Saturday, June 27, 2020

finally have some visible shoulder definition!

Tiny victory, but I’m stoked about it :)

I spent all of 2019 focusing on strength gains and just generally getting chubby buff. Put on a solid 15-20lbs. Then all the gyms closed this Spring, so I figured that was a good time to start my cut so people could actually see the muscles I’d been working to build up. Spoiler alert: changing your diet is hard at any time but especially when you’re stuck in the house with nothing to do but eat, so I spent the first two months getting absolutely nowhere with my weight loss goals.

Finally buckled down a couple weeks ago and started doing the following: - taking a 1-2 hour walk every morning while I listen to audiobooks - home weightlifting routine 2-3 times/ week - measuring all my food instead of eyeballing portions - logging every calorie religiously and not letting myself freak out and omit things if I went over my daily budget - focusing on caloric density. (Watermelon and broccoli are my snack-fiend saviors, you can eat so much for so little calories)

I’m down 8 lbs so far from 175 to 167 (I’m 5’8 for reference.) Gratuitous progress selfie here. Feels nice to finally start seeing some noticeable changes in muscle definition! I don’t really have a concrete goal weight because I’ve never had this much muscle before, but I want to drop from my current size 12 jeans back to the size 6-8 I was wearing before I started lifting.

Edit to add: I also set my lock screen on my phone to a picture of myself from college when I was super thin and y’all. That shit is effective.

submitted by /u/heysiriplayziiri
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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