Monday, June 8, 2020

I’m nervous and scared about the Instagram I created to track my weight loss journey goes nothing. I’m a 24 year old, 5’7”, 201 lb woman. Today, I created an ig to help keep me accountable and on track with my weight loss/journey to health. I’m nervous because my friends/family/coworkers are following me(not many), but I don’t want to disappoint them. I’m scared I’m going to fail. I know I shouldn’t worry about their judgement, but I do. What if I don’t lose weight quickly enough, or what if I don’t consistently post? What is they judge me for not having having a large following? I know this is all a fear that I just need to get over, but how? I was hoping that creating the ig would get me excited, but now I’m just scared.

submitted by /u/missmybrotheralways
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After multiple miscarriages, I'm ready to start my weight loss journey again. This is day 1.

I never had much of a weight problem until I started infertility treatments. Sure, I had 5-10 vanity pounds I would have liked to lose, but over all I was a healthy weight.

In 2016 my husband and I were starting year 5 of trying to start a family. We finally decided to see a fertility doctor. Over the course of the next 2 years, we had multiple failed fertility treatments. All the high powered, hormone filled drugs led me to gain about 50 pounds.

In 2018 we took a break from all the fertility stuff and focused on ourselves. I lost 40 pounds that year and felt great. I was running faster, and felt stronger and healthier than ever.

In 2019 I finally got pregnant, 3 times, and miscarried every one. With each miscarriage I gained more weight. I was eating everything in sight, just trying to handle my emotions. I gained back all the weight and more.

I'm finally back to a good place emotionally. So I'm ready to start my weight loss journey again. I have 52 pounds to lose and today was my new day 1.

submitted by /u/Mokeydoozer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

OK, newcomer here. I’ve never really shared stories here, but I’m at my wits end so I thought maybe I could possibly get some help/advice/tactics/ect here.

I’ll try to make a long story short as much as possible, but right now I’m 46, approaching 47 - and I’ve been fat for 95% of my life. the only two times ever where I got reasonably was when I was 25 (doing atkins) and another time when I was about 30 (did low carb/cut out 1 meal/ect). But both came back

I know why, and that’s because I have incredibly low self-esteem for almost all my life. Food is my go-to for comfort all my life, so anytime I stress or celebrate - I go there. Video Games is a close second… but at least with games I can constructively build things (I’m not a Call of Duty type gamer. :P). It’s hard for me to put games away as most of my career was built in the gaming industry working in the press (back when magazines were a thing! ;P)

I’ve taken some time off work to both lose weight AND start a new career path, and everything is not working right at all.

Job’s been rough (Starting to learn to do VoiceOver) and my weight has bounced between 325-280… and now I’ve been stuck for the past couple months at 320, and I can’t even seem to get past 10 pounds lost without having something kick me back in.

Seriously, the only thing I got right now is food and Video Games to make me happy. What few friends I have have other lives. My parents, while loving, are rather useless in this form. I don’t mean that condescendingly - they just, well, don’t know how to deal with things. They just say “go on a diet” and that’s it kinda basic stuff. =/

I know I have big stressors in my life ATM. Job, lack of a relationship, current state of American politics, I keep falling asleep if I sit down for more than 5 minutes, sleep apnea, etc - but I really can’t remove any of those either atm without the weight loss. It’s a VERY annoying snowball! >_<

So… I’m at a total loss ATM.

One potential benefit (and curse) is that I LOOOVE to cook! So going out to resturaunts and such isn’t as big of a deal as one would suspect. Though I do find myself always grabbing something extra when grocery shopping. >_<

Another good thing I’ve successfully done is kept soda away and drink water only. Alcohol is next to nonexistent… possibly a half-glass of mead at night sometimes (odd, since I love homebrewing the stuff! Right? :P). It’s only on rare occasion I drink soda, and only do diet ones (though I’m not sure how healthy that is…)

Diets I’ve tried:

• low-carb/paleo (While I love it, I recently had my gall bladder removed and I can no longer seem to lose weight on it anymore)

• Calorie counting/weighing - I have so many things calculated out for calories and weighing, and can go for a good week or two - but then something happens and I freak out and just break it again and again…

• 15 day juice fast. Felt great for the first few days - but by the end it literally woke some weird hunting instinct in me and I desperately desired to go hunt something, which was normally abhorrent for me. :P

• One meal a day - I love this as I love to cook, and can make a great feast while keeping it low-calorie… problem is I can never seem to stick to it after a couple weeks - particularly at night. Tried alternating the times to help with that, doesn’t seem to work. >_<

Anyways, I’m sure you guys get LOTS of stories for help - and so I apologize for dumping on the pile here. But thanks much for any help you can give! ^_^

submitted by /u/mvallas1073
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

TW How to avoid ED tendencies when trying to lose weight?

Hi everyone! Newbie here, and on mobile so apologies for formatting.

I am a 21 yo female (5’ 6) and my weight has fluctuated all my life. I’ve never been satisfied with my appearance, even though at one point I weighed 35 lbs which is my lowest ever.

Last year or so I was living at my university and regularly went to yoga, chugged water, ate veggies, and practiced intermittent fasting. I was probably around 145-150 but super toned and healthy looking.

My ex and I broke up and I was living alone in the summer (super broke = unhealthy foods) and was really depressed. Started gaining again.

Since I’ve been with my current boyfriend (we both struggle with our weight) I’ve gotten “relationship fat” because I’m so happy (currently 170 :( highest ever). (Don’t know if this matters, but my ex was a 6’4 skinny string bean and I always felt massive next to him- hence the weightloss.)

My issue is, every time I try dieting I usually starve myself until I like my appearance and then binge again. I have purged in the past and it’s always in the back of my head. I’ve lost all my muscle mass, so working out is extremely discouraging. I have no idea how to approach weight loss practically and safely. I also find it hard because I live with my boyfriends parents (his mom is a baker) and I feel like I have no control over my diet. This is probably just an excuse but I’m not sure.

Please help! Any tips would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/richgurl887
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cardio and Weightlifting Routine for Fat loss

Hello reddit! Just wanna ask what’s the best way to combine cardio and weightlifting for weight loss? I’ve been doing cardio and abs for months now (muay thai, running, cycling, jump rope) etc. I’ve already lost about 10lbs since January and gained some leg muscles, its pretty slow since I only focused on dieting last month. And now i’ve hit a plateau. My goals is to lose another 10lbs. I I’ve been stuck at my current weight for weeks now and I’m thinking maybe its because I don’t have enough muscles? so I want to add weight lifting in my routine. I also feel weak since I cant even do a full push up for more than 10 reps.

Is it best to do cardio AND weight lifting in one day? I workout 6 days a week. Hope you can give me tips as well on the best routine for weight lifting for fat loss. I wanna get ripped after this corona thing lol (im female btw!! if that helps)

Edit: I’m still a little overweight btw!! I also don’t want to look too muscular/bulky, i just wanna look leaner. Im 23 yrs old 5’3 currently at 147lbs. Wanna ask as well on how often should I lift and do cardio to lose weight? Is it like 60% cardio then 40% lifting?

Thank u!

submitted by /u/erikaoccena
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

“Back then they didn’t want me now I’m hot, they all on me.” - Mike Jones

I cannot wait until this statement is true for me (again) I’m back on my weight loss journey after being the heaviest I’ve ever been. I have overcame a lot throughout my journey and I’m proud of where I am and where I’m heading. But I just moved to a new city and everyone is very health conscious and “fit conscious” here. I’m told I have a pretty face but my body.... Is just not their “type”. I’ve been eating healthy and working out in a HEALTHY way. I know I’ll lose the weight in time. Something that motivates me so much is when I think about how these loser boys who won’t give me a second look right now, will start drooling when they see how good I look when I’m fit. It’ll also be nice to go for a hike or workout with friends and not get the pity remarks like “good for you, you did a great job!” 😑 it’s hard going from fat to fit to back to fat again. Now I’m getting fit and I will stay that way. I overcame/ am overcoming all the emotional eating and other mental obstacles that held me back.

submitted by /u/vmtea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For those with partners: how do they support you successfully?

Hey everyone!

So I've been working on my weight since Februaryish (SW:200, CW: 184). The first couple months I did it really in my own without mentioning it to my partner. I wanted to make sure I could actually stick to this and really do it, so I wouldn't feel bad later if I fell of the wagon.

Since I've been successful, I've started sharing it with my partner and telling him about my calories and just mentioning it in casual conversation and telling him about my small wins.

I can tell he wants to be helpful and is proud of me for my efforts.

However, he's never been overweight. His build is very naturally slender with muscle from weight lifting. Even in his lazy off time he's still at most 200lbs (6'2") and he can eat just about whatever he wants. He's tried to be supportive by giving me advice, or asking me if I'm sure it'll fit into my calories. However his advice isn't great and just makes me sorta roll my eyes.

I want him to feel helpful and contribute meaningfully, but I'm just not sure how he can. I've never seen a model of this situation before, so I was hoping to get some advice!

What are things you appreciate that your partner does to support your weight loss? Is there anything you wish they would do but they don't? How do you respond when they have good intentions but are just not being helpful?

Thanks for any help!

submitted by /u/imdonewiththisnow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat