Friday, August 28, 2020

Starting again and goals!

Hi all!

Obligatory, on my phone, sorry for formatting.

I’m new here and getting started on my weight loss journey again. Someone encouraged me to post some goals (thank you) so I took some time to think about it this morning and you’ll see them below.

Before that, a quick overview of my relationship with my weight. Skip to next paragraph if not interested. I have always been overweight for as long as I can remember. My earliest memories of being told this were first/second grade (kid I liked a camp told me he couldn’t marry me because I was too fat, my dad said I’d be a really pretty girl if I just lost weight, my mom commenting on how much better I looked after a summer of running around outside). I’ve always been bigger, generally not obese for the most part. I eat my feelings and sometimes because I’m bored. Sometimes hormonal too. Have exercised off and on (so I don’t mind exercise but it’s a lower priority on my list not what I want to do with my time which has to change). Three years ago, I was at my highest weight ever, about 190 (I’m 5’6, so at that point I was obese); there were some big emotional things happening in my life, so I started therapy which has been amazing for me! I slowly lost weight just from therapy (a way to deal with feelings not through food), signed up for a 40mi bike ride, so went to the gym a few times to train and lost a bit more. The next summer, I biked everywhere. I didn’t calorie count, but I watched my intake and tried to make healthier choices. So when I was hungry after eating dinner I would grab broccoli instead of more dinner etc. I hadn’t realized just how much I had been eating! So quantities came down and soon I was satisfied with half the food. I got to my lowest weight since I was 15!! 158lbs which was 3 shy from a normal BMI and the weight I was at 15 when doing WW. Then I herniated a disk in my back, had to stop biking. I managed to maintain that weigh for a couple months in spite of needing to lay down most of the time. Then the holidays hit and I gained 10 lbs., my back got better and immediately after, I was pregnant. My starting weight for pregnancy was 166lbs. Pregnancy was exhausting and I barely exercised. Even still, my max pregnancy weight was 195, so only gained 30lbs (which is ok and she was not a small baby!). I slowly lost weight after the pregnancy and got back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 166 when the pandemic hit. Since then, I’ve gained another 10lbs, so I’m at about 175lbs now. I am also feeling terrible about my body right now: none of my clothes seem to fit right. And it isn’t about the size as much as the proportions. At this same weight, my stomach didn’t used to stick out so much. I’m still breastfeeding and so my boobs are larger than usual (and can change like 2 cup sizes in a matter of minutes).

TL;DR Always been in the overweight range, had some success pre-back injury and baby, not happy with my post-baby body. Trying again.

So Goals: Note: I’m a first time mom, so I want to start with smaller goals, as I’m still learning to juggle baby and work and life.


The numbers: Long term: 135/140 if possible. I think the last time I weighed that, I was around 13!! But that puts my BMI around 22, if we’re going by that.

More short term: 160 by Xmas

Food: I have a lot of difficulty with strict calorie counting, have used MFP, but it feels like a lot of work with the amount of home cooking I do (and especially when my husband cooks!) so I decided I will use my previous tactics of just making healthier food choices. BUT I want some accountability, so I’m going to track days as good,ok, or bad based on how well I meet my goals of smaller portions and healthier choices and hope for 5 good days/week and 0 bad (so one or two ok days with minor hiccoughs is not going to send me spiralling)

Exercise: 1) 10k steps and 10 ‘stairs’ every day

2) Some type of strength or yoga style work out 3x/week even if only 15 minutes each time. Want to focus on core strength

3) Biking - at least 20 miles/month. This will likely go up, but wanted to start out with attainable!

Other wellness:

Sleep: lights out and phone down before midnight every night (preferably 10-11)

Other wellness:

1) At least 15 minute/day doing something I like that is also screen free (knitting, reading, podcasts, other)

2) Some type of pampering 1/week (which may be actually styling my hair instead of the mom bun, putting on makeup, painting nails, face mask, etc.) I currently do none of these things.

So that’s it! I look forward to tracking these changes with all of you!

submitted by /u/helixhumour
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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