Wednesday, August 12, 2020

I’ve reached my first goal: 2 st (28lbs) down

I was a 15 yr old 5’7 female who’s struggled with my weight since I was 10, my heaviest was 14.3 st (200 lbs). At the begging of 2020 I started my slow weight loss journey and within three months lockdown was started,and I got all the time in the world to focus on myself and not have to worry about school or bullies.

In the eight months I have been loosing weight I reached my first goal for my weight loss - loosing 2 st (28 lbs) and growing an inch. I am now hoping too loose one more stone and get down to 11.3 st , the weight I was when I was 12 and embrace the confidence I have found in myself because of the hard work I decided to put in

submitted by /u/Automatic_Plankton60
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Doctors confirmation of my progress feels good!

For the last year I have been on/off with trying to get in shape. My starting weight around July last year was 272, today I'm 209! I got down to about 260 just be eating less and then in November I had some major life change with me realizing how miserable I was and finally realizing I'd been hiding from myself my entire life, sadly as I came to terms that I'm gay, this led to my now impending divorce and while it sucks, this time has really helped me come to terms with who I am and finally I have a desire to better myself. I think so many years of failures was because I didn't care about myself, I hated myself and would've been fine if I had eaten myself to death. I am so happy to finally be out that, I've found solace in running as it really clears my head and helps all the stress and anxiety around me melt away. That being said, I gotta say, I had an annual checkup yesterday and it's great to see their official number drop by 40 pounds in a single visit, but even more importantly I can say I am no longer pre-diabetic and my cholesterol meds were cut in half with a plan to check again in 3 months and go off of them completely if I'm still doing well. That confirmation from my blood work and my doctor was just amazing to hear and is the biggest NSV I have had in ages. I cannot wait to have a number below 200, this pandemic threw me off a bit of my routine, but I am about to start again.

Now that my spiel is done, I started with both a C25K (which I swear by now) and CICO. Being able to start off slow and build up with the C25K was amazing and I never thought I'd ever be able to run a 5k without stopping. I never thought I'd enjoy running either, but now it clears my mind and just helps with so much more than just weight loss. I will suggest that if you are a tad heavier, run on the dirt or something soft. I had knee/back pain when I'd run on pavement, but no issues when I run the dirt trails, hopefully you have something like that around you, so much better than running with cars anyway. I started lifting in December 3x/week as well, unfortunately with the shutdown's in California I haven't been able to for a bit, but I hope to find a way to start that up again soon in some form or fashion.

For eating, I cut out as much sugar/junk food, bread and fried food as I could without being crazy about it, I just made choices that tended to avoid those things, outside of that I ate what I wanted within my goals. In the past I've done a couple "Whole 30" and ate semi-Paleo for almost a year, so I kind of applied some of what I learned from that without going nuts.

I'm still running and CICO is back on this Sunday. I've been stagnant at 209 since the pandemic started so this is my reboot, I want to see a 1 at the front!

Progress Pic:

submitted by /u/thelinedpaper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What’s the Best Frozen Pizza?

Do you have a favorite frozen pizza? I used to LOVE Lean Cuisine frozen pizzas. It was a quick, low calorie & and low cost option to have pizza for lunch or dinner mid-week. And while walking down the frozen food aisle at Ralph’s I spotted a few NEW frozen pizza options that I had ... Read More about What’s the Best Frozen Pizza?

The post What’s the Best Frozen Pizza? appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

5 Gym Visits Completed

Long story short, I’m 29F and hit the 18 stone mark a few weeks ago. That’s always been my “highest” weight. Ironically, I have a very active job and health promotion is a big part of my career - as is exercise. I’ve always felt like a hypocrite. I’m the largest person in my department and I’m quite sure people have wondered what on earth a person like me is doing in my healthcare profession.

Due to various excuses regarding poor motivation and severe depression, I’ve spent the last six months comfort eating. Even at my “lowest” weight I was obese.

Anyway. I’ve made a few lifestyle changes. I always fail at diets because I automatically recoil in disgust with “healthy” food. Everyone always tells me that weight loss is 80% food or that exercise “won’t make much of a difference”. In all honesty, exercise is the only thing I can kind of do well. So I’m starting there. Takeaways are banned - they used to be a weekly or even bi-weekly “treat” but now I’ve decided I can have one as a payday treat and maybe opt for smaller portions. I’m planning my meals and taking notice of the low fat and low sugar options. I’ve reduced my portion sizes.

But the biggest achievement for me is managing to go to the gym - I’ve been paying for it and not gone in nearly 18 months. I’ve started doing the Couch 2 5k. I feel disheartened some days but I know I need to keep going.

So yeah. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. I kind of feel if I post this I’ll keep coming back to it and maybe have more motivation to keep going.

submitted by /u/GeneralPigeon91
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Highest I’ve Ever Been and Mad at Myself

TL:DR: For three years I’ve been mourning the loss of my dad and using over eating, over drinking and generally just being unhealthy and using bad coping mechanisms. Those unhealthy habits have resulted in me going from 148 lbs. to 230 lbs. in three years but I am committing to getting back on track for real.

I’ve lurked on this sub for a while and this is a long post but I just want this to be on the internet so I can come back to it and keep myself accountable.

Three years ago I weighed 148 lbs. and wanted to get to 130, I just finished my graduate communications program on August 8 and was looking forward to job hunting and finding a career in an industry I had just discovered and loved. I was no longer going to be miserable at a dead end job that did not pay me enough. I finished my program on a Wednesday, to celebrate a little on Friday I went with my best friend to see the movie Clue at Hollywood Forever Cemetery for their “Out Under the Stars” movie series. Then on Saturday August 12 all my optimism came crashing down around me because my dad dropped dead at 65 of a massive cardiac episode; I have been using unhealthy coping mechanisms ever since. Now three years later I now weigh 230 lbs. and I am so upset and angry at what I have done to myself.

Growing up I had always been fat and obese but when I went to college I started eating better and walking everywhere and lost weight eventually weighing around 150 lbs. when I graduated in 2013, with my starting weight being around 210 lbs. in 2009. I thought I had a handle on what was healthy and not for myself. From 2013 to 2017 I would fluctuate between 135 lbs. and 150 lbs. usually being somewhere between 140 lbs. and 150 lbs., but I did weigh up to 165 lbs. at one point.

I know how to lose weight and what I am supposed to do because I’ve done it before, but I struggle with motivation and self-loathing. I look at my beautiful closet full of clothes that I can’t fit into because I have eaten too much and drank too much alcohol over the course of these few years. I’ll find motivation for brief periods of time and work out super hard, track calories, do what I’m supposed to do; then look in the mirror and lose all enthusiasm because I miss the thinner, better looking version of myself and get angry at what I’ve done and go further from my goal because I feel it’s taking too long.

Part of why I’ve used food and alcohol as coping mechanisms is because I was really close with my dad, most of my personality traits come from him. My dad was less than a year into his retirement when he died, and his death surprised even his cardiologist. He was not the healthiest as he had been a smoker ever since he was 19 and shipped off to serve in the Vietnam War and was obese but was working on it since he had free time. In fact, he was actually losing weight prior to his death.

My dad taught me how to work hard, what sacrifice meant, what determination is, and I’ve failed.

I have failed at sustaining my previous weight loss.

I have failed to break into the industry I wanted to work in for which I earned a masters degree.

I have failed to place my health first.

I have failed and I’m tired of being a failure.

So on the third year anniversary of his death I am committing myself to getting my act together.

I know what to do I just have to do it and be patient with myself.

It’s just hard to be patient and kind to myself when I feel like I don’t deserve it.

I will always miss my dad but I can’t continue with what I’ve been doing these past few years. I am 29 years old and I still have time to get to where I want to be emotionally, physically, health wise and career wise.

If you’ve read this far you are a very nice person and I appreciate you.

submitted by /u/Miss_Valerie_M
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've lost 40 pounds, but I see no difference and am starting to lose motivation

19F 5'9" SW: 260 CW: 220-ish GW: 160

Hey everyone. I don't really have anyone to speak to about this in my personal life, and I've been a lurker here for years so I figured now would be the best time to start talking.

I've been on a few weight loss journeys before, losing 10-20lbs before going back to my old ways and slowly putting the weight back on. In March, however, when I had to leave college to move back in with my parents, I decided that I was going to lose the weight once and for all. I started doing IF (first with 14:10, now technically 16:8 though it usually comes out to be 20:4) and have tracked my calories for a good chunk of this journey.

At first, the weight came off without a problem. I found it easier to change my diet when in lockdown, and just kept track of it so I knew I was on the right path. After the first 25 pounds, I still didn't notice any difference in my body but didn't think anything of it. I knew it would take some time for me to see any substantial changes in my appearance so I kept with it. I hit a rough patch of just maintaining instead of losing (purely due to my own negligence in counting calories) over June/July, and I realised I was slipping again. At the end of last month, I pulled myself together and started diligently counting calories again.

At this point, I've lost about 40 pounds total, and still don't see much. Any difference in pictures could easily be explained by the fact that I wear really baggy clothing. If there's any difference I can see, it's minimal. I also want to acknowledge that there's a very real possibility that I just don't see my body the way others do. No one around me has pointed out my weight loss yet, so I guess that just adds to insecurity. Because I've mostly only been around my parents for the past few months, they have a similar perspective to me, I guess.

I'm trying not to let this affect me, but it's hard. I don't want to keep looking in the mirror to see the same girl that wasn't taking care of her body. I look at myself and I still see the person who could eat two cans of pringles in a day, still eat her normal-sized meals, and not exercise. She will always be a part of me, but I am trying to do better. I wish the mirror would reflect that.

I had to realise that weight loss doesn't happen in a vacuum, too. I hoped that I could separate my health journey from my family life, and avoid letting one affect the other. It turns out that living with your parents (especially after having not lived with them for a while) and trying to get in shape is a bit difficult. Moving back home felt like I was inhabiting the space of the person I was in the past; that comes with all of the emotions and encounters of the past, too. My family is not perfect, no family is. But every time conflict arises, I feel myself wanting to fall back into old habits for comfort. I can usually resist temptation, but I have lost full days to my own emotions before. I know this isn't healthy. This entire post could be summed up with 'you need to go to therapy.' In my current situation, therapy just isn't an option. I plan to go when I find a way to, though.

I don't know where I was going with this post. Maybe I'm hoping someone will reassure me that I'll see the progress eventually. Maybe I'm hoping that there are others like me out there, who are struggling to find the motivation to keep going on their journey. I wish I knew how to end this on a positive note, I don't like how much of a bummer this post has been. yikes

submitted by /u/honeymustardandwine
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight advice please ._.

Hey so I’m a 5”3 and 14 year old male and I weigh in at around 155 and even though I’m still overweight I think it’s a lot of progress because over quarantine I’ve lost around 25 lbs. At the same time I’m very insecure because of bullying and because I have old stretch marks and overall very insecure of my body but lately I’ve lost motivation can I please get advice for weight loss,confidence,and insecurities. I also think I have very good genetics but it’s alright even though I don’t think I can grow any taller because of the fact my dad is 5”1 and my mom is 4”11 and high blood pressure runs in my moms side and I have asthma.

submitted by /u/Captain_Franxx
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