Tuesday, June 16, 2020

I’m finally out of the obese range!


TL;DR I (20F 5'3) lost 20lbs! January 2020 I was 187lbs (BMI 33.1) and now I am 167lbs (BMI 29.5).

I am a 5'3 20F and I have been on a weight loss journey since the end of January. At my last 2 years of school (17/18) I was hovering around the 160 mark, the summer before I started university I dropped down to 148/150 within 3 months. I joined my local gym and walked there every other day (25 minute walk). I didn't adjust my diet too much, just intuitive eating and being careful not to overeat and cut down on takeaways/fattening foods.

I was meaning to join the gym during my first year of university, however I never got around to it. I was very stressed and depressed and ended up gaining about 32lbs. I was busy doing something in the summer and gained another 5lbs. I joined the gym in my second year but my eating habits were bad and I put off going to the gym, so I didn't really lose weight. By Christmas, my weight was 187lbs. When I first joined university I was a bit of a flirt on nights out and could usually get with a guy I wanted to most nights, however I noticed as I gained weight that happened less and less. My friends say maybe it was my confidence in approaching them, however I couldn't help but feel the way I looked had something to do with it. I never looked 'really big', but I was the biggest of my friends, and they all had amazing figures.

After Christmas, I tried to take control of my weight. I aimed go to the gym 3 times a week (specifically Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays). I recommend this if you put off going to the gym like I used to; I went from "I'm too tired I'll go tomorrow" to "It's a Tuesday so I have to go". I rarely missed a day and ended up going 4 times a week and sometimes even 5. It became a habit and I always felt like I achieved something in my day. I also did a lot of walking at university, I would walk more than 10,000 steps several times a week and the other days I would usually hit the 6,000 range, so I feel this definitely helped.

At university, I cut my calories to between 1200–1400. I went out drinking twice (sometimes 3 times) a week. It was annoying as every weight loss advice page says to cut out alcohol when losing weight, and as a university student this wasn't going to happen. My course is very hectic so going out was something I looked forward to and one of the only times I socialised with friends. Also, if all my friends (who eat normally) can go out drinking (full fat drinks too!) and not gain weight, why can't I? I stuck strictly to spirits and diet mixers, and instead of ordering a takeaway like I usually would after a night out I bought a bread roll to eat when I got home. I usually went to the gym the evening I would go out, as I could go straight home, shower and get ready. I did suffer bloat sometimes after a night out, but that weight would usually drop off after a few days. If I wasn't drinking, my weight loss progress would definitely be quicker, however I am glad I have found a way to incorporate healthy habits into my lifestyle.

Now, March 2020 was eventful, so I moved home. By the time I moved home I had lost about 9lbs (178lbs). I still had a lot of coursework as it was nearing the end of the term which is the busiest time for my course in particular. Gyms were shut, so I started following Popsugar Fitness workouts on youtube. Again, I set specific days to do them; Mondays Tuesdays Saturdays I would follow 30 minute workouts, and Thursdays and Sundays I would follow 40-45 minute ones. I only have 2kg weights at home so most of the workouts are cardio/body strength, however I do feel my legs toning up and my stamina has definitely improved! I don't walk as much as weather is pretty bad here a lot (England) and I don't have to walk to lectures, but I'm not drinking so I guess it balances out. I've upped my calories to 1400-1600 too, I feel this is more sustainable as I found I eat more at home.

So, I have lost a grand total of 20lbs! I know its not a lot (1lb a week) but I'm glad it's coming off and it's becoming more noticeable. I'm hoping gyms will open soon as I would like to spend at least month really getting into shape with weights before university starts again end of September/early October. My BMI was 33.1 and it is now down to 29.5, which puts me in the overweight range. I am currently 167lbs.

I don't have any decent full body pics of before my weight loss, and when I have found a full body pic the change isn't incredibly noticeable through a photo (I feel like it's spread out evenly throughout my body) so instead here is a photo of my face from January 2020 to this month. 20lbs may seem insignificant to some, but it really does show! Even when I lost 7lbs my friend said my face looked slimmer.

Sorry this was really long, but if I have missed something I'll be happy to reply to anything :). My first goal weight is 140lbs, so once I get there I'll see how my body feels/looks. I've always had wider hips and a bigger bust even at a healthy weight, so I don't think I'll get down to 115lbs or around that mark.

Thank you for reading!

Extra note: I am continuing my weight loss, however one thing I'm worried about are my breasts. I believe when I started university they were DD's (may have been a cup too small, a lot of shops measure differently) and at my highest I was about an F. It's hard to tell what cup size I am atm as I don't have a professional to measure them, but I have noticed a change. They were definitely more perky when I was a DD, and most things I've read say when you gain weight the skin won't bounce back. I used to love my breasts but I'm worried they'll sag/not be as perky more than they are right now. I do chest exercises anyway mixed into my workouts, but I am worried that one day I will have to find the money to get them 'lifted', I don't want to lose all this weight and be too upset to look at myself without a bra. If anyone has any tips/stories please comment below, I am currently using the Clarins breast lift cream which has had good reviews, I haven't noticed any changes yet but I have only been using it for a week.

submitted by /u/Faithyxox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2UOogsk

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