Friday, October 2, 2020

Unexpected whoosh! 5lbs in one week

M SW: 262 CW: 214 GW: 192 - Lost 48lbs in 18 weeks so far

Last few weeks I have mainly been losing 1lb a week whereas in the past I lost 2-3lbs a week. I weigh myself under the same conditions each time.

A bit disheartened, but thought weight loss slowing was normal and I had slightly upped my calories as I was running more. This week kept the same routine except I ran an extra day expecting to carry on losing 1lb to find out that I lost 5lbs! The biggest single week weight loss I have had since Week 1.

It was a fantastic surprise and has given me a surge of motivation after feeling a bit of a lull. What also helps is that while I have lost weight - I still have a lot of remaining weight on my stomach looking like the last to go - today I could see it looking visibly smaller.

So a little win on the scales, in terms of fitness (running 5k four times a week) and visible difference for my stomach.

submitted by /u/iiiSushiii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Accountability Partners: How Losing Weight with a Partner Can Improve Results

Here’s something you already know: Losing weight can be hard. Even with a simple weight loss plan like Nutrisystem that lets you eat the foods you love, there are days that you might struggle—our real success stories talk about this all the time. But there is something that makes those difficult days easier: Support. In a six-month study, published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66 percent of dieters with a social support system were able to lose weight and keep it off, while just 24 percent of those without social support were able to maintain their success. One easy way to create this support is to get an accountability partner!

Whether it’s a spouse, significant other, sibling or best friend, losing weight together can give you the support you need to help you through tough times. They can also keep you accountable when you struggle and be there to celebrate with you during great success. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of having an accountability partner on your weight loss journey.

Weight Loss in Men vs. Women

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Weight loss accountability partners can improve results.

accountability partner

In a study of more than 3,500 couples, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers found that when both partners joined a weight loss program and one partner had success, the other partner was three times more likely to shed pounds, too. In the study, both men and women had almost twice as much success losing weight when they did so with their partner compared to couples who went it alone.

According to The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC), another study discovered that this could be because you develop good habits together: In that study, dieters with partners were better at making lifestyle changes compared to those who went solo. “Losing weight is hard. Losing weight by yourself is harder,” says AJMC.

Losing weight together can help exercise results, too.

a man and a woman exercising together in the park.

In one study of couples joining a gym, published in Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, researchers found that those who worked out together were more likely to continue going to the gym—only 6.3 percent of couples who worked out together quit the gym within a year. Of those who worked out separately, more than 40 percent stopped going within the first year.

Exercising with a partner can improve your performance while you’re at the gym, too: When people biked with a partner, they improved their performance by 87 percent compared to those who cycled solo, according to a study, published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine. It could be camaraderie or healthy competition, but exercising with a partner makes you more likely to exercise and can help you be better at it!

7 Reasons to Get a Workout Buddy

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You can even benefit if your accountability partner is virtual.

Man waves at a computer screen accountability partner

Sometimes we can’t be close to the ones we love. But joining a weight loss program together can help you keep in touch and get the benefits of losing with a partner—even from far away. According to The Wall Street Journal, scientists found that even a simple, biweekly phone call to check on the progress of people on exercise programs helped those study participants increase the amount of exercise they did by 78 percent compared to those who weren’t held accountable.

Whether they’re nearby or far away, set up a group text, phone call, or video chat with your weight loss accountability partner—or partners!—so you can check in, share successes, help each other through struggles and stay on track. You’ll strengthen your bond and lose more weight than if you tried to go it alone.

Get started on your weight loss journey with the Nutrisystem Partner Plan! Learn more about this all-new program below:

1. Pick a Partner

accountability partner

With the Nutrisystem Partner Plan, you and another person in your household sign up to lose weight together. It could be your spouse, a parent, an adult family member, a roommate or anyone who lives with you and wants to eat healthier.

2. Two-Week Supply

meal delivery service

The Partner Plan includes two weeks of Nutrisystem meals and snacks for two people. Your meal plan will incorporate Flex Meals, so your order will include choices for five days a week for two weeks. Your delicious and satisfying food is delivered right to your door with free shipping at no extra cost (as long as you live in the continental U.S.). That’s as convenient and even more cost-effective than most delivery services from local restaurants. Now that’s tasty eating made easy!

How to Get Your Partner to Support Your Healthy Weight Loss Goals

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3. Choose for Yourself

weight loss food

You and your buddy can both choose from our menu of top-rated frozen and non-frozen meals and snacks. Maybe you love spicy Southwestern cuisine but your partner prefers classic comfort foods. Or maybe you both love pizza. You can eat the same foods or pick your own favorites.

Whether you need to watch your sodium intake or your partner is a vegetarian, we can help you customize your menu based on your food preferences. Nutrisystem has lots of options for all kinds of tastes and preferences. Just use our simple filters while customizing your menu or contact a Weight Loss Counselor for help placing your order.

4. Why it Works

couple workouts

Your daily menu often depends on what others in your household will be eating. If those around you have healthy diets, you are more likely to eat better and lose excess weight, according to research, published in the peer-reviewed journal PLoS One. If you or your accountability partner is struggling to stay on track, you can pick each other up and provide motivation.

Don’t wait—today is the best time to begin a healthier, happier new life for you and your partner. Click here to get started with the Nutrisystem Partner Plan! >

Better Together: Everything You Need to Know About the Nutrisystem Partner Plan

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The post Accountability Partners: How Losing Weight with a Partner Can Improve Results appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Advice for how many calories I should be eating (for weight loss) - new here!

I'm a little intimidated by the huge community on here and I'm sure I'm annoying someone with putting this post here/the way I've written it/etc, so please go easy on me! I am new here and just looking to get some help from the more experienced on how to get started.

My details:

27, F, ~5'4", Current weight: 86kg, Goal weight: 60kg. Student, so typically sedentary but have just (this week) started going for about 30 minutes of walking per day.

I do like to eat good real food, am not into sugary drinks or sweets. But, I'm not somebody that enjoys cooking, and so I tend to order out a bit too much. I think that my main issues are 1. Ordering out, 2. Portion control, and 3. Not exercising enough.

I am confident I can get on board with the exercise as I enjoy that (I have a VR with beat saber and fight night, plus just got a car which means I can go to nearby parks and walk/eventually jog around those - yay!).

But I do not feel like I have any understanding of how much I should be eating. I don't want to be undereating at a point that is dangerous or not recommended, and I also don't want to be eating at a rate that is not going to help me lose this weight. So what I would really like is to learn maybe 3 x breakfasts, lunches, dinners, that are within the daily amount of calories I should be eating for weight loss. And then I would just rotate those meals. As I said, I don't like cooking, and I know that if I could pre-prepare a couple of meals for the whole week I'd stick to it. I'm not a fussy eater at all. Also, a few years ago I did lose nearly 10 kg using myfitnesspal and counting calories each day, but for me this turned into a bit of a toxic obsession and I didn't like where it put me mentally. Hence why I'd love to be able to just know how many calories I'm eating each day and then not need to be interacting with the maths of it each meal, if that makes sense.

I hope that this post is ok and not seeming demanding or rude or anything - I'm not expecting somebody to write me up meal plans or anything (but I wouldn't turn this down either if you are up to it haha) but I would just like to have some understanding of how many calories I should be eating and maybe some recipe ideas too.

PS - is it unrealistic for me to want to know roughly how long it should take me to reach my goal weight? I appreciate that it could be a hard thing to estimate as everyones bodies are different, etc.

Thank you so much for any help/guidance/advice.

tl;dr: I'm 87kg, 5'4", and new to this sub. I'd really appreciate any tips on how many calories I should be eating per day to lose weight in a healthy way, and, for those that know recipes or meal plans within that range would be an added bonus!

submitted by /u/peeltheavocado-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to lose weight for reals this time.

Hi there, this is my very first reddit post. I usually just lurk around and never comment or post. But I want to lose weight. And even if no one reads this, I want to put this out in to the world and hope that since I've made the public commitment to losing weight, that I will be motivated to do so.

So I am a 21 year old female. I weigh 265(yikes) and I'm 5'6. I have been overweight/ obese/ fat, whatever you want to call it, since I can remember. I've always been the biggest in the group and still am. In my last two years of high school, I joined a gym and finally started to see some progress. I was probably a bit too obsessed with going to the gym. I was going every single day for anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. I was just doing some cardio and then I got into weightlifting. I started to see progress and loved going to the gym. I was also drinking a gallon of water a day and I was a vegetarian. I was losing weight and gaining muscle. I wasn't too focused on weighing myself, but I did like to take measurements. When I got to college my progress was halted and reversed. I lost my rhythm. And I gained the weight back and then some, My third year of college, I decided to get serious again about losing weight and was once again seeing progress. The pants that I couldn't even get over my thighs were actually falling off! I was getting somewhere. This year I had planned to keep going to the gym and lose the weight slowly but steadily. COVID hit and it threw me out of whack. (I am sure it threw all of us out of whack, but as far as my weight loss journey is concerned, this was a major set back for me). I gained I want to say about 40 pounds. I was at a steady 220Ibs, and all of my hardwork has been undone. I have gotten to the point where I can't sleep because my fat is so suffocating to me.

I have serious discipline issues. Not being home actually made it easier for me to lose weight. My mother makes hearty food and insists we eat all of the food on the plate(s) she serves us. In high school we were fighting every single day because I would not eat meat and was staying away from carbs as much as I could. My family, my two younger siblings, and my parents are at healthy weights. It's just me that's obese. My parents are a little chubby but they're in their 50s and I think thats ok. I know I said my mom makes hearty meals, but we for the most part, used to eat very healthy. We never really had any junk food or sodas at the house and rarely ate out. So in the past, it was really just me struggling with portion sizes. However, as of 4 years ago, when I went to college, unhealthy snacks have made their way into my home. I commute but I had long days where I was pretty much not home other than to sleep. I have brought up the issue to my parents, telling them that I lack self control and if I see something, I will most likely eat it . They tell me to just not. No, they don't understand that I cannot just not eat what I see. I have also stopped going to the gym for obvious reasons and I only walk maybe up to a mile a day, but the calories I intake are far greater and that one mile does nothing for me.

I'm so sorry this is so long and most likely not even making sense. It's late night and I've had a long day. Essentially, I know that I need to be more active. I know I struggle with self- discipline and portion sizes, but my home life makes it very difficult for me to restrict myself. If I don't see it, I don't want it. But when my mom serves us food, on very big plates mind you, I just have to eat it all. She insists we eat everything she serves, but even if she didn't I would force myself to because that's just how I am. I was able to "fight" her when I was in high school, but it is so much more harder now that I'm stuck at home. I want to lose weight. I want to be healthy. I don't even care about being pretty, I just want to be healthy. I'm tired of being fat. I just don't know where to start. I've tried getting up to walk in the mornings and I've only been able to do that 2 times a week. I do drink more water, but I still snack during the day. I sneak out and eat fast food at night.

I'm embarrassed to be typing this. I am ashamed and disgusted with myself that I let myself go this bad. I know that quarantine is hard, but it's ridiculous that I gained 40Ibs and seem so slowly gain more. I have been stuck at 260-265 since June. I'm hoping that I will finally get a move on on this. Maybe making an instagram will help keep me responsible too. Like a private account? where I post pictures of myself each week? I just think I need help holding myself accountable.

If you're still reading, I want to sincerely thank you. I know it's a long post. So thank you for sticking around!

submitted by /u/blast0f
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, October 1, 2020

I’m halfway to my end-of-year goal!

I only started tracking my weight again about eight weeks ago, and only got really serious about a month ago. I had set a sky-high goal of losing 40 lbs by year’s end, getting below 200 again. As of today, I’m 20 lbs down and feeling amazing! I haven’t weighed this little since I broke an ankle two years back, and lord did I miss it.

I know the weight loss will slow down with time, but even with that in mind I feel confident I can get the rest of the way in the next three months! This is the first time in a long time I’ve felt really in control of my body and my choices, and reading this sub does wonders to keep me in the right headspace to keep doing what I’m doing. Going to celebrate with a cheat meal tomorrow (hello chicken fried rice ...), and then back on the grind we go!

submitted by /u/effyourinfographics
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After everything I managed to lose 100lbs!

Today I finally lost 100lbs. Just as I was starting my weight loss journey we got hit with the pandemic. I managed to stay the course and keep going through lockdown. I actually got into riding my bike. I could do 30 miles at a time.

Then just over halfway through my weight loss I got in a car accident and fractured my sternum. It was the top of my sternum where my collar bone connects. So every time I moved my arm it pressed on the fracture. No more bike rides, opening doors, or putting on my own seat belt. No more a lot of things for a few months. Pretty much live in a recliner because I can't lay flat on my back without excruciating pain. Still not 100% recovered from this but I have a lot more mobility in my arms where I can do most things under 10lbs by myself.

Then last week I went to the ER with bad abdominal and chest pain. Turns out I have gallstone with a lot of sludge in my gallbladder. So I will be having surgery next week to remove my gallbladder.

With all the stuff I went through and am still physically recovering from I am having the best day I have had in a long time. I feel like it made losing the 100lbs a lot more difficult but now that I am here it makes it feel that much better.

I could have used any of these reasons to stop and I wanted to. But I am so glad I pushed through. I still have 60 more pounds to go but after all this I know I will get there.

Sticking to a diet is hard. But after you get out of the habit of eating like poop it becomes so much easier.

This post is more about not what I am doing to get healthy but not giving up even if you think you have a really good reason to. Just keep going!

submitted by /u/lots0poopballs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally Making Progress

Hey all,

November 1st of 2020 I took it upon myself to take control of my health. At the time I was this 6'0 650lb guy who had just entered into the first stages of a divorce. After adapting to a healthy eating plan the weight started to come off. The number was moving initially, but I didn't really see any change in my body. After about 6 months, people I knew started mentioning that they could tell I was losing weight. By this time I had lost about 90lbs. As my back, knees and hips stopped hurting as much I was able to start a few physical exercises. It's been 11 months since starting this journey and I've hit a solid -181lbs down. My goal was to lose 200lbs in a year and although close, the weight loss has slowed down some. As much as I want to hit that 200lb mark, I'm ecstatic with the progress I've made so far and even if I miss my goal, I will not see it as a failure.

Here's where I need some input. As an adult with ADHD, let alone poor self image/self esteem, I find relationships are hard to manage. My divorce was finalized earlier this year and I entered the dating scene again. I've met an amazing woman who took the time to get to know me for who I am, not what I am and while I'm delighted, I am not naive to the trouble poor self esteem can cause in this situation. Any tips for improving self image/self esteem during and after weight loss?

submitted by /u/BigBurdBold
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from loseit - Lose the Fat