Saturday, August 29, 2020

Just wanted to share! (F39 SW 298, CW 194)

Hope this isn't irritating but I just wanted to share progress somewhere, I don't like making my roomie feel bad (she's hit a plateau in her own weight loss and is upset about it) and I honestly don't want it to be all I talk about. BUT I hit the under 200 lbs mark and went down in my clothing size farther than I thought! No progress pics (sorry).

F39, I started at 298 lbs and at last weigh in I was 194lbs! I've gone from a size 26 pants to a size 12 recently.

I had hoped when I hit a year in I would have been in Onederland (sometime in May) but like everyone else in the world things have been stressful plus my Dad had a stroke this year during the pandemic.

Did it all with CICO (calories in, calories out) and then started trying to incorporate daily exercise when I had gotten down a bit. I'm sure this is true for a lot of people who start logging food but I honestly had no idea how much I was taking in calorie-wise. I had tried to change how I ate, used healthier things, added more veggies, and tried to avoid both fad diets and scales. But I still wasn't magically getting smaller.

Then I started logging my food. I was getting a burger and fries at Steak'n'Shake and running the calories just recently and I can't believe how many calories I was taking in from just a quick burger or a fast meal out. Even good meals (like grilled chicken with rice) can be too much on the calories. depending on portions. It completely changed how I was eating in one way: I changed my portions. I was still eating out sometimes, I was still trying to cook better, but now I was actually logging it and I actually made decisions like 'maybe half this meal and eat it later?' when eating out. I stopped drinking sugared drinks for the most part, switched to Splenda, and recently with iced tea season I started making our own liquid sucralose for all the tea I was making.

I do have days where I just want to eat without thinking about it when I'm in a mood but tracking my food really does help keep me from just mindlessly eating. I had to change a lot of thoughts on food and what was the 'right' portions size, reading the sides of boxes changes things. I also had to let go of the 'finish everything on your plate' mentality though it does still crop up. Food scales are amazingly helpful for portions and not something to be feared. I found out weighing myself actually helps so long as I don't obsess over the number. It's nice to keep up with how things are going and I usually weigh once a day and track with an app.

I just wanted to share with the group because I use this group as a way to keep myself motivated some days. It may seem like it's not going to happen but you can do it!! I wish I had started this journey two years ago now. The next goal is 150 and I'm really excited because it feels much more in reach.

submitted by /u/LoseItAcct1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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