet was:
Gallon of water a day
Handful or two of takis and almonds throughout the day
Bowl of rice and chicken
Sometimes I'd eat pears or carrots as snacks
Sometimes to mix it up I'd get a bowl from chipotle, stack it with tons of steak, and veg, tortilla on the side to tear to small pieces and make baby burritos, make the bowl last me until the next day

Now, I moved to a big city for school. SOOO much good food everywhere, and I became insanely busy, too busy to focus on working out and I had a horrible phobia of running where there were people, literally didn't want to be seen thus why I ran late with my dog and would have anxiety whenever I'd see people drive past. Dunno why I'm so anxiety ridden when it comes to this. Anyway, I'm not really looking after my diet, I'm stressed all of the time, sleeping like shit, start eating more and drinking a lot. This was back in May of 2019, fast forward to today, I've gained about 12 pounds, but I'm back on my bull shit, cleaning up my diet, getting back into a good routine, trying to avoid a huge calorie cut as I was eating under 1000 daily for a while and then spun out of control when I moved.

Hopefully, I can make it back to what my body looked like prior without the insane diet.

So, my current body:



submitted by /u/MacDeMarc-ho
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2GXSod6

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself While Dieting?

Whether you view the scale as friend or foe, the fact remains that, while you’re exploring how to lose weight, it’s the best tool to quantify your health status. While the scale alone is not an indicator of overall health, when paired with body measurements and clothing fit, it can be a good way to track your weight maintenance or weight loss progress.

Follow along with our Nutrisystem tips as we weigh in on the practice of weighing yourself while dieting:

Step on the scale once a week.
Nutrisystem recommends stepping on the scale on a weekly basis to measure your status. Your body weight fluctuates throughout a monthly cycle and many factors like food intake, water retention, and hormones can tip the scale to the higher end. That is why the scale is most effective when utilized on a repeating schedule to track your true progress. Just be sure that you’re wearing about the same amount of clothing each time you step on the scale to keep consistent.

How to know if your weight loss plan is working

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Know your starting weight.
When starting a diet, step on the scale in the morning of day one and record your true starting weight. Schedule your next weigh-in for the same time the following week and don’t peek at the numbers beforehand. For those following the Nutrisystem plan, the Week 1 kit works to accelerate your weight loss in the first week, making it an exciting payoff to see how far you’ve truly come in only one week.

Don’t be tempted to weigh everyday.
We tend to get into trouble when we create an unhealthy dependence on the scale. Seeing your weight fluctuate in small increments on a daily basis can be discouraging. Instead of obsessing over the numbers, put your energy into how to lose weight by prepping healthy meals and increasing physical activity. Use your weekly weigh-ins as your reward for all of the hard work you’ve put in over the past seven days.

7 Weight Loss Myths You Have to Stop Believing

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Check in during the maintenance phase.
Bravo to those who have achieved their weight loss goals! Once you reach this stage, use the scale to track your status to keep the numbers from creeping back up. Stay in tune with how you feel and keep persevering with your healthy food and exercise habits.

The post How Often Should You Weigh Yourself While Dieting? appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/2B7GGHT