Friday, August 28, 2020

I've lost about 50lbs, and my legs suddenly feel way smaller

For context: I'm a 20-year-old 5'3 trans guy, SW 256.8 CW 208.4 (been bouncing around 209 and 206 this week) GW 170

Okay so. I started this weight loss journey with just dieting and weight lifting. Recently (about 3-4 weeks ago) I picked up running with the C25K program.

My diet has been low carb and higher protein. I eat 20-30g of carbs and try to eat 30g+ protein per meal (most meals I end up eating around 25-30g+). I don't look at calories a ton, but I do eyeball and make sure I'm not going in the red on MyFitnessPal. Most days I'm around 1200-1600, but on days I work out more I may go up to 1800 if I'm hungry. For carbs, I do not count most veggies (root veggies and corn do count) towards my goal. Because I'm transitioning, my body is growing and developing, and I need the vitamins and minerals. I also genuinely just need extra food, or else I get hungry faster.

I'm waiting for my doctor's office to reopen the use of their Bod Pod so we can get a better estimate of my caloric needs and what my body composition looks like. I'm really excited for that to happen, and I'm trying to not hound my dietician about it.

I try to exercise most days, some weeks I hit all 7, some weeks it's only 4-5. I do a mix of running 3x a week, and strength training in-between that. I just started classes, so it's been hard to stay consistent, but I think I'll get into a routine as I get used to the course load. Before class, I was trying to walk to the park, run around the park, and walk back (total of 5 miles) once a week. However, that takes a good few hours, which I don't really have at the moment.

That being said: A day or two ago, I noticed my ankles looked smaller and less puffy/bloated. It was definitely a combination of fat and water that I'd lost. Today, I reached down to scratch my calf and noticed there was definitely more muscle there than a few months ago.

As a side note - I've noticed I'm less red, especially in my feet and hands. I've also started to tan somewhat since I'm outside more often. I haven't tanned much, but that might be it.

It's really bizarre because I didn't think about how soft my entire body was. Now that I'm losing fat (and gaining muscle fwiw) I feel less like the Michelin Man, which is really nice. I didn't realize just how fluffy I was, and I really like the direction my body is headed in.

submitted by /u/queerlycatholic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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