Thursday, June 25, 2020

Finally Beat my 2 week Plateau and have lost over 20 pounds now!!

My highest weight in my life was 200 pounds, I’m 22F and I’m 5’3 so that’s obese. I have pcos and insulin resistance as well so weight loss was so difficult sometimes it felt impossible. In April of 2019 I weighed 200 pounds after seeing that number I was devastated, but not enough to make a conscious effort. I unconsciously lost around 5 pounds without doing anything, but I think it was because I was taking a new medication that was a diuretic so I assumed those 5 pounds were water weight and ignored them.

Nothing was enough to motivate me, I always thought I was going to have this sudden spurt of motivation and I’d be able to lose all the weight. Well that never happened.

Last month on May 5th after I turned 22 I just got up that morning and worked out. On that day I didn’t have random motivation or any burning desire I just did it and didn’t think about it. I didn’t commit to a plan or say I was going to workout everyday for a month, etc. I just decided to focus on now and do it. I started a paleo diet the same day, without committing to anything. After eating all my meals that day I found out sugar and carbs were the cause of me having nausea and headaches(because of my insulin resistance and pcos). So after that day it was easy to stick to paleo because the food I was eating didn’t make me feel sick.

On May 5th my official start date, I weighed 195 pounds. I had no idea I would stick to my plans or that I would be able to lose weight. Well today morning my weight was 173 pounds! I got down to 177 pounds about 2 weeks ago and went up and down from 177-180, for 2 whole weeks. But today I finally beat that and I’m so proud I stuck to my goals!

I know for some people making a plan and sticking to it works best for them. But for me if I made a plan, I would find reasons to stray from it if anything went wrong in my day. So not making a plan worked for me. I guess the moral of my story and how I started my journey was to not wait for motivation, because sometimes it won’t ever come. Now I have no problem with motivation, seeing how happy my endocrinologist was this week when I saw her, is my motivation to be down to 162 pounds by August(hopefully sooner). After I hit 162 I’m going to be working towards 140 and keep going till I’m at 110/105 pounds. I hope someone reads this and gets something from it. I don’t really have anyone to celebrate with so I’m sharing this here!

submitted by /u/SohpieBlake_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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