Tuesday, June 30, 2020

41kg (90lbs) Down in 6 Months

[93.9kg 1.78 M 40]

Hi all!

Back at the turn of the year I posted this: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/egqtvd/starting_and_this_time_its_for_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

My initial goal was to get from 135kg to under 100kg. I achieved this a few weeks ago and now I’m onto the next goal, right now I’m looking at 83kg.... let’s see.

So, how did I get where I am now and did I stick to my initial plan?

When I started I planned to use CICO plus exercise. That is exactly what I’ve done and it works. It just works. If you’re honest with your tracking, maintain a deficit and add in a little exercise you can do it!

Key points:

  1. Count. Be accurate, use whatever app works for you (My Fitness Pal for me). Don’t deny yourself anything, but count everything. This is more about triggering a change in mentality and attitude to food than it is about limiting calorie intake. One will follow the other.

  2. Eat well. Don’t just hit the calorie deficit, eat good stuff. In the last 6 months I’ve had very little processed food and cooked almost everything from scratch with fresh ingredients. I know that may not be easy or affordable for everyone, but I really think it helps. Diet is IT. Exercise will help, but good diet is really what will help you lose.

  3. Deficit. Aim for a deficit you are comfortable with and hit it or go under it, every day you can. It’s a marathon not a sprint though, so when you go over one day, be careful the next. Try to even things out over time. I aimed for 1550 a day, more often than not I finish under, especially net deficit (after exercise).

  4. Regular weigh ins. But not too regular... I go for every Sunday, but I’m thinking about reducing further to maybe once every two weeks. I find this encourages two things; first a healthy attitude to weight loss, I’m not obsessing about it all the time, secondly it encourages me to stick with it. Even after a bad day I know I have time to adjust and hit my overall deficit goal before the next weigh in.

  5. OMAD can help some days. If I know I’m eating take out or cooking a fancy meal at home (it’s lockdown... no eating out) I often do one meal that day to help maintain my deficit. It means when it comes to dinner time I can really get stuck in and enjoy it!

  6. Exercise. a.) I started running, from absolutely nothing. I couldn’t run for 60 seconds back in December. I followed the Couch to 5k programme which I massively recommend! I now regularly run 7km and can run for over an hour... it’s one of the most amazing parts of this for me!! Run for an HOUR! Crazy 😝 b.) I mix it up by doing HIIT workouts and other stuff like cycling, squash (before lockdown... I miss it a lot!) and plenty of other stuff.

A big run means I’m happier tucking into a big or carby meal that day. It also helps you start to think about food as fuel... which also helps with maintaining a deficit.

Those are the big things that have contributed to my weight loss this far.


Here’s just some more notes:

It’s not ‘hard’ per se, it just takes control. You need to really want to lose. You need to want to lose more than you want that extra burger or that glass of wine. In my experience, losing weight is all about a change in attitude to food. If you really, really want it, just try to keep that front of mind at all times. That desire can drive you to maintain the deficit.

Lockdown helped a lot. I am able to spend time on exercise and cooking healthily. I will make more time for these things from now on, even after the pandemic restrictions are over.

Things go up and down from a mental health point of view. At times I’ve been really proud of myself, at times disgusted. Starting from a big weight means you can lose consistently and heavily for 6 months and still be a fatty.... that’s a hard pill to swallow. Whilst it’s lovely hearing friends and family comment on your weight loss, objectively I’m still overweight and have plenty still to lose and that’s tough. This is why I adjusted my goal as soon as I was approaching the 100kg. I refuse to let up and will continue down to my next goal weight and then focus on getting fitter, without losing or maybe even gaining some weight back in muscle.

So that’s it!

I love the supportive nature of this sub. Everyone posting on here is making a difference to folks they will never meet, and it’s glorious! You all helped me and I hope this helps someone out there!

Any questions, please ask!

TLDR - 6 months in, 41kg down, more to go. YOU CAN DO IT!!

submitted by /u/lukesbluemilk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3ijAOlm

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