Friday, June 26, 2020


progress pics

Guys. I made it today. I have been looking at other onederland posts regularly but never expected I would make one myself. Especially not this soon.

I have lost 40lbs.

My stats: 24F, 5'6" SW: 240lbs CW: 199lbs GW:155lbs

How I did it: Long story short, eat less.

-I would eat whatever I wanted but only for a taste. Everyone's having chips? I will have 2 chips. Someone made cookies? I will eat 1/3 of a cookie and put away the other 2/3 to eat tomorrow and the next day. Knowing I could have it later helped me avoid overeating.

-Portion takeout before eating it. As an example, if we ordered Thai food I would portion it into 3 lunches based on how much I need to feel comfortable (not full, never full). I have to do this and put it away before sitting down with my food or I eat it all.

-Go to sleep as I'm starting to feel hungry. Make sure I only eat enough to keep me comfortable through the day. No more, no less. I got good at the timing but it takes practice.

-Learned how much I needed to eat to go from starving to comfortable. Then I can objectively put this on a plate and eat it. Pause. And sure enough, every time, the hunger pangs would go away.

-Postpone the first meal of the day as long as I can. At first I would need to eat around 11am because I would get so hungry but now I can comfortably wait until 4 or 5pm to eat. I am slowly transitioning to OMAD as it becomes more comfortable.

-weigh myself every day. I know it's not accurate and your weight can fluctuate with water weight and other factors besides true weight loss, but weighing myself every day, whether I did good or bad the day before, kept me accountable.

-I made a note in my phone reminding me why I wanted to lose weight and read it every morning. I took progress pics every 5 or 10 lbs and compared them to my before pics often.

Thanks for reading!! I feel on top of the world today.

submitted by /u/dogofgone
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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