Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Doctors confirmation of my progress feels good!

For the last year I have been on/off with trying to get in shape. My starting weight around July last year was 272, today I'm 209! I got down to about 260 just be eating less and then in November I had some major life change with me realizing how miserable I was and finally realizing I'd been hiding from myself my entire life, sadly as I came to terms that I'm gay, this led to my now impending divorce and while it sucks, this time has really helped me come to terms with who I am and finally I have a desire to better myself. I think so many years of failures was because I didn't care about myself, I hated myself and would've been fine if I had eaten myself to death. I am so happy to finally be out that, I've found solace in running as it really clears my head and helps all the stress and anxiety around me melt away. That being said, I gotta say, I had an annual checkup yesterday and it's great to see their official number drop by 40 pounds in a single visit, but even more importantly I can say I am no longer pre-diabetic and my cholesterol meds were cut in half with a plan to check again in 3 months and go off of them completely if I'm still doing well. That confirmation from my blood work and my doctor was just amazing to hear and is the biggest NSV I have had in ages. I cannot wait to have a number below 200, this pandemic threw me off a bit of my routine, but I am about to start again.

Now that my spiel is done, I started with both a C25K (which I swear by now) and CICO. Being able to start off slow and build up with the C25K was amazing and I never thought I'd ever be able to run a 5k without stopping. I never thought I'd enjoy running either, but now it clears my mind and just helps with so much more than just weight loss. I will suggest that if you are a tad heavier, run on the dirt or something soft. I had knee/back pain when I'd run on pavement, but no issues when I run the dirt trails, hopefully you have something like that around you, so much better than running with cars anyway. I started lifting in December 3x/week as well, unfortunately with the shutdown's in California I haven't been able to for a bit, but I hope to find a way to start that up again soon in some form or fashion.

For eating, I cut out as much sugar/junk food, bread and fried food as I could without being crazy about it, I just made choices that tended to avoid those things, outside of that I ate what I wanted within my goals. In the past I've done a couple "Whole 30" and ate semi-Paleo for almost a year, so I kind of applied some of what I learned from that without going nuts.

I'm still running and CICO is back on this Sunday. I've been stagnant at 209 since the pandemic started so this is my reboot, I want to see a 1 at the front!

Progress Pic:

submitted by /u/thelinedpaper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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