Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Find something you love doing!

Female, Age:25, H:5’3, SW: 172lbs, CW: 125lbs, GW: 120lbs

I have never posted on Reddit before, but after spending some time reading through posts on here I thought I would share a little of my weight loss journey. Throughout elementary/middle/high school I was always borderline overweight. My senior year of high school I hit 145lbs. That went up to 160lbs by the end of my freshman year of college. After moving in with my (now ex) boyfriend, I made it up to 172lbs, making me officially “obese”. I remember hating myself, wore nothing but baggy clothes and NEVER wore a bathing suit. I was always extremely tired as well.

I’m not sure what it was that caused me to change my life, maybe it was seeing that I was now technically obese? Whatever it was, I decided to finally make it happen. I started cooking all my meals, and throwing in a bit of cardio once in a blue moon. I was seeing results, but got too carried away with the numbers on the scale.. causing me to start purging my food often. I wasn’t binging, I was just obsessed with calories, and if I went over my planned 1000-1200 for the day, I’d throw up thinking, “this will put me back on track”. It was a terrible habit, I knew I needed help but I didn’t get it.. the only thing that made me stop was losing 20 pounds. I was at 152lbs after 4 months and feeling good! My weight loss was stalled at that point due to me feeling comfortable, until I wasn’t. 5 months after losing 20 pounds and keeping it off, I started dieting again, losing another 20 pounds hitting 132lbs in 5 months. I maintained that weight for a little over a year, only fluctuating between 2-5 pounds.

I’m proud of myself for changing my life, losing the 40 pounds made me feel so much more confident, I had completely lost the urge to purge and felt fine wearing a freaking bathing suit!

The last few months I took it a step further. I wanted to lose a bit more fat and get toned. I had tried to be a runner and gym enthusiast before.. it never stuck. I decided to give rollerblading a try. I purchased a good pair of rollerblades (expensive but worth it), and I downloaded this app called Tone and Sculpt that provides at home workout plans. Let me tell you.. I finally found ways of working out that I love and have been sticking to with no problem, as a matter of fact I hate the days that I have to skip a workout for whatever reason. I am now at 125lbs and have started to tone up my arms, legs, stomach, etc. I never imagined my body could look like this, especially in only a few months!

I guess the point of all this is to say that losing weight and becoming a healthier version of yourself is not to be rushed. I’ve been on and off working on it for over 2 years, but I’ve managed to not gain any of my weight back. I think the most important things are this: 1) find something you love to do. I enjoy rollerblading so much, it’s so much easier on the joints than running, and feeling the breeze as you’re working hard is amazing! The Tone and Sculpt app is so easy to use, and so effective, also helps you plan your work outs day by day. It’s so much easier to stick to something you enjoy 2) I’ve learned that you do not have to give up carbs, sugar, and all of those other things people seem to think they have to give up completely, you can still incorporate them into your life, but in moderation and with healthier alternatives!

Ps: I did not proof read, so apologies on any errors

submitted by /u/floreal617
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3fCsz1T

Starting this journey again! Lost 31 kg/68 pounds before, maintained at 80+ kg / 176 lbs, and want to go under 60 kg for first time in my life.

32F, 5’3, SW:83 kg CW: 81 kg GW: 54 kg.

Hey guys!

All my life, I thought I was defective being bigger than my fellow petites. I was 65 kg during high school and gain to 75 kg during university. Lost a few to 65 for marriage and after my first child I gain to 98+ kg. I did low carbs for two weeks before finally being brave enough to step on the scale and was shocked to see 98 kg.

I did low carbs, cutting all white stuff from my meal. I went to 86 kg then pregnant with my second child, gain back to 93 kg. Start eating low carbs again and was losing until 67 kg. That was three years ago. Then I got lazy and busy.

These past three years i was hovering on 80-85. Each time I reach 85 I will cut carbs and lose to 80 kg then eat as usual again.

This time, I want to try low carbs again. What if I’m motivated enough? What if I do my best? What if I reach my best weight? I don’t want to wonder anymore.

I started last week. Cutting sugar for a week. I have forgotten about keto flu and the craving! So I started IF and fasting and ADF. My sweet tooth cuts down significantly. Lost 2 kg in a week (5lbs) and eat one cheat meal. I realised that each time I have this all or nothing mindset and when I fall over I start just eating what I want, bingeing.

So today, even though I gain a bit from eating the cheat meal, I lowered my expectations. I set 1 kg weight loss every week, and as long as I’m losing, I’m good.

So do you. We can do this! Let’s do this!

submitted by /u/katealias
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3hxAxuJ

I’m finally out of the obese range!


TL;DR I (20F 5'3) lost 20lbs! January 2020 I was 187lbs (BMI 33.1) and now I am 167lbs (BMI 29.5).

I am a 5'3 20F and I have been on a weight loss journey since the end of January. At my last 2 years of school (17/18) I was hovering around the 160 mark, the summer before I started university I dropped down to 148/150 within 3 months. I joined my local gym and walked there every other day (25 minute walk). I didn't adjust my diet too much, just intuitive eating and being careful not to overeat and cut down on takeaways/fattening foods.

I was meaning to join the gym during my first year of university, however I never got around to it. I was very stressed and depressed and ended up gaining about 32lbs. I was busy doing something in the summer and gained another 5lbs. I joined the gym in my second year but my eating habits were bad and I put off going to the gym, so I didn't really lose weight. By Christmas, my weight was 187lbs. When I first joined university I was a bit of a flirt on nights out and could usually get with a guy I wanted to most nights, however I noticed as I gained weight that happened less and less. My friends say maybe it was my confidence in approaching them, however I couldn't help but feel the way I looked had something to do with it. I never looked 'really big', but I was the biggest of my friends, and they all had amazing figures.

After Christmas, I tried to take control of my weight. I aimed go to the gym 3 times a week (specifically Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays). I recommend this if you put off going to the gym like I used to; I went from "I'm too tired I'll go tomorrow" to "It's a Tuesday so I have to go". I rarely missed a day and ended up going 4 times a week and sometimes even 5. It became a habit and I always felt like I achieved something in my day. I also did a lot of walking at university, I would walk more than 10,000 steps several times a week and the other days I would usually hit the 6,000 range, so I feel this definitely helped.

At university, I cut my calories to between 1200–1400. I went out drinking twice (sometimes 3 times) a week. It was annoying as every weight loss advice page says to cut out alcohol when losing weight, and as a university student this wasn't going to happen. My course is very hectic so going out was something I looked forward to and one of the only times I socialised with friends. Also, if all my friends (who eat normally) can go out drinking (full fat drinks too!) and not gain weight, why can't I? I stuck strictly to spirits and diet mixers, and instead of ordering a takeaway like I usually would after a night out I bought a bread roll to eat when I got home. I usually went to the gym the evening I would go out, as I could go straight home, shower and get ready. I did suffer bloat sometimes after a night out, but that weight would usually drop off after a few days. If I wasn't drinking, my weight loss progress would definitely be quicker, however I am glad I have found a way to incorporate healthy habits into my lifestyle.

Now, March 2020 was eventful, so I moved home. By the time I moved home I had lost about 9lbs (178lbs). I still had a lot of coursework as it was nearing the end of the term which is the busiest time for my course in particular. Gyms were shut, so I started following Popsugar Fitness workouts on youtube. Again, I set specific days to do them; Mondays Tuesdays Saturdays I would follow 30 minute workouts, and Thursdays and Sundays I would follow 40-45 minute ones. I only have 2kg weights at home so most of the workouts are cardio/body strength, however I do feel my legs toning up and my stamina has definitely improved! I don't walk as much as weather is pretty bad here a lot (England) and I don't have to walk to lectures, but I'm not drinking so I guess it balances out. I've upped my calories to 1400-1600 too, I feel this is more sustainable as I found I eat more at home.

So, I have lost a grand total of 20lbs! I know its not a lot (1lb a week) but I'm glad it's coming off and it's becoming more noticeable. I'm hoping gyms will open soon as I would like to spend at least month really getting into shape with weights before university starts again end of September/early October. My BMI was 33.1 and it is now down to 29.5, which puts me in the overweight range. I am currently 167lbs.

I don't have any decent full body pics of before my weight loss, and when I have found a full body pic the change isn't incredibly noticeable through a photo (I feel like it's spread out evenly throughout my body) so instead here is a photo of my face from January 2020 to this month. 20lbs may seem insignificant to some, but it really does show! Even when I lost 7lbs my friend said my face looked slimmer.

Sorry this was really long, but if I have missed something I'll be happy to reply to anything :). My first goal weight is 140lbs, so once I get there I'll see how my body feels/looks. I've always had wider hips and a bigger bust even at a healthy weight, so I don't think I'll get down to 115lbs or around that mark.

Thank you for reading!

Extra note: I am continuing my weight loss, however one thing I'm worried about are my breasts. I believe when I started university they were DD's (may have been a cup too small, a lot of shops measure differently) and at my highest I was about an F. It's hard to tell what cup size I am atm as I don't have a professional to measure them, but I have noticed a change. They were definitely more perky when I was a DD, and most things I've read say when you gain weight the skin won't bounce back. I used to love my breasts but I'm worried they'll sag/not be as perky more than they are right now. I do chest exercises anyway mixed into my workouts, but I am worried that one day I will have to find the money to get them 'lifted', I don't want to lose all this weight and be too upset to look at myself without a bra. If anyone has any tips/stories please comment below, I am currently using the Clarins breast lift cream which has had good reviews, I haven't noticed any changes yet but I have only been using it for a week.

submitted by /u/Faithyxox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2UOogsk

For those of you struggling with how long the journey will take

This was a little mindset shift/epiphany I had that I thought I would share!

Like a lot of you (or maybe everyone who's ever lost weight ever), I struggled in the beginning with how long it would take me to reach my goal. I had and have a relatively small amount to lose- 35 lbs. However, losing at a lb a week, that's still 35 weeks. 9 months! A pregnancy! Some of you are looking at more time. Some are looking at less time. A couple weeks, a couple months, a couple years. Regardless of the time frame, one thing is certain: weight loss isn't instantaneous, and that fucking blows.

However, your body won't exist in a vacuum the entire time. You aren't going to exist at your starting weight and then one day POOF! Suddenly you're in your goal weight body! It doesn't work like that (duh). You'll be 200 lbs, then 190 lbs, then 180 lbs, and on and on and on until you hit your goal weight.

That means that even though it might be months and months and months until you're at your Ultimate Form, you'll start looking better a long ass time before that. You'll see changes in your body before the scale reads whatever you want it to read, whether it's more energy, clearer skin, changes in the way your clothes fit, a flatter stomach, the reemergence of a forgotten bone, a slimmer face. Every pound counts!

Trust the process! It'll snowball! And if you're still feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of time you're looking at, remember that it'll pass regardless. Don't let impatience trick you into doing nothing!

submitted by /u/anxiousrosee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2N3pV8Z

Lost 30lbs and don’t like hearing comments about it

For context, I’m 19, SW 225 CW 195. So since January/February I have lost 30lbs, slowly but steadily. Because of quarantine I haven’t seen alot of people in a while, but I am starting to get comments about my weight and they make me feel super weird.

Last week my best friends mom told me I look “fit” and I didn’t know how to respond. My face got super red and I just said “Thanks”. I’m usually super confident and outgoing, so it was weird that I felt that uncomfortable. Then today my grandmother came over and in the middle of a conversation she starts motioning at her waist pointing inwards and says “You look thinner!”. I just kinda stood there and smiled and she goes “How much?”....... I was so confused, but then she continues to say “Have you been weighing yourself? How much have you lost?” to which I replied “Haha I don’t know” knowing damn well that I have lost exactly 30.4 lbs. There were a bunch of people around and I didn’t want my weight being the topic of conversation.

So my question is, why do I not want people noticing? I’ve been working super hard to lose weight and I’m glad that the change is becoming noticeable but I seriously hate when people make comments like that. But at the same time it’s flattering? I don’t know. Super confused. Also for some reason I don’t like talking to my family about my weight loss or healthy lifestyle changes AT ALL. Even though they obviously have noticed I’ve been eating much healthier and working out alot more, I hate when they bring it up. I just like to move in silence and not hear comments about it. I am grateful that they are kind and supportive, but let me be on my grind in peace!!

TLDR: People have been commenting on my weight loss recently and it makes me feel super uncomfortable.

submitted by /u/butterflywavy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2BjvugL

What are your best tips for staying motivated?

When you've been losing weight for quite a while and you start to get apathetic about the whole process and forget why you're doing it...what do you do then? Usually we all start out with tons of enthusiasm and we pour over resources online and get our head "in the game" multiple times a day from various sources. But eventually that runs out. Eventually it's just you and the work you need to keep doing to get to your goal. I would appreciate hearing how each of you refocus yourself when the initial motivation wears off.

TL;DR - What is that one thing you do to remotivate yourself when you start to feel apathetic about weight loss?

submitted by /u/speedofaturtle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3hAejZ5

Losing weight, the wrong way

F/13 5'7 SW:180 CW:150

This story starts at the beginning of quarantine, I decide to see how much I weighted and, to my horror I gained 20 pounds in the span of 6 months. All I could feel was shocked and disgusted with myself, all I could think was that I was 20 pounds from being 200 pounds. I decided enough was enough and download a calorie counter app. By 3 weeks I lost 25 pounds, shocked right, no one should be able to lose that much in such a little time . Well you see I was basically starving myself, I would eat about 400 per day. On my worst days I would eat 100 calories. I somehow managed to do this for a month, but then Ramadan happened. My family was suddenly buying all these delicious foods and couldn't resist. At night I would binge and binge, but always felt afraid that my progess was going to be lost. One day I stumbled on a page on a pro ana/bulimia page, telling me to throw up when every I binged. This started the unhealthy cycle of binging,purging and restricting. One day My mother walked in on my throwing up, but instead of getting me helped, all she did was make fun of me. My family began to noticed and began to make tease me for it. Your probably thinking " How cruel", however you got to understand my parents are Nigerian and were confused, so they responded in the only way they know how to . Anyways I continued to binge/purging for a while, my throat burned and I felt disgusting. Suddenly I decided I needed to stop purge and deciding to lose weight by restricting healthily. I used youtube videos about nutrition and weight loss to help me, I even downloaded myfitnesspal and started taking 20000 steps per day.Well you see going from eating 3000 calorie to eating 1200 kcal is NOT easy. It's been going good for awhile, but for the past 4 days I been started binge and purging. I hate how all I could think about is food, I missed the days when food never crossed my mind. I regret losing weight. I regret not asking for help. Am stuck because how in the hell am I going to tell my parents I have a eating disorder. Can some please give my advise????

If your a teenager and planning to lose weight, DONT DO IT BY YOURSELF. Instead try losing weight with the help of trusted adult. STAY AWAY FROM PRO ANA/ BULMIA WEBSITES, they got it ingrained to my brain that am fat if am over 100 pounds.

Sorry for grammar mistakes

submitted by /u/uthicorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3d9g1xl