Thursday, June 25, 2020

My First 10 Pounds!

I just want to thank all of you who post on this subreddit. Its been one month since I've started trying to lost weight and today I hit my first milestone of ten pounds from 137 -> 127. I'm (5ft 4in) still far from my goal (which is to lose my belly fat) I know its the last to go so I'm in it for the long haul. But anyways, whenever I feel unmotivated or in a slump, I come onto this reddit to soak up positivity and it really helps me press forward so thank you all! I want to share my experience to help out those who are having a hard time losing weight during the lock down.

I live and take care of my 95 year old grandma so I take lock down very seriously. I haven't stepped foot out my front door since april? Can't even remember when lock down started. I order all my groceries online and don't take walk because I just can't take the risk. Anyways, here was my exercise and diet plans.


A small bowl of oatmeal with chia seeds. On days where I felt really hungry, I mix in a can of tuna or salmon to feel more satisfied.

A fruit smoothie. Any fruit that I ordered + ice + homemade yogurt. 0 sugar added!

I cook for the whole family so theres no fixed meal plan here. But the rule of thumb is vegetables, fish, and some form of meat + (half and half white rice + quinoa).

*drank lots of water, no snacks in between meals, and no sweets at all.

I don't count calories. 1, I'm lazy, and 2, its too hard to when you cook for the whole family. The general rule of thumb I follow is, eat slooooowwwwww, and stop when you are no longer hungry. You don't need to be full, you dont need to be stuffed, as long as you're no longer hungry, your job is done, step away from the dinner table and go surf reddit. This has allowed me to consistently lose weight over the course of a month.


This ones interesting. Biking didn't feel like it helped as much as I wanted it to? I have a stationary bike at home and I biked 60min everyday which the machine says is 600 calories. As I got bored I switched to doing those pamela reif workouts, the 10/15 high intensity sweaters once a day, and I achieved the same weekly weight loss as biking. So, thats 50min of my life back!

Hope this information helps anyone out there whether its a diet worth trying or exercise worth doing. Will post again when I hit another milestone!

submitted by /u/VisualStart
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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