Saturday, August 29, 2020

Obesity is like getting a failing grade

In order to graduate school, you have to pass each grade level. That requires effort on the part of the student. Absent that effort, you will continue to be held back. Nothing will change for you. Obesity is the same way. You will not lose weight absent the effort to lose weight. If you give up, you will be held back forever. For many people, it will mean never making it to age 50,60, 70. For some it means never feeling comfortable in your own skin. For me it would have meant never being able to play the sports I love again. If they told you that you’ve failed 9 times out of 10, you still aren’t going to be successful unless you try that 10th time. Today, I officially left the obese category and entered the overweight one. I was a 3 sport athlete growing up. I ate like one. Then, migraines hit. I stopped playing sports. I stopped being an athlete. But I didn’t stop eating like one. I was consuming just as many calories without any of the activity. Fast forward about 5 years and I decided to change things. A month into that...I tore my ACL. Most people think injuries mean the worst for someone on a weight loss journey. For me, it meant I would HAVE to be in the gym to rehab my knee, so why not also eat healthier? Why not also continue going to the gym even after my rehab is done? Since January, which is when I finally got off of crutches, I have lost 41lbs. I feel like myself again. I never would have gotten here if I gave up because of my injury or because so many OTHER people fail. Why do we care if other people fail at something? That doesn’t mean we can’t do it. It means they couldn’t. You are not a statistic. You are an individual human being. Do not give up.

submitted by /u/chevycaMARA
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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