Wednesday, June 24, 2020

No one notices your weight loss...and then everyone notices?

Did anyone else feel like it took forever for anyone to notice you were losing weight? And then it feels like all of a sudden EVERYONE notices? What was that moment like for you...when everyone starts commenting? How much weight had you lost at that point?

Here's what happened for me: My SW was 215 ( I'm 5'4) and eventually I lost 70 lbs. I lost an additional ten pounds a year later. I'm currently 135. It felt like the first 20 lbs took forever to lose, though in hindsight, it was about 3 months and that's not too long. But that's when I started to notice a difference in myself. I wondered why no one was commenting and it was kind of frustrating that not even close family had noticed. But I kept going. When I lost another 20 lbs, putting me at 175, the comments started flooding in. I had wanted people to notice, but this was downright embarrassing how many people were commenting on my weight.

submitted by /u/speedofaturtle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

170 days: An Update ... With Pictures this time

It's been 170 days since my last post

I have never felt better. My health is much better than the last 10 years(i'm 27). I can jog, walk and do other exercises. I have an endless supply of energy during the day. Never tired or feeling down. The best year of my life.

I'm currently at 110 kg. in the first 55 days after the last post, i maintained my weight. i wanted to test if i can maintain it, and i could. So, hurray ! lol

i never wanted to post my photos, i didn't want to end up in a meme, but another morbidly obese friend saw me and was interested in my weight loss journey. 3 months later, he lost 30 kg, and just like me, he was super happy and wanted to become healthy. At that moment, i experienced what it's like to truly help someone, just by doing what's best for you, and to prove that it's possible

and so, if becoming a meme is the price for changing at least one person; i will gladly pay the price.


photo of me in ??/6/2019 (Note: day/month/year )

another in ??/9/2019

another in 12/10/2019


This photo in 6/4/2020

This photo was taken yesterday

I Thank you all, the community of loseit, for everything. your posts, sharing your struggles and fighting to become healthy, all of it was not in vain. It all helped me to become better and continue my journey, because even though i was by myself, i wasn't alone.

submitted by /u/a2la110
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm finally doing it - a pledge for weight loss

Hi all,

I wanted to make a pledge; I will loose 5% of my current body weight by the end of this year.

I am currently at 110kg, binge on junk food for at least one meal a day and am worried for my health - my chest has been feeling tight. So, in light of this, I am making this pledge.

I would love your help! I want to make a sustainable change in my lifestyle so your advice would be appreciated (especially for someone who has struggled keeping to good habits). I will let you know how it goes, and would love to hear about your stories. I am excited to be held accountable by this community, and hopefully the information and my journey here will help others.

PS: I know that this is very narcissistic to post on reddit, I am sorry. I just need help :)


submitted by /u/Series_Specialist
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Weight Loss Journey Log

Hi, all

I've made a decision to finally lose weight.

  • Current weight: 123.8 kg / 273 lb
  • Target weight: 80 kg / 176 lb
  • Height: 180 cm / 5'11
  • Target date: June 1, 2021

    It might be a bit of a stretch - losing 43.8 kg / 97 lb in 11 months might be a difficult endeavour - but I will try my best to achieve it.

I will be losing weight by making sure that I do 1 hour of walking every day + eating more healthy foods, including counting calories. I've done a lot of reading about healthy eating, so lack of knowledge should not be a problem.

I will update this thread every Friday (except this Friday as it would only be 2 days) and I will upload pictures every month for progress purposes.

Please see my current pictures:

Wish me luck and I am off to my first walk of the journey.

submitted by /u/Serena_XO_XO
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hoping to get to Onederland by my birthday!

This is to help me stay on track and keep me accountable. Any motivating words or advice is welcome.

A bit of background: I [23F, 5’7] started my weight loss journey on Oct 2, 2019 after stepping on the scale on Oct 1 and seeing 264.4lbs/120kg. Since then, I’ve steadily lost, except for an 8 week period in January and February where I regained about 10 pounds. Today, June 24, 2020, I weighed in at 206.1lbs/93.5kg.

My birthday is July 25, so a month away. In that time, I’m scheduled off work for about 10 days, and I’ll be traveling for a wedding I’m in (which the dress had to be largely altered! So a fun NSV). I know there might be a couple of bumps in the road, but I’ve been able to lose 6 pounds in a month before. It feels possible!

submitted by /u/Trichcuit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my weightloss journey today!

Hi everyone,

As of today I am starting my weightloss journey. I'm 22 years old, 1.68 meters and currently 83 kilo's. I want to lose 15 kilo's. Usually when I try to lose weight I only last for about 2 weeks. But over the years I have seen the weight on the scale going up and I am really unhappy about it. I don't like the way I feel anymore. I'm also really unfit. I like in an appartment on the second floor but when I walk those 3 stairs I'm out of breath. I used to really enjoy physical activities (except running lol) but I feel tired way to early.

This is my first post and I want to post here and be more active on the Reddit weight loss subs to help me stay motivated, and not just for 2 weeks lol.

To start I'm going to do some sort of physical activity every day. As for my food I eat vegetarian. I'm only gonna eat between 10 am and 8pm (I want to get into intermitted fasting but I tried it and doing the 8 hour window all at once was to much for me). I mostly drink water and zero suger coke. Now and then I drink an iced coffee but that only has the calories from the oat milk I put in. I'm gonna limit my unhealthy eating to the weekend for niw because I eat something unhealty everyday. I'm also going to stop eating when I'm full. I do this almost every day at dinner.

Does anyone have any tips for me to help me lose weight and to stay motivated?

Thanks for reading this!

submitted by /u/Jaennya
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help with constipation :(

I’ve been on my longest (and best!) weight loss journey since the shelter-in-place order was issued in my city back in mid-March. With that, I’ve started struggling with going to the toilet regularly, where I poop once or twice (at best) a week. I tried taking psyllium husks every morning, which only worked for a few weeks, and I try to stay away from drinking prune juice too often because of its high sugar/calorie content. As I am on ADF, I am currently consuming about 750 calories a day on average so I understand that my body has little food to throw out. But it’s really frustrating to see my scale go up and feel like my stomach is bloated for days. Any suggestions are welcome! Thank you in advance :)

submitted by /u/ring_fit_adventure
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from loseit - Lose the Fat