Friday, August 28, 2020

The stats about people regaining lost weight (& more) are making me anxious and potentially derailing my efforts

So, I lost a bit of weight a few years ago, and sure enough, piled it back on. Now I’m losing again, but I keep hearing messages about all intentional weight loss failing down the track.

A friend of mine recommended the “Food Psych” podcast to me, which she thought would be helpful/comforting, but it’s actually just freaked me the fuck out. The idea that 95% of people who lose weight will gain it back, and 2/3 will gain more than they’ve lost honestly makes me want to fall into a pit of despair. I’m scared that somehow I’ve ruined my future by letting my body reach an incredibly unhealthy weight and that the science means all future deprivation (even something great & effective like CICO) will make my dumb caveman brain think I’m in famine & will slowly erode my psychological willpower so that I’m gaining again.

I don’t think I have enough confidence in myself to be the 5% that loses weight and keeps it off. I hear a lot of stories on this sub too that have followed a similar path — losing a lot, starting again. I know this is maybe morose but it’s left me feeling very uninspired. Any advice or stories about long-term maintenance or alternative stats appreciated.

submitted by /u/ass-on-houstan-texas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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