Saturday, August 29, 2020

I don't know what to do anymore and I'm losing hope.

Hi everyone. First post on lose it, I think.

Ok for starters, I'm 32F/5'9/270 lbs

I'm gonna detail my history as much as I can to minimize bear with me....

TL;DR: I don't know how to lose weight anymore. Have been to the doctors, weightloss studies including medication, and therapy. Nothin seems to stick with me. After so many tries I feel like the cards are stacked against me now that I have random medical issues.

Weight History: was average size until I hit about 2nd grade...that's when all hell broke loose . I had two giant football playing brothers and I ate whatever they did. The whole family gained weight. Think I was 180+lbs before 8th grade...after puberty hit I really packed on the lbs. Dropped some weight in senior year (12th) because I had gym every day for a semester and was also doing dance rehearsal for my first stage show. But immediately after the show, I resumed gaining weight.

After highschool I immediately started working instead of attending school. Every place I've worked has been around food. Eventually I got up to 280 around the age of 23 Crash dieted to around 230ish, got injured, ballooned back up, healed then got injured again. Entered a long term domestic relationship...Fast forward to 310 lbs at the age of 29.

Decided to enter a weight loss study at a very good university. Got down to 265ish. Got injured again but was able to sustain my weight at around 255-260 bc I was not able to get up and feed myself, otherwise I would have BALLOONED. Had surgery, my body shape changed due to being able to walk again, but I didn't lose weight. Eventually I got down to 248 after a stomach bug. That was the lightest I've been in the past few years. I lost my job, started antidepressants and due to quarantine I'm up to 270.

Diet history: only seem to see dramatic weightloss with low carb diets. Parents had the family try Atkins when I was a kid. We hated eating so much protein. I grew up in an Italian family. Lots of pastas and big meals. It was a big change for us. Never tried dieting again til I went vegan (only for the animals) during high school. I randomly tried cutting carbs again and was drinking mostly bottled protein shakes and salads with lean protein...but eventually just got hooked on the shakes. THEN I got a car. I never went through a drive thru by myself bc I thought it made me look fat. Then I went to Wendy's as an emergency bc I had fasting blood work and was woozy.

That started a WHOLE fast food obsession that I still have today. I've since learned to replicate the basics at home. I've tried keto on and off for several years. Was never sustainable as I could never get rid of my cravings even after a month or two. Now I've become dairy intolerant and it became abundantly clear the last time I did keto. Any time I've tried keto since, I've not been able to tolerate the higher amount of protein and fats...which brings us to::

Medical history: was told I was borderline for metabolic syndrome but my mom didn't want to pursue it (I was still under her insurance at the time). Now as an adult ....when I was in that weightloss study, I took Saxenda. I started getting really bad gerd symptoms and was prescribed Omeprazole. After the study, the gerd symptoms never went away and eventually I started getting this stomach cramp in the left side of my abdomen. All the tests that I've had came back negative. Doc just said watch what I eat....keep a diary of what affects me. So far I know dairy, and diets without carbs just tear up my stomach.

Now we get to the exercise debacle... I had back surgery and can't do A LOT. k so that's one thing and there's a million ways around it. but....I now tend to get VERY ill feeling when I get overheated. Doesn't matter if I work out, clean, or just go water the plants outside on a hot ass day....I'm gonna start feeling woozy and nauseous. So the other day I thought to myself, hey let's at least stretch!! I did a short resistance band workout...did all the modifications that I needed, felt to the last stretch - which was basically twisting my whole body and it felt good but then ALLL of a sudden I started coughing, feeling woozy and ready to puke.

So please tell me, HOW do I lose weight? My nausea is only calmed by carbs. I've tried everything....eggs, fruit, cereal, oatmeal, smoothies etc ...I feel sick with everyone of them in the morning ....but a plain egg and turkey sausage on a bagel from Dunkin? melts all the nausea away....I've tried just eggs, threw up. Fruit gives me indigestion, even applesauce and bananas. I've even tried making my own breakfast sandwiches, healthier ...with a bagel thin, egg whites and turkey sausage and then it becomes an imbalance of protein to carb and I feel weird I'm kinda left with carbs and minimal protein and veggies....and it makes it hard to eat healthy when I can't tolerate a bunch of different stuff.

Idk Im so sorry this is so long. If you've even ready this far, thank you. I'm just so burnt out and don't know what to do anymore.

submitted by /u/guessilltrythisagain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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