Thursday, August 27, 2020

I don’t have IBS, I was just overeating!

TMI warning!


For the past four or five years, I have been dealing with what I self diagnosed as IBS. I would get terrible diarrhea almost every night, to the point where I would get anxiety about going out to movies or a friends house that I didn’t feel comfortable stinking up the house in front of. I had so much gas all the time that I didn’t understand how people could go to yoga classes and not fart in every position. At first it sucked miserably, but overtime I just accepted my life with IBS and started adapting.

As of the new year I started counting calories and have lost 55ish lbs (yay!!) My quality of life has already changed in many ways, one of them being my IBS has all but disappeared. Turns out, when you’re eating 1000-2000+ extra calories of junk food a day, your body will try to expel it. I cringe looking back at all the nights when my stomach was cramping with pain because it was flooded with food and I just ignored it and kept eating. Now if I overeat on a few especially triggering foods I will still get some stomach pains and/or diarrhea, but it’s so much fewer and farther between than before.

Just wanted to share in case anyone else has experienced this. I love hearing about people’s unexpected benefits of weight loss and this is one of mine. I am so much happier with my quality of life and can literally feel my body is happier and healthier because it isn’t physically revolting against me. Best of luck everyone!

submitted by /u/goldfishluvr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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